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10:14 AM [NancyLieder] Ummie I actually did not plan starting words, but here goes. I am Nancy Lieder, mistress of the ZetaTalk website. I am in telepahic
communication with the Zetas.
10:15 AM [NancyLieder] This all started in 1995 when I realized I was a contactee, at 55 years of age, a sleeper contactee all my life. I was in Michael
Lindemann's ISCNI site on AOL and began answering people's questions, and it took off.
10:16 AM [NancyLieder] In mid-1995 then the website went up. ZetaTalk strikes many people with the ring of truth, and has high accuracy on prediction and
clearly information that mankind is not aware of. It is not Nancy, as they say. Concepts such as gravity, words by the Zetas
10:17 AM [NancyLieder] which later are proven true, mankind's concepts wrong. People are either gripped by the ring of truth or fear the Zeta message and hate
it. Hot or cold, few warm.
10:18 AM [NancyLieder] I have been on lots of media outlets over the years, mostly banned lately by, for instance, C2C although Ed Dames is allowed and HIS
predictions never come about. The establishment does not want the truth about Planet X, which is the main ZetaTalk message
10:18 AM [NancyLieder] Even the movies are allows to claim the Sun will explode (2012 and Knowing) or for some reason the core stop rotating, but cannot
ascribe any horror to a passing planet..
10:19 AM [NancyLieder] ZetaTalk was the ONLY one talking about Planet X in 1995, predicted where it would be inbound in 2003 and it arrive where and
when expected, and now it is showing up next to the Sun on SOHO and Stereo images.
10:20 AM [NancyLieder] All others, giving into the establishment pressure, claim it is out near Jupiter, way south of the solar system, way out in space, anything
but near the Sun. 2012 authors are given media attention but not ZetaTalk, because it speaks the truth.
10:21 AM [NancyLieder] Meanwhile, ZetaTalk spread around the world, translated at least in part into 21 different languages, internationally famous, all while
being suppressed. I have a weekly newsletter, a weekly radio show, a weekly Q&A sessions, and am getting at least 3 tim
10:23 AM [NancyLieder] times more hits than I did in 2003 when I was on C2C a lot, for instance. Recently was on TV in Korea and give a good stage, even
allowed to reprimand NASA. MSN is pointing to me in their Life Styles End of World theories alongside Nostradamus, Isaac Newt
10:23 AM [NancyLieder] Newton, and Mayan Calendar, there is Nancy Lieder! And BBC asked me to collaborate on an End of World series they are
producing, calling me the 'founder of the Planet X theory'.
10:23 AM [NancyLieder] All that said, question from the audience please.
10:24 AM [dancingbirch] what is zeta
10:24 AM [sparrow] Is there a planned arrival on Oct 13th 2010?
10:25 AM [NancyLieder] Zetas are the tall skinny aliens from Zeta Reticuli. There are many varieties. Tall, 6 foot, pumpkin head types, short 3 1/2 foot, etc.
10:26 AM [NancyLieder] 10/13 is not a Zeta date at all. They do NOT discuss anyone else's date or prophecies, which are mostly garbage. Unless it is a Zeta
prediction, we will not comment.
10:26 AM [NancyLieder] They have stated that mass landing on the White House lawn, etc will not happen. The visitors work from the bottom up, contacting
people as they give The Call and ask for this. Not top down.
10:26 AM [dancingbirch] what is the purpose of zeta information
10:27 AM [mercyspirit] How do they contact you?
10:27 AM [sparrow] Im not familiar with thier predictions...can you share thier immediate ones and also long range ones?
10:27 AM [NancyLieder] ZetaTalk is multi-info: pole shift coming because of the passage of Nibiru, Earth's Transformation into a home for the Service-to-Other,
Zeta/Human hybrids being developed as mankind's next leap forward, etc.
10:27 AM [NancyLieder] ZetaTalk is multi-info: pole shift coming because of the passage of Nibiru, Earth's Transformation into a home for the Service-to-Other,
Zeta/Human hybrids being developed as mankind's next leap forward, etc.
10:28 AM [NancyLieder] I am pretty much in constant contace with the Zetas, telepathically. Also many daily visitations by being teleported into their ships, etc.
group meetings with other contactees and the like.
10:29 AM [franz liszt] did you have contact with other beings?
