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Turn a car on it’s side on top of a hill. Bolt two wooden planks to the tire rim that is now sticking up in the air. Take several garbage cans and round the bottom with a hammer, cut the can in half, and mount each half on the plank. The result will look like a crude wind speed indicator, the type that has a half sphere at the end of two cross pieces (looking at it from the top view). Use as many garbage cans as you can find and point them all in the same direction. The upper half of the can will work with the lid attached. The result a vertical wind mill.
Now leave the engine in tact and you can compress air for powering air motors. Not very efficient but possible. The air conditioner compressor will also make a good air compressor. Or, disconnect all connecting rods, timing gears, etc. from the crank shaft to minimize friction. Use the transmission (assuming it is standard and not automatic) to control the proper generator speed. Add more car generators use the air conditioner belts to drive them. Generators can be wired in series to bring the voltage up to 120 V DC. Depending on speed could take 9-10 or more alternators. More than one generator will need to be driven by each belt. Use wood to mount them. 120 volts DC will power some light bulbs (incandescent) and some appliances (hot plates) and some power tools.
I say all this - but I am reluctant to publish it as a solution until it is tried out. Maybe trash cans won’t work. Possibly not enough turning power. Might have to cut the trash can in half top to bottom or make funnel shapes out of some old metal building or old signs instead. It might be the Dutch wind mill shape made of wood using a series of car rear end parts and a transmission would be better. There are lots of possible variations on the above. Until someone gets out there and tries it, we won’t know what works and what doesn’t. The point is, this has probably already been done somewhere on this planet. We just need to find the write-up on it. If one wants to test home-made windmills, then it would be worked by those who have mechanical ability and availability of these types of parts.
Offered by Mike.
- It seems to me the best use of windpower would be to mount the windmill directly to the generator. Electrical generators run at efficiencies approaching 90%. Cars have an efficiency approaching 15%.
- Drew
Most definitely a makeshift windmill, made up from what you have available after the pole shift, will not be efficient. If one has the chance to prepare before hand and wishes to make a windmill, the best thing to use would be a slow speed generator that has permanent magnets. A second would be a converted slow speed DC motor that has permanent magnet fields. Even at this a gear train, belt or chain drive will be needed between the windmill blades and the generator to get the optimum speed for efficiency. Then one needs a way to regulate power when the wind blows at different speeds. All things considered it is probably better to buy a commercial product if one can afford it.
Offered by Mike.