Dark Twin
The Dark Twin can be seen rising in the western sky from a
webcam at the Neumayer
Station on Antarctica. This station is at Latitude 60 so
is two-thirds the way down from the Equator, not directly at the
S Pole. The cam is pointed south, so one can only see the Sun
rise as it shines on the North facing side of the station and
cast shadows in front of the cam. The object captured is neither
the Sun (which is behind the cam) nor the Moon (which is on the
Ecliptic, and a nearly full Moon at the time). Thanks to Gordon
Gianninoto for bringing this to my attention. Note that the
object rises as the cam records 5:00 pm. At this point the
rotation of the Earth has pointed the cam increasingly toward
the West. The object then appears directly above the station
10:00 pm and is visible until 1:00 am. This places the Dark Twin
more behind the Earth, and below the Earth having dropped below
the Ecliptic, out in space rather than far to the West in their
shared orbit. Per the Zetas, this Neumayer capture is indeed the
Dark Twin.

ZetaTalk Confirmation
4/14/2012: Clearly
not the Moon (which was nearly Full and in any case behind the
cam) nor the Sun (as the object appears in the middle of the
night just before and after midnight), this is a capture of
the Dark Twin. The cam is near the S Pole, looking at the
North facing side of the structure, and as such the cam, or a
human viewer, would be hanging upside down looking directly
out into space on the dark side of Earth. Where the Dark Twin
should be riding to the West, behind the Earth in their shared
orbit, it appears to be almost overhead, directly behind and
somewhat to the South of the Earth.
We had warned that the twin
would tend to move behind the Earth as these planets are
squeezed in the cup, and thence escape by moving back into
space behind the Earth, passing the Earth in their shared
orbit. We mentioned these possibilities, that the Dark Twin
would pass the Earth and attempt to escape by moving forward
in their shared orbit. At present, the twin is caught behind
the Earth in their shared orbit, and moving along outside of
their orbit behind the Earth out in space. It is trying to
evade conflict with the Earth by dropping below the Ecliptic
somewhat, as it attempt to slide past the Earth.
This movement had been predicted
by the Zetas! The Dark Twin was visible, and captured in photos,
in January, 2004 as it came around from behind the Sun toward
the Earth, which had halted in their shared orbit. It was
visible as a blue/yellow object seen
at dusk at that time. These were the colors seen naked eye by
April, 2004 also, from observers around the world.

New York
City: I know that it was at least 3 times bigger
than Venus has ever appeared. Possibly more. Obviously it
was bigger than a normal star because I thought it was a
light on a building. And the color also! That yellow was
flaming yellow! Then two minutes later - blue! The map I
pulled up for NYC shows that Venus is not visible at that
time. I know it wasn´t Venus, but that´s about it. Why?
Well, for one Mars and other objects were right next to
Venus and the object I saw was off by itself just sort of
hanging there. I was walking toward the West in NYC (West
Side). NYC is skewed in terms of true directions. Going
according to actual directions (by using where the Sun sets)
I was walking NW.
Detroit, Michigan: I
live in suburban Detroit. I saw it in the sky around 11:00
PM. It was so huge I thought it might be an airplane coming
Sydney, Australia: I
see it every day slightly west NW. It is extremely bright as
the Sun sets then reduces in magnitude to about the
brightness of Sirius it does actually change color from
yellow to blue then disappears below the horizon by about 9
Netherlands: In
the Netherlands it´s also visible for quite a while now.
First, I thought it was just Venus but I have the feeling it
gained in brightness over the weeks. Also it´s color has
turned from white to more yellow, I believe. Last night I
was outside at approx. 01:00 and it was still visible and I
don´t believe that Venus would still visible that late.
There was a light haze so I could only see this in the WNW
and the two brightest stars from Orion in the WSW
San Francisco, California:
I saw it from about 9:30 to 10:30 my time the first night.
I looked at a map and did not see Mars near it or any other
visible stars, it seemed alone. I went out again at 11:00
and it had just disappeared, the night was clear and the
earlier time I saw it , it wasn´t low enough on the horizon
to have disappeared. The next night I checked it, it was
still bigger and brighter than any star etc I have noticed
before. But strangely, it seemed to have moved slightly more
to the West.
Indiana: I am in
middle Indiana and I took the dog out and saw the huge
yellow colored planet / star in the western sky. I didn´t
stay huge yellow and low in the sky for more than maybe 10
minutes after I first spotted it.
Phoeniz, Arizona: I´ve
been seeing it here in Phoenix AZ over a week now. It is
very obvious. It is due West in the western sky about 10:00
PM my time. Very bright, yellowish and the biggest star on
the horizon.
Then it was seen in the western sky, looking West at Dawn on
March 28, 2010, as a Monster image. And later on September 7,
2011, now colored by the red dust in the atmosphere so it had a
violet appearance. On July 31, 2010 it showed up on the Magnetic
Simulator. The Dark Twin was, per the Zeta, to the West in their
shared orbit and out behind the Earth in space at that time.

ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2010: The
Dark Twin has come up behind the Earth in their shared orbit,
and there stopped, halted like the Earth. Because of the
increased crowding in the field in front of Planet X, which is
moving steadily toward the three planets trapped in the eddy
flow cup, it has dropped slightly behind the Earth's orbit. If
one were to look down upon the solar system one would see
coming out from the Sun first Planet X, then Venus, then the
Earth, and finally the Dark Twin. The Dark Twin is somewhat
further from the Sun and to the side of the Earth, behind the
Earth in their shared orbit. The Dark Twin on occasion is
captured on film as a dim monster when light rays which have
been bent out are returned to Earth, distorting the original
In a crop circle analysis on May 14, 2011 the Zetas predicted
that the Dark Twin will fall further behind the Earth as it
attempts to escape the cup and more along in their shared orbit,
perhaps even passing the Earth during these maneuvers.

ZetaTalk Comment
5/14/2011: This
design is clearly showing the Dark Twin during the passage.
The Dark Twin is shown opposite the Earth, identified not only
by being on the opposite side of the Sun but by the
counterclockwise orbit direction that they both assume.
We have mentioned that the Dark Twin is caught in the cup with
the Earth and Venus, but that both will escape prior to the
pole shift. We have also mentioned that the Dark Twin has
moved outside of the orbit he shares with the Earth at this
time, to escape the current crowding. In fact, the Dark Twin
has been captured on film due to this drift outward. This crop
circle diagram is showing the escape of the Dark Twin, which
will escape in the manner depicted! After moving directly
behind the Earth as Planet X approaches, it will seem to
disappear into the night sky.
Aceh Slip-Slide
On April 11, 2012 the plate border between Sumatra and India
slipped, per geologists, in a series of quakes in the magnitude
8 range, the original quake an 8.9.

- Large Aceh Quake Triggers Indian Ocean
Tsunami Warning
April 11, 2012
- An earthquake with an initial
magnitude of 8.9 has struck under the sea off Indonesia's
northern Aceh province. The quake triggered a tsunami
warning across the Indian Ocean region. It was initially
reported as 8.9 magnitude but was later revised down to
8.7 by the USGS. The tremor was felt as far away as
Singapore, Thailand and India.
As noted on a Pole
Shift ning blog, quakes of high magnitude are on the
increase, and the USGS is tasked with hiding this fact.
Of the ten largest quakes of the last
century, half have occurred in the last ten years, or since
Planet X entered the solar system. And of course we
can assume over the last ten years they have been downgraded
by the USGS.
- 1. Valdivia, Chile. 22 May 1960 .
Magnitude 9.5
- 2. Prince William Sound, Alaska.
28 March 1964. Magnitude 9.2
- 3. Sumatra, Indonesia. 26
December 2004. Magnitude 9.1
- 4. Sendai, Japan . 11 March 2011.
Magnitude 9.0
- 5. Kamchatka, Russia. 4 November
1952. Magnitude 9.0
- 6. Bio-bio, Chile. 27 February
2010. Magnitude 8.8
- 7. Off the coast of Ecuador. 31
January 1906. Magnitude 8.8
- 8. Rat Islands, Alaska. 2 April
1965. Magnitude 8.7
- 9. Sumatra, Indonesia. 11 April
2012. Magnitude 8.6
- 10. Sumatra, Indonesia. 28 March
2005. Magnitude 8.6
It was immediately clear from the activity of the buoys on
alert that a temporary void
had opened up along the plate borders around Australia - to the
north of Australia and just south of Tasmania. Buoy 56003 north
of Australia showed a sudden 26 meter (78 feet) foot drop, and
buoy 55015 south of Tasmania showed an even larger drop. In both
cases the buoy plunged into a void,
which quickly filled with water from all directions. No tsunami
resulted as is the case if a plate lifts,
displacing water in one direction, as was the case during the
December 26, 2004 tsunami.

