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Following the tense election eve, when it was uncertain if the election
fraud underway would succeed, the White House found no joy, with even the
victory celebrations stilted, staged, and grim. Now a sudden and
unprecedented mass exodus of those close to Bush, those meeting with him
regularly and taking responsibility for the administration of large
segments of the US government - Justice, Commerce, Education, State,
Agriculture, Energy, Homeland Security, Health - with the count at 8 of 15
Cabinet positions suddenly resigning. Where turnover in a Cabinet can
approach these numbers over a double term, they are spaced out
over the double term, as some earlier resignations in the Bush Cabinet
were, and do not hit like a sledge hammer on the eve of victory. What do
these people know, and what are they running from? We have mentioned that
the Puppet Master was not pleased
that his rebelling Puppets in the
Bush administration did not take the fall, as ordered, allowing Kerry to
win. We have mentioned that the Puppet Master has more cards to play than
the public can imagine, and that his goals are now more likely met via a
greatly weakened Bush Presidency, to the point where the President, and
his Cabinet and appointees, are irrelevant, ignored, and the rank and file
attend to their duties without
direction from the top, or ignoring orders from the top, when times get
tight and tense as they soon will. A rebelling Puppet is not allowed to
succeed, this is the rule.
Does the Bush Cabinet read ZetaTalk, in that they are now fleeing, taking
the warning seriously? Has the Puppet Master personally warned them, so
that they flee? Or, as is more likely, has the Cabinet learned news, in
their round table discussions, that shows them their future and the issues
they will be faced with? What has changed, since the election, that their
plush and powerful jobs have suddenly become the Gulag, to be avoided? And
what change would affect all these cabinet positions, so varied
and diverse, covering matters internal as well as external to the US?
Despite the optimistic talk on the major media in the US, the house of
cards for the US is about to fall, and no rescue will be forthcoming. The
first term was well supported by the Puppet Master, who was interested in
using the US Military to secure the world�s oil reserves and help sculpt
the world�s population into select workers, eliminating the rest by the
iron hand of Martial Law. But a combination
of inept leadership, poor timing in no small part due to our White Lie, and an inability to produce WMD and incite
additional terrorism within the US has led to the view that the current
Bush administration will only spiral down. Under Bush, the US has become a
former world leader now seen to have blood on their hands, hated and
avoided; a country with monstrous debts where no hope of repayment can be
expected, a creditor offering worthless notes; and a nation that has made
promises to its people that simply cannot be met, from social security
benefits to broad health care coverage to improved schools for all to the
avoidance of a draft to job opportunities to a paydown of the national
debt while not raising taxes to an upturn in the general economy just
around the corner. Lies all.
Does Bush take responsibility for his mistakes? He doesn�t make them, per
him, so the buck does not stop at his desk. It stops at the
desks of those beneath him, who must work magic, make his impossible
promises a reality, and never complain that the tools they need are not
being provided. A dropping dollar making US notes undesirable as an
investment, so the spending cap a willing Congress is likely to raise
matters not, as funds will not be available. An endless bog in Iraq
pulling the Military into fatigue and rebellion, so the need for a draft
of sorts is the only alternative. Underfunded internal programs forcing
the restless murmurs to break out into the mainstream media, the truth
about vets without beds and schools without funding finally exposed. So
has it been the lack of funding, in the future, that has
horrified the Cabinet, the lack of assistance with Iraq from
other countries in the future, as both these matters were apparent well
before the election. It is more, as this group of insiders has been privy
to conversations from loose lips at the top to insights into what is
likely to occur in the next months. Earth changes are on the increase and
discussion about Planet X about to break into mainstream media, and in
times such as this, one wants strong leadership, especially in
your immediate superior.
Is that Bush? Thus, none other than the palace guard, considered
essentially family in their cozy relationship with Bush, will remain.
These, he does not attack. Inbred, hardly competent, and all telling each
other they are right as the ship sinks. As we said some time ago, increasingly irrelevant.