10:29 AM [NancyLieder] Zeta predictions: pole shift 90 degree crustal shift in our near future (don't count on 12/21/2010 being a valid date at all), 7 of 10 by year
end. This is where 10 of 10 is the pole shift itself. 9 of 10 the last weeks (which are over a 2 month period),
10:30 AM [NancyLieder] 8 of 10 almost continuous plate movement, 7 of 10 one of several scenarios depicted to me at a holographic presentation last fall.
10:30 AM [dancingbirch] what is the benefit to a relationship w/zeta
10:31 AM [NancyLieder] Other being, yes. I was presented with many different life forms, see the Worlds section re LIfe Form Orientations. Hominoids are rare,
most are water planets (crop circles laid by water life forms), then reptilian (who are certianly not evil by nature),
10:31 AM [dactyl] is there proof like coordinates of current location they can provide of planet x?
10:32 AM [NancyLieder] My benefit? Dick Cheney could not have me shot, though he tried several hundred times. Also, they keep me alive as I have many health
problem. For all that, I work 24*7 just about, have no life, take no vacation, and live at a poverty level
10:32 AM [dancingbirch] sounds like to benefit and very lonely
10:32 AM [dancingbirch] *no benefit*
10:33 AM [NancyLieder] Planet X is near the Sun now, mainly lost in the glare as sunlight bounces back off its large dust cloud and back to the Sun. It is showing
up on SOHO continuously! Just go to Gerard's ning and check all the SOHO images! And the Magnetosphere show the eff
10:33 AM [franz liszt] dancingbirch you don't need Cheney as friend
10:33 AM [NancyLieder] effect of the large magnet too.
10:34 AM [silyeone] How do the zeta's know, what is going to happen on our planet?
10:34 AM [NancyLieder] SOHO evidence http://www.zetatalk.com/ ··· a550.htm
10:34 AM [NancyLieder] Magnetosphere effect http://www.zetatalk.com/ ··· a542.htm
10:35 AM [mercyspirit] What criteria is used to be a contactee? Is there a dna link? A genetic factor?
10:35 AM [NancyLieder] The Zetas can predict the coming pole shift/crustal shift as they have seen them before, have a higher IQ than we do. History shows this
too, in our geology. They say, if we can predict the Sun will rise tomorrow morning, then they can predict too, etc.
10:36 AM [NancyLieder] Only criteria to be a contactee is that YOU want to be. Period. The human controls contact.
10:36 AM [NancyLieder] Gerard
10:36 AM [NancyLieder] Gerard's ning http://poleshift.ning.com/
10:37 AM [sparrow] Are we all going to interface with them someday & what is thier intent with it transformation?
10:38 AM [NancyLieder] There is an administrative police force in the Universe, our section of the Universe, called the Council of Worlds. The Transformation of
Earth to be a home for the good hearted has been scheduled for a long time. Earth will move from being a planet where
10:38 AM [NancyLieder] There is an administrative police force in the Universe, our section of the Universe, called the Council of Worlds. The Transformation of
Earth to be a home for the good hearted has been scheduled for a long time. Earth will move from being a planet where
10:38 AM [NancyLieder] souls are sparked (3rd density) to a 4th density planet, and 4th density planets are either Service-to-Other (good hearted) or
Service-to-Self (self focused).
10:39 AM [franz liszt] could there be a twin Earth with 5th density?
10:39 AM [NancyLieder] The STS planets are prison planets where they are forced to live among each other, brutality rules, and can only come to 3rd density
planets for psychological counseling of those who give The Call to the selfish.
10:40 AM [NancyLieder] Therefore, the Transformation is not a ZETA efforts, though they assist in this under the guidance of the Council of Worlds. It is higher
level decision.
10:40 AM [dancingbirch] what is the role of the human being
10:41 AM [NancyLieder] Don't know about 5th density but there is an Earth twin normally opposite use behind the Sun. Dark, black, lifeless and no water. There
is NO parallel Universe, if this is what you are asking.
10:42 AM [mercyspirit] do the zetas believe in the continuation of the spirit or soul and if they do how does this factor in?
10:42 AM [NancyLieder] As with all life forms on 3rd density planets, if they are intelligent enough to be able to conceptualize themselves as separate from others,
they spark souls. Then the souls take approximately 1,000 life times to sort out if they want to be STS or STO.
10:43 AM [NancyLieder] Most decide STO (95%) with only 5% going for STS. All this happens naturally even without genetic engineering, but visitors from
higher densities often speed this process by genetically engineering the likely life form.
10:43 AM [franz liszt] i am asking for a version of Earth, where the soul rules, not the body, and where "coincidence" disappears
10:43 AM [NancyLieder] Mercy, the soul once sparked does not die. Ever.
10:44 AM [mercyspirit] tks and do they believe in the divine creator?
10:44 AM [NancyLieder] Franz, your concept does not fit ZetaTalk, except that in higher densities, eventually, the soul no longer needs to be incarnated in order
to learn.
10:44 AM [NancyLieder] Mercy, they say they know that God exists but do not know what God is any more than we do.
10:45 AM [sparrow] What is there relationship on a Christ~Bearer...is it a obstacle?
10:45 AM [NancyLieder] Franz, the Zetas say the soul DOES rule during incarnation, not the body! Thus some children seem to be born evil.
10:46 AM [dactyl] do the zetas belive what is written in the bible accuarate?
10:47 AM [NancyLieder] I don't understand Christ Bearer. The Zetas say that Jesus, as Mohammed and Budha, were Star Children giving a message to love one
another. Christianity is NOT a universal concept. All primitive worlds such as ours get into worshiping parent figures, t
10:51 AM [NancyLieder] We are just another intelligent life form that can spark souls. In the future, mankind will phase out and the Zeta/Human hybrids be the
primary intelligent life form on Earth. Prior to man, there was a type of reptilian life form that was sparking souls.
10:51 AM [NancyLieder] Holy Trinity, all Bible stuff, just made up by man, yes. Meaningless, no validity.
10:53 AM [NancyLieder] I guess I shocked the Bible crowd.
10:53 AM [franz liszt] NancyLieder there are many lies about Jesus
10:53 AM [sparrow] no dear one..I just wanted confirmation...
10:53 AM [dancingbirch] why does mankind have to phase out
10:54 AM [ummie] Nancy some people believe that planet x is inhabited by reptilians
10:54 AM [NancyLieder] The Zetas did confirm immaculate conception, as Joseph was not capable. It was artificial insemination by visitors.
10:54 AM [redd] sorry i came in late, if no creation of man by God, what is man;s purpose and why are we here?
10:54 AM [franz liszt] dancingbirch too much TV and CocaCola
10:54 AM [NancyLieder] Also, angels floating in the air, the visitors can float people and greasy hair reflects sunlight, thus the halo.
10:55 AM [NancyLieder] Dancing, the hybrids are high IQ, long life, and man does not have this. 4th density requires a better body.
10:55 AM [NancyLieder] ummie, can't help what other people thing. The Annunaki live on Planet X.
10:55 AM [NancyLieder] Redd, it was answered, check the log?
10:55 AM [ummie] ah thank you
10:56 AM [dancingbirch] oh is a high iq the optimum facet to existence
10:56 AM [NancyLieder] For 4th density, long life and high IQ, plus they needed to engineer OUT blind rage.
10:57 AM [NancyLieder] It is the soul that carries good intent forward, those who are Service-to-Other will be here on Earth in future, the bad guys off to their
prison planets.
10:59 AM [ummie] NancyLieder
10:59 AM [NancyLieder] There are hundreds of life bearing planets in Zeta Reticuli. NONE of them visible to us as the stars are dim. The stars we see in that
constellation are NOT their stars.
11:00 AM [ummie] ah ty
11:00 AM [mercyspirit] what is their energy source? how do they get here?
11:01 AM [NancyLieder] They move faster than the speed of light, which is not the fastest. They will not reveal their technology to us, as we are in the main too
immature and the STS among us would misuse this information to hard the rest of us. They manipulate gravity for
11:01 AM [NancyLieder] quick wink interstellar travel, by creation a funnel of sorts.. Plus, they can switch to another density for ease too.
