the Public
During the cover-up battles over the near presence of Planet X
in the inner solar system, the establishment itself has provided
some of the very best evidence. NASA has tried in vain to hide
evidence of Planet X and its trailing Moon Swirls in its vast
charged tail. This evidence showed up so consistently on the
SOHO images that posting the latest capture had become almost a
daily affair on the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to these captures. NASA
was obviously loathe to just eliminate this public service,
wherein they would produce, live, images taken in various wave
lengths every 20 minutes and deliver them almost immediately to
the public. Were they to stop this service, surely the public
would ask, “what are they trying to hide”? Some attempts to
limit the damage have been detailed in this newsletter in
Issue 170 where NASA allows its
archives to be altered with cut-and-paste so it appears the
Winged Globe has been around well before 2003, and in Issue
197 where NASA claims the Sun is causing Earth changes,
and in Issue 202 where NASA claims
that captures of the Winged Globe or the Moon Swirls are
exploding asteroids, and
in Issue 204 where NASA is obviously
using an eraser.
But NASA is not only contemplating taking the SOHO images
offline so the public cannot make their own determination, they
took this step. It remains to be seen whether this is the final
disposition, as they are, frankly, damned if they do and damned
if they don’t. The LASCO products, the red and blue images
showing the vicinity around
the Sun, have gaps, a 5 day gap between May 3, 2012 and May 8,
2012 and then a 2+ day gap to May 11, 2012. The EIT images of
the Sun itself all stopped at 13:00 UTC on May 3, 2012 and did
not return until May 11, 2012. Clearly, SOHO was being halted
while the cover-up artists argued behind closed doors. Was this
the time to blind the public? And are the returned SOHO showing
us less detail than formerly?

An announcement was posted to explain the sudden outages. Yet
there was evidence that the data stream from SOHO was still in
operation. The “Emergency Reacquisition” mode for SOHO had
occurred once before on June 24, 1998, when SOHO had been in
operations less than 2 years, but changes had been instituted so
this situation would not recur. And the situation did not
recur, lo these 14 years. In 1998 they had no contact with
the SOHO satellite for more than 1 month and 3 months
passed before SOHO was back in operation. Per the Zetas,
this time there was nothing wrong with the SOHO satellite. The
issue was the direction the cover-up was to take, as the battle
over the cover-up had intensified, and polarized.
- SOHO went into
"Emergency Sun Reacquisition" mode on Friday May 4, 2012,
caused by a false trigger of the Coarse Sun Pointing
Attitude Anomaly Dector. We are working on the recovery of
the spacecraft to normal mode. Nominal science operations
should be re-established in the next couple of days.
- SOHO - A Diary of the Recovery
- On August 31, the SOHO Mission
Interruption Joint ESA/NASA Investigation Board released
its final report. It concluded that the chain of events
leading to the interruption of contact with the SOHO
spacecraft, which was described in its preliminary report,
was correct, and it recommended, in order to
prevent similar mishaps in the future, that ESA and NASA
review and correct the S/C ground procedures, the
procedure implementation, the management structure
and process, and the ground systems. No fault on the
spacecraft contributed to the mishap.
ZetaTalk Comment
5/10/2012: Is
the SOHO satellite in trouble? The much accessed LASCO images
in red and blue have been eliminated, while the close-ups of
the Sun that support NASA’s claims about sunspots and solar
flares are still available in some format. Is the SOHO
satellite damaged, malfunctioning, or in need of adjustment?
There is nothing amiss with the SOHO satellite, and it is
still streaming data. NASA is using an old excuse from 1998 to
explain why they are no longer providing images to the public.
Changes were made to the programs that control the SOHO
satellite after the 1998 incident, to prevent a repeat, but
this is brushed aside as they need some excuse for withholding
the images from the public, who of course PAY for the entire
NASA operation with their taxpayer dollars. What changed?
Polarization in the cover-up war has intensified.
But SOHO problems were not the only clue that the public was to
be blinded. The images of the Earth’s magnetosphere - which so
clearly showed that a magnetic presence had the Earth in its
grip - had been halted. NICT, the Magnetic
Simulator, had its life support ended due supposedly to
lack of funding! Other sources that could be used to image
the Earth’s magnetosphere were also being pulled, by restricting
- End of Web Service
- The NICT Real-time Space Weather
Simulation Service ended at the end of March 2012 because
the lease period of the supercomputer for the real-time
simulation expired and because a supercomputer for the
real-time service will not be immediately available. We
plan to develop more accurate and practical space
environment models, hoping to be able to resume the
real-time simulation in the near future.
- You don't have permission to
access /solarsoft/last_events on this server.
We had noted in Issue 293 of this
newsletter that the twisting magnetosphere was an “elephant in
the room”, an embarrassment to the cover-up. The
establishment shut down the Magnetic Simulator at the end of
March, 2012. But not before a dedicated member of the Pole
Shift ning had charted the increase. Per the Zetas, the
battle of the cover-up has polarized and intensified! Look at
the timing! The media exposed the presence of Planet X on the
SOHO images on March 27, 2012, when both the Daily Mail and Huff
Pro featured the Check Mark Moon Swirl. Not a month later,
SOHO was taken off line, revealing a clear internal struggle in
the cover-up.

