ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Correlation
written August 8, 2003
The 6 appearing in various crop circles represents different aspects of
Planet X, coming together, as well as a time sense. This has been a
repeating theme of crop circles lately, so the point will not be missed.
- Nancy has lately noticed that a third persona has appeared, in the
form of a red cross, in photos, very recently. As the planet gets
closer, red light that scattered before and did not form into a persona
of note is now dense enough to be noted. This will not be the only
aspect of Planet X of note, and when listed will encompass 6 - the red
dust in the tail, the moon swirls, the debris that becomes meteor
showers, the red persona which carries the volume of light, the white
persona which represents the physical placement of the corpus, and the
newly emerging persona of the red cross. During the week of rotation
stoppage, these aspects come together, which the August 3,
2003 Boroughbridge circle shows.
- In the August 4, 2003 Walker's Hill circle, there
is a pointed reference to increasing size, over a 6 day period of the
Planet X complex as viewed by the human eye from Earth. This 6 day
period nicely matches the 5.9 day period of rotation stoppage before the
shift, and this interpretation was the one intended by the makers. Crop
circles are always given in a universal language, and a day, a full
rotation of the globe, is something all cultures record in some manner
or another.
- Nancy has also noted that the July 20, 2003 Hackpen Hill
circle has 6 circles after the small circle, and surmised this meant
days of rotation stoppage after the 36 hour day when rotation rapidly
slows to a stop. Here again the largest circles are related to
visibility during that week, the increase in only days to that point.
All this leaves to conjecture just when rotation stoppage will occur,
which is by design. As we have stated repeatedly, to give a date would
allow those who would murder hundreds of millions of innocents advance
notice and opportunity to implement their plans.
July 20 Hackpen
August 3
August 4 Walkers