11:02 AM [dancingbirch] what is meant by service to others? is the human being phased out a service to zeta is that what is meant by sto
11:03 AM [ummie] Do they say if the earth will be helped during the coming earth chanes
11:03 AM [franz liszt] dancingbirch altrusim
11:03 AM [dancingbirch] franz you crack me up
11:04 AM [NancyLieder] Service-to-Other means the person is thinking of others 50% of the time, practicing the Golden Rule, etc. It does NOT mean the person
is without faults at all. Service-to-Self means 95% of the time they think only of themselves. Most of us are in between.
11:05 AM [NancyLieder] ummie, the Earth is OUR schoolhouse, not that we are to be rescued. Do they rescue us now? Ask cancer patients, or those starving in
Africa. It is our opportunity to rise to the occasion!
11:05 AM [ummie] thank you
11:05 AM [NancyLieder] However, information is given extensively on the ZetaTalk website. Start with the Safe Locations information, the Last Weeks, etc..
They empower us with information, but are NOT allowed to rescue us. This is the rules.
11:06 AM [ummie] thank you
11:06 AM [mercyspirit] Who creates the rules?
11:07 AM [NancyLieder] The Council of Worlds, who are so high level they are disincarnate. This is in the Rules section of ZetaTalk. They are an elected body,
like our Supreme Court (though that is appointed). All souls governed by the Coucil, including US, vote for the Council
11:08 AM [NancyLieder] Blind rage, a father and dash an infants brains out because it does not stop crying.
11:011:15 AM [NancyLieder] None but what is called the Earth's Dark Twin, which is a black hunk of rock.
11:16 AM [dancingbirch] so basically the zeta are the only ones around earth?
11:16 AM [ummie] ah
11:16 AM [NancyLieder] Dancing, heaven's no! There are over 1,000 life forms (most not hominoid) visiting.
11:17 AM [NancyLieder] MANY in attendance as it is the Earth's Transformation, in service to help. Plus, the crustal shift, the pole shift pending, will result in 90%
death rate on Earth.
11:17 AM [silk] who is responsible for crop circles? what are the messages of the crop circles?
11:18 AM [NancyLieder] In the Awakening section of ZetaTalk many crop circles are interpreted by the Zetas. Also click on Q&A on menu bar for recent
interpretations. Mostly what Planet X is doing to the Earth, will do to the Earth, and its passage through our solar system.
11:19 AM [NancyLieder] Crop circles are done by water creatures, as this is a way they can serve. Hard for them to conduct contactee visitations! Just speak to
the jellyfish in the tank, etc. Kind of awkward.
11:19 AM [ummie] Nancy I noticed you have discuss planet x on your site..could you tell us anything aobut it
11:09 AM [franz liszt] did the Zetas talk of the SOHO pics too or only of Planet X?
11:10 AM [NancyLieder] Planet X is also known as Nibiru, Wormwood, etc. It comes through every 3,657 years or so for a passage past the Sun.
11:11 AM [NancyLieder] It is THE factor that causes periodic crustal shifts on our planet, the Jewish Exodus was our last one, the Flood another.
11:12 AM [ummie] ah ty
11:12 AM [ummie] I am trying to think of the questions garfield and lloyd would asd
11:12 AM [NancyLieder] The Zetas often are asked about the SOHO images, as in that article http://www.zetatalk.com/ ··· a550.htm
11:12 AM [dancingbirch] thank you for your information. I understand what you define as blind rage. But my question is if the zeta hybird the human to the point
that human is phased out, so that the blind rage has left the planet hasn't the zeta then rescued the human from
11:12 AM [ummie] Has our sun shifted in the past 5 yrs
11:13 AM [dancingbirch] itself? I that the service the zeta gives to the human and the human's service to the zeta is sacrifice of its known self?
11:13 AM [NancyLieder] Dancing, one way to look at it, yes! But mankind is developing into class A souls, Service-to-Other, despite blind rage.
11:14 AM [NancyLieder] ummie, our Sun has not shifted BUT the Earth has been in a wobble since early 2004, due to the influence of Planet X on Earth. This is
what you are detecting, the Sun not being where it ought to be often.
11:14 AM [ummie] that makes sense ...thank you
11:14 AM [dancingbirch] thank you
11:14 AM [NancyLieder] Dancing, STO gives unhesitatingly to others, cares for them like the self. NO money in these socities, etc.
11:14 AM [ummie] are there any other hidden planets or objects behind the sun
11:15 AM [NancyLieder] None but what is called the Earth's Dark Twin, which is a black hunk of rock.
11:16 AM [dancingbirch] so basically the zeta are the only ones around earth?
11:16 AM [ummie] ah
11:16 AM [NancyLieder] Dancing, heaven's no! There are over 1,000 life forms (most not hominoid) visiting.
11:17 AM [NancyLieder] MANY in attendance as it is the Earth's Transformation, in service to help. Plus, the crustal shift, the pole shift pending, will result in 90%
death rate on Earth.
11:17 AM [silk] who is responsible for crop circles? what are the messages of the crop circles?
11:18 AM [NancyLieder] In the Awakening section of ZetaTalk many crop circles are interpreted by the Zetas. Also click on Q&A on menu bar for recent
interpretations. Mostly what Planet X is doing to the Earth, will do to the Earth, and its passage through our solar system.
11:19 AM [NancyLieder] Crop circles are done by water creatures, as this is a way they can serve. Hard for them to conduct contactee visitations! Just speak to
the jellyfish in the tank, etc. Kind of awkward.
11:20 AM [silk] so there is not getting around this pole shift and the lost of 90% of life on this planet?
11:20 AM [sparrow] .:}
11:20 AM [NancyLieder] No, Silk, wishful thinking will not make it go away. Does that work with cancer and starvation today?
11:20 AM [silk] no ..... ok
11:20 AM [franz liszt] Earth as a planet needs developing too
11:21 AM [NancyLieder] The Earth of the future will clean up, no more polution. No more killing off the fish. No more land fills, etc.
11:21 AM [silyeone] nice but don't we at least get training wheels?
11:22 AM [ummie] Is there a reason many people feel the desire to collect magnets
11:22 AM [NancyLieder] Oil spills, enslavement, strip mining, underground mining, nuclear pollution, nuclear bombs, mines blowing off legs, starvation, disease,
veal from calves in boxes, I could go on and on.
11:23 AM [NancyLieder] If you are highly STO and allowed to incarnate again on Earth, you will be born into high tech communities and learn quickly. MOST
humans however are neither STO or STS and will be taken to a water planet to incarnated into a type of octopus.
11:24 AM [ummie] oh I dont like that
11:24 AM [dancingbirch] wow sounds bizzare
11:24 AM [silk] HAARP, CERN and many things like it have been created on this planet. What effect will Plant X have on these man made creations?
11:24 AM [NancyLieder] ummie, I have no idea. Our magnetosphere is very twisted and disturbed though, and this affects all life. The compass is very unreliable.
11:24 AM [ummie] yes I have noticed
11:25 AM [silk] oops PLANET X* not plant
11:25 AM [NancyLieder] Man's technology will be destroyed and not rebuilt. CERN is not hurting us, as we toddlers are not allowed tools by which we can
destroy our planets like that. HAARP also does NOT cause earthquakes, despite the disinfo hype.
11:26 AM [franz liszt] are there beings from Sirius working together with the Zetas?
11:26 AM [NancyLieder] The grid will go down, roads torn up, landing strips unusable, gas and oil depots explode and burn, NO distribution of fuel or food stuffs.
Garden and grub for grubs or fish or die, is the message. Back to nature.
11:27 AM [NancyLieder] Of the 1,000+ life forms, there are also lots of hominoids. They come from all over.
11:29 AM [ummie] Nancy will planet x look like a second sun to us on earth
11:29 AM [franz liszt] or a second moon?
11:29 AM [NancyLieder] Yes, already has in 2003 and on occasion recently too. Two suns rise, two suns set. Very dramatic. I will try to find a good link.
11:29 AM [ummie] ty nancy
11:30 AM [ummie] franz I think it will be planet x which looks like the 2nd sun during day and the 2nd moon at night
11:30 AM [sparrow] When will this be?
11:31 AM [ummie] sparrow i am not sure
11:31 AM [NancyLieder] http://www.zetatalk.com/ ··· 1051.htm Second Sun
11:31 AM [sparrow] near future?
11:31 AM [ummie] thank you Nancy
11:31 AM [sparrow] ty Nancy
11:32 AM [NancyLieder] You do not see Planet X at night. BUT if you want proof that something is amiss and the government lying to you, check out where the
MOON goes during the night. Very extreme orbit.