ZetaTalk Comment
5/10/2012: Images
from the NICT Magnetic Simulator were already halted at the
end of March, 2012 because it so clearly showed a magnetic
presence other than the Sun twisting the Earth’s
magnetosphere. And if the media dare feature their SOHO images
showing the Checkmark Moon Swirl, as they did on March 27,
2012, then what can be coming next? They will likely return
with changes that require them to withhold the images for a
longer period, to allow proper elimination of any evidence of
the Planet X complex. Fewer images, more carefully edited.
Polarized Cover-up
If the establishment has taken steps to blind the public while
the media is beginning to do the opposite, what is the result?
Per the Zetas, a polarized cover-up. It has become open warfare.
In the past, astronomers likely to break the cover-up were
quietly killed, so it looked like an accident.
ZetaTalk Statement
2/15/2000: Look
at the secrets that have been muzzled so far - JFK, where a
single bullet was supposed to have traveled through several
bodies. Who believes that? Nevertheless this is the official
explanation, and those who know better are either silenced,
kept quiet by their personalities and their sense of duty and
their desire to be part of the structure, or killed. And it
has happened also, with Planet X that a number of people have
been killed. And these kinds of deaths ripple through the
community that is aware of this, so it is a harsh reminder
that they too should keep their mouth shut.
ZetaTalk Analysis
12/4/2004: The
greatest fear a cover-up has is an uncontrolled unraveling.
The cover-up is primarily a desire to use the passage of
Planet X as an opportunity to come out on top of the pile when
the dust settles, to control people and assets, to destroy
opposition and seize control, to place a restless public into
a slave labor status during the turmoil, and thus, emerge as
kings. At best, perpetrating the cover-up was to retain perks
and status and pay for as long as possible. Participation in
the cover-up was a demand, expressed as a national security
issue to damp panic and protect the public safety.
But the gloves have come off with the recent assassination of a
Japanese astronomer working on the Atacama
Large Millimeter Arrays (ALMA) radio telescopes in
Chile. In a highly suspicious assault, where the police did not
even note a head injury, Koh-Ichiro Morita was pronounced dead 6
hours after being taken to the hospital. Per the Zetas, this was
a loud warning to any other who might be inclined to break the
long-standing cover-up over the presence of Planet X in the
inner solar system. Per the Zetas, Morita declined protection
from the Council of Worlds, choosing instead to become a martyr
in the cover-up wars.
- Japanese Astronomer Found Dead in
May 8, 2012
- Koh-Ichiro Morita was found still
alive outside his apartment at around 2 am morning
reportedly with an injury to the head. He died nearly six
hours later at a nearby hospital. Investigators have not
yet determined the cause of death. Local reports indicated
Morita did not have visible injuries, though a medical
report supposedly mentioned a brain injury. Morita worked
the past two years at the Santiago headquarters for the
Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile's northern
Atacama Desert.
ZetaTalk Expose
5/12/2012: Lately
the cover-up has gotten vicious and forceful, as they sense
they are about to lose the battle. Morita was one member of
the community who was restless, and did not like being ordered
into silence on a matter so vital to the inhabitants of planet
Earth. His death was sent as a message to others of like mind.
The battle over the cover-up is becoming more polarized.
Morita’s death has been announced as brain damage from a blow
to the head, but as news articles show, this was not evident
when he was found, unconscious, nor is it logical that he
would be in hospital for 6 hours yet not be saved. The skull
is opened to relieve pressure if bleeding is present. He was
slipped a poison, ingested prior to returning home, where he
collapsed before getting to his apartment. This was not enough
to kill him, a botched job, so he was finished off in
Sunda Crunch
The 7 of 10 scenarios detail how the hapless Sunda Plate will
be pushed down and under the curve formed by Sumatra and Java,
the plate bending through southern China to allow this push down
and under. The Zetas have also provided detail about an
accordion fold, the Sunda Plate squeezed from the side so that
folds emerge, land rising in some places and dropping in others.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: The
large islands of Indonesia and the Malaysia are riding on the
tongue of the Eurasian Plate. These will all suffer when the
plate movement that will push some islands in Indonesia down,
many small islands, and the coastlines of larger islands, will
experience a loss of sea level.
ZetaTalk Explanation
10/16/2010: Note
the mountainous regions to the east and west of the valley in
central Thailand. We have mentioned that when a plate tilts,
rising one side and sinking on the other, that this plate may
bend where the plate is thin. The tongue holding Indonesia is
certainly under such a squeeze. As the tongue is pushed
together, the eastern portion pushed toward the west, the
valley in central Thailand is buckling, being pushed down.
Simultaneously, a new seemingly volcanic island appeared
between eastern Java and Bali, where the tongue is under
pressure as it is being pushed down under the curve of the
Indo-Australian Plate.
But is there more? The pressure against the Sunda Plate will not
ease, per the Zetas, just because their role in the 7 of 10
scenarios has passed. It will be unremitting until the Pole
Shift. What this is doing for lands in and around the Sunda
Plate is creating what can best be described as a crumble. Not
earthquakes. Not floods. Not volcanic eruptions. Not tsunami.
But crumbling ground – splitting open, heaving, and often, due
to the pressure, smoking! Recently a smoking crevasse appeared high in the Himalayas, proving
that a thick crust does not protect one from the heat of rock
compression. Now this situation has appeared in Thailand and Sri