What was also immediately apparent was that the buoys were on
alert outlining the Mariana Plate, and west of India along the
plate border there, and up past Japan along the border with the
Pacific plate. By the next day it was clear from the IRIS chart
that the plates across the Pacific were on the move too, pulling
Mexico and the West Coast of the US further west. This was
clearly not a local affair! Per the Zetas, the plates were on
the move.

ZetaTalk Comment
4/14/2012: What
occurred during the Sumatra quake was a shifting to the west
of the plate holding India, such that there were those small
voids along the plate border with Sumatra announced by the
buoys. This does indeed relate to the crack occurring
just days before along the suspension bridge up in the
Himalayas along the Thailand/India border. Africa had been
edging to the west also, as the Atlantic spread, and this
allowed the plate holding India to make this move. During this
adjustment, any snags holding the folding Mariana Plate back
were eased, and both the Mariana and Philippine plates gave in
to the pressure from the Pacific. This allowed the southern
part of the N American bow to shift further west also.
Did we not predict that the
spreading Atlantic would allow a dropping and twisting Africa
to fall into the increasing void in the Indian Ocean? Did we
not predict that Mariana and Philippine plates would tilt and
fold during the 7 of 10 scenarios? Why else are the buoys in
that region on alert, so far from the slip-slide to the west
of Sumatra? Did we not predict that the N American continent
would tighten into a bow as the 7 of 10 plate adjustments
proceeded? Here we have the entire West Coast from Vancouver
to Acapulco suddenly having significant quakes. We stated the
plates had been loosened, and were on the move. Our 7 of 10
predictions have become a fact.
Indeed, the fact that the plate holding India was being pushed
emerged when high in the Himalayas smoking cracks appeared,
along the northeastern border between India and Thailand. This
is indeed where the Himalayas push, as Mount Everest is nearby.

- Earth's Surface Cracks at Thanga
April 10, 2012
- A crack around 60 feet long and
one foot wide developed near the suspension bridge which
connects Thanga Samukon and Oinam on Samukon side three
days back. The crack has been churning out smoke
ZetaTalk Comment
4/14/2012: This
suspension bridge is high in the Himalayas, and where it is
experiencing mountain building it is not forming a volcano.
What then causes smoke to come out of the crevasse so high in
the Himalayas? There is pressure on rock strata, before it
snaps. Pressure releases heat, and heat will vaporize anything
that is not becoming molten. This is a temporary state, and
can occur, as this episode shows, in the highest mountains,
and at a great distance from the molten magma that constitutes
the stuff of volcanic eruptions.
Red Filter How-to
Many people are having problems locating an old floppy disc.
They can be ordered online
or via
eBay. Where other filters such as a welders lens can
filter sunlight out, the floppy disc insert works the best
because it is guaranteed to filter for
red. A red plastic sheet will not do it, it is merely colored
red. The insert in a floppy disc is in the very center, in this
diagram it is the “Magnetic Disc”. Per instructions on this Pole
Shift ning blog, you must remove the very inner dark
What you need is to take
your 3 inch floppy and break it apart. Take out the think
black colored foil that is inside. Look directly into a
light through it, you'll see it is red/brown. This is the
part that you need to put in front of your camera's lens and
look thru it. All other parts of the floppy you can discard.

Lately, the tail in Alberto’s photos has been curling around,
first to the left, then up, and now to the right. Per the Zetas,
this is to be expected as the tail has momentum and is drawn
along the magnetic field lines of Planet X.