11:32 AM [dancingbirch] thanks nancy you have given me allot to think about
11:32 AM [sparrow] I have noticed!
11:30 AM [sparrow] When will this be?
11:31 AM [ummie] sparrow i am not sure
11:31 AM [NancyLieder] http://www.zetatalk.com/ ··· 1051.htm Second Sun
11:31 AM [sparrow] near future?
11:31 AM [ummie] thank you Nancy
11:31 AM [sparrow] ty Nancy
11:32 AM [NancyLieder] You do not see Planet X at night. BUT if you want proof that something is amiss and the government lying to you, check out where the
MOON goes during the night. Very extreme orbit.
11:32 AM [dancingbirch] thanks nancy you have given me allot to think about
11:32 AM [sparrow] I have noticed!
11:33 AM [ummie] I think we all have a lot to think about..and a lot of reading to do at Nancy's site
11:34 AM [sparrow] Are we concluding this chat?
11:34 AM [ummie] Does anyone have any other questions for Nancy
11:34 AM [ummie] sparrow I dont know yet
11:34 AM [franz liszt] will there be another object near earth?
11:34 AM [sparrow] I am asking how soon is the first prediction bearing fruit Nancy?
11:35 AM [NancyLieder] Venus and the Dark Twin will loom near Earth before the pole shift happens, yet, as their orbits are disturbed, but will not strike Earth or
our Moon.
11:35 AM [franz liszt] wow
11:35 AM [sparrow] How is love known to the Zeta's?
11:35 AM [NancyLieder] In Hindu gods, Shiva is Planet X, and his dark wife Kali is the black planets, the Earth's Dark Twin.
11:36 AM [NancyLieder] The Zetas have stated that the 7 of 10, which will 'shock the world' will occur by end of 2010. This can be either than Indonesia will sink
a lot, Singapor premanently flooded, etc or S America roll over some Caribbean islands, or New Madrid, etc But we t
11:37 AM [NancyLieder] think Indonesia will be it. Pakistan is already sinking, Jarkarta too.
11:37 AM [NancyLieder] Love is empathy and caring for others. In all life forms.
11:37 AM [mercyspirit] then it's not man made catastrophy?
11:37 AM [sparrow] Is it of great depth & dimension?
11:37 AM [NancyLieder] If you are talking about sex, that's something different! Read about sex in the worlds section.
11:38 AM [sparrow] No not sex...
11:38 AM [NancyLieder] Mercy, no, Global Warming was a hoax to distract from the presence of Planet X. Al Gore, bless his heart, lied like crazy and knew it.
11:39 AM [NancyLieder] Sparrow, love is a quality of the SOUL. Heroism happens in all worlds. Giving ones life for another, etc.
11:39 AM [sparrow] it was clear to many... his lies..Thank you beloved..
11:39 AM [NancyLieder] How do you measure depth and dimension in a fish, or a bird? They might think mankind shallow. We certainly are in the main!
11:40 AM [ummie] So the most important thing man could work on now..is learning to love others annd to be compassionate?
11:40 AM [sparrow] the main stream...?
11:41 AM [NancyLieder] ummie, this saves your soul, yes, the ultimate goal in any case. These bodies more on. Plan to care for others during the coming times,
don't let despair and sense of abandonment rest with the orphans, etc.
11:41 AM [ummie] thank you Nancy
11:42 AM [franz liszt] ty
11:44 AM [NancyLieder] Love will have a blooming going into the shift, as it ought, those with great love in their hearts responding to the realization that little else
11:45 AM [mercyspirit] must I be an occutopus?
11:45 AM [NancyLieder] Other than this, for helping yourself and others, check out the Safe Locations information. Link at left on my home page.
11:45 AM [ummie] If there are no more questions, I would like to than Nancy for giving of her time to help us
11:45 AM [NancyLieder] Mercy, this is in your hands!
11:46 AM [ummie] thank you Nancy
11:46 AM [silk] Thank You NancyLieder
11:46 AM [silyeone] thank you Nancy Lieder
11:46 AM [NancyLieder] It was my pleasure to be here!
11:46 AM [franz liszt] thank You
11:46 AM [mercyspirit] thank you nancy
11:47 AM [JamesinOz1] Thanks for your time Nancy.