- High Temperatures Setting off Fires
April 26, 2012
- Initial examination suggested that
methane from accumulated sawdust, weeds and dry leaves as
well as heat might have caused the fire. Fire has
reportedly been raging underground. The fire has also
reportedly burned four dogs to death.
- Mysterious Flames Erupt from Earth
May 4, 2012
- A large crowd
flocked to see flames and smoke which mysteriously
appeared from a hole dug up in Turai Adi in Kinniya.
Police and army personnel were deployed to the location to
control the crowds after a tense situation had ensued.
ZetaTalk Comment
5/12/2012: The
region in and around the Sunda Plate is under intense pressure
lately, and this state will continue until the Pole Shift. We
have mentioned that the Indo-Australian Plate is a brake,
holding other plate movement around the world back. When it
gives, there is a domino effect around the globe as other
plates then find themselves free to move. Recently a smoking
crevasse appeared in the Himalayas, and this type of pressure
on rock, which creates heat, will occur elsewhere in the world
on occasion too. The Sunda Plate is being pressed into the
curve that curls under Sumatra and Java. Thailand is being
directly compressed with great pressure from the Pacific and
the tilting Philippine Plate. This is not heat from molten
lava, not volcanic heat, but heat from compressed rock.
The Pole Shift ning has many blogs with reports from China,
Nam and other countries in and around the Sunda Plate
showing that the crunch is on. In China the crumble is blamed on
rain, but can rain create such distinct crevasses? This is the
bend point in China, a weak point in the China crust which bends
when the Sunda Plate is tipped down.
- Land Collapse in Seven Shan,
Yongdeng, Lanzhou, Gansu Province (Amur Plate)
May 8, 2012
- The heavy rain
resulted in seven township farmland collapse.
- The Storms Yongdeng 3839 People Were
May 8, 2012
- The direct economic loss of 28.656
million yuan. Rescue and relief work in full swing.
- Guangxi Liuzhou Villages in the
Geological Collapse
May 10, 2012
- Two factories and a residential
building in a serious collapse. Hundreds of people have
been evacuated. But the exact cause has yet to be
authoritative departments for investigation.
Thailand is crumbling in soaked land along canals. If this
were the normal situation, then why has it not occurred before?
Why now?

- Propene Gave the Break Point
May 8, 2012
- The road along the
canal (west coast) fell down to 1.5 -2 meters and 100
meters in length in different parts.
- The Dam Collapsed - Settlement Road
April 17, 2012
- In mid of April
subsided the road with the dam in Pho Thong, Ang Thong.
- Bangkok Continues to Fall Apart
April 4, 2012
- On April a section of a footpath
collapsed after land beneath it subsided along the banks
of the canal. The subsidence created a hole 3m deep, 5m
wide and 22m long.
- Flash Flood Warning Issued in 15
May 8, 2012
- A 300-metre section of the Den
Chai-Lampang road between the 36th and 37th kilometre
markers collapsed in Phrae’s Long district.
Viet Nam has been affected by more than the soaking that comes
from sinking. The land is frankly crumbling, and no excuses
offered by the government.

- Land Subsidence Abnormalities in Cam
Pha, 3 Houses Collapsed
May 10, 2012
- The provincial authorities and
relevant sectors are investigating the cause of the land
subsidence. A hole around 1.5m deep and 3-5m wide first
appeared before expanding to more than 4m deep and 10m
- Many New Cracks at the Disposal Phan
April 19, 2012
- The cracks about 20cm wide, even
up to 35 cm segments, forming deep pit.
- Ninh Binh: Highway 1A was "Split
February 13, 2012
- According to our observations,
seriously degraded the road, long sink marks, cracks
nearly 10cm wide, tens of meters long, raised a "wave" on
the road and is showing signs of continued subsidence
Elsewhere on the Sunda Plate, in the Philippines, Malaysia,
and Java, crumbling also is occurring, for no ostensible reason.
The pressure on the Sunda Plate is consistent, throughout.
- Philippines: Quinapondan Bridge
Approach Collapses; Bridge Closed to Traffic
May 5, 2012
- An approach of a bridge under
rehabilitation in Quinapondan, Eastern Samar has
collapsed, leaving the Samar South Coastal Road impassable
to all types of vehicles.
- Malaysia: Welcome Occupied Pandan
Heights Luxury, Made To Repair Work
May 6, 2012
- Luxury Pandan Heights residents
can heave a sigh of relief when a landslide that occurred
near the drainage canal near block 5, the condominium is
not detrimental to the building structure.
- Java: Monday Lebak Bridge Collapse,
Two Isolated Village
May 7, 2012
- Bridge with a length of 13 meters
and 5 meters wide on the two sides broke contