- Sep 24 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 0 minutes
- Navy site finally came back up. Sunrise for Oklahoma @ 7:22 AM on the dot this morning September 24, 2003
- Sep 24 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 9 minutes LATE
- Sept. 24 the sun was 9 minutes late in rising. The moon was on its back before the sun rose, as it was yesterday. The rising sun seems to be
daily moving farther south.
- Sep 24 SunRISE in Mississippi : 20 minutes LATE
- Sunrise here on the Gulf Coast was 15-20 minutes later than normal. Large, brilliant sun, very bright. Thought for a while this was the
- Sep 25 NOON in Houston : 21 minutes LATE
- The solar complex crossed the High Noon Marks in Houston, TX today (25SEP03) 21 minutes 35 seconds late! Again the Solar Complex is
moving against the direction in time (getting slower) that the Analemma curve shows that it should! It has been cloudy for so long that I
do not know what the daily jump was for today, but possibly it was 3 or 4 minutes. If so, this is REALLY NOT a good sign!!
- Sep 24 NOON in El Paso : 64 minutes LATE
- Today, Wednesday, 09-24-03, in El Paso the Sun reached the Noon position at 14:06 hours MDT.
- Sep 24 NOON in Seattle : 66 minutes LATE
- 9/24 Original unit reading: 2:06 Second unit reading: 1:12 Official slated time: 1:00
- Sep 24 NOON in Italy : 68 minutes LATE
- Here in italy Sun was at noon position at about 14:00 and it was off orbit, coming up from the south to the east. The following
information is provided for Italy (longitude E15.0, latitude N45.0): Thursday 25 September 2003 Universal Time + 1h Sun transit 11:52
- Sep 24 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 14 minutes LATE
- Sept.24 the sunset was 14 minutes late in finishing, although this approximate because of clouds to some degree. As on the 21st, strong
pink light hung on for quite awhile. Pink had showed up before sunset in quite a bit of the horizon.
- Sep 24 SunSET in Missouri#2 : 18 minutes LATE
- Missourii#2 Sunset about 18 min late