ZetaTalk Comment
4/14/2012: Planet
X is coming at the Earth in a retrograde orbit, from the right
hand side as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere. Thus
normally the tail should be seen wafting over at the right
hand side, but lately has for months been seen wafting toward
the left. Why was this? The tail is charged, and coming from
the N Pole of Planet X is charged with magnetons flowing from
Planet X along the lines of its massive magnetic field.
These lines curl around to re-enter at the S Pole of Planet X,
but this flow is not even throughout the magnetic field of
Planet X. A waft will continue, due to momentum, and if pulled
in this direction, along that magnetic field line, will curl
along that line – to the left in the view from Earth and up. A
waft has more than momentum, it has a limited reach. If the
tail waft were able to travel all the way along the magnetic
field line to the S Pole of Planet X, it would seemingly
disappear on the lower right hand side. But, carried by
momentum, it is forming a circle in front of the N Pole of
Planet X. First to the left toward the S Pole of Earth, then
up due to momentum, and round to the right!
Jelled Water and Air
The Zetas have explained that Star Jelly, or Angel Hair, is air
which has had its composition temporarily changed by
electricity. This substance, if put in a closed jar, will return
to its air state, seemingly disappearing.
ZetaTalk Explanation
10/15/2011: Associated
with meteor showers and UFOs, Angel Hair or Star Jelly is a
temporary substance formulated from air particles. There is
indeed a relationship to the electromagnetic fields generated
by both meteors and UFOs. Many substances man is familiar with
have different forms, such as water which can be steam, water,
or ice. The jell of Angel Hair or Star Jelly is such a
temporary structure of air, created when the various molecules
have their external electron structure temporarily altered.
Recently, on April 12, 2012 a huge
green glop fell from the sky, an incident seen by both a
motorist and a state trooper. Was this a UFO in distress? Per
the Zetas, just another example of Star Jelly combined with the
chemicals in the atmosphere from the wafting tail of Planet X.
These cause Neon clouds. A slow burn
can result, causing a glow. Light
towers also are an atmospheric phenomena caused by the
release of methane from shifting rock. Surprised by a green
glowing whale falling from the sky? Get used to it, more is
- Glowing Whale-Sized Object falls from
Connecticut Sky Says Trooper, Motorist
April 12, 2012
- The Republican-American of
Waterbury reports that a person driving in Litchfield at
about 2 a.m. reported that a green, glowing object the
size of a whale fell from the sky and crashed into Bantam
Lake. Officials say that at about the same time, a
state trooper 10 miles away in Warren called dispatchers
to report that something fell out of the sky and landed
near Bantam or Morris.
The Republican-American of Waterbury reports that a person
driving in Litchfield at about 2 a.m. reported that a green,
glowing object the size of a whale fell from the sky and crashed
into Bantam Lake. Officials say that at about the same
time, a state trooper 10 miles away in Warren called dispatchers
to report that something fell out of the sky and landed near
Bantam or Morris.
ZetaTalk Explanation
4/14/2012: What
would be green, glowing, and plunging Earthward in the night
sky? The tail is charged, so electrical fires can be created
in the atmosphere. Neon clouds are likewise on the increased,
and are caused by chemical reactions from the greasy tail of
Planet X. The tail has oily component which can alight and
produces a glowing cloud due to a slow burn. Then there are
Light Towers which are as we have explained, caused by
escaping methane gas produce. All these are recent phenomena
due to the tail of Planet X, and will be on the increase as
the tail increasingly engulfs the Earth during its wafting
But water likewise can change form into more than ice and steam,
apparently, as recent incidences of a bubbling milky white
substance in water from Ontario to Wisconsin and over to
Vancouver show. All these areas are on virtually the same
latitude, stress in the rock at the same latitude in N America a
common occurrence while the N American continent is forced into
a bow.

- Strange Smell Causing Concern in
Fond du Lac
March 21, 2012
- A mysterious substance is floating
in the holding tanks of a pumping station. The substance
was first noticed by a fisherman. This is a very milky
white substance, kind of like between a petroleum smell
and like a sulfur like smell.
- Mysterious Substance Turns Burlington
Creek Milky White
March 31, 2012
- Sheldon Creek turned “milky white”
after an unknown chemical spill was found in the waterway.
The substance remains a mystery.
- Construction Waste may be Strange
Fluid Entering Vancouver's Coal Harbour
April 7, 2012
- Residents walking along the
waterfront noticed the whitish-grey flow bubbling up from
below. First responders were baffled.
Per the Zetas, there is a simple explanation! Just as Star
Jelly can form due to strong electrical current in the vicinity,
temporarily changing the structure of air, a similar change can
occur in water.
ZetaTalk Explanation
4/14/2012: Two
of these incidents occurred in a river or creek bed, and as we
have explained these spots represent a thin place in the
crust, so the crust sags and thus water pools there. In
Vancouver, the milky substance bubbling up was in an inlet
bay, in an area just east of the San Andreas fault line.
Despite the assurances of those assigned to investigate and
explain, no identification of the substance was done! So what
is this substance? Just as the air itself can become
solidified into Angel Hair on occasion, due to electrical
changes in the particles holding the atoms together, this type
of phenomena can occur in water too. Rock pressed close
together allows electricity to flow via water trapped in the
rock layers, and this moves electricity. Thus, temporarily,
the water composition changed, making it appear milky and
causing bubbles to emerge. Simple as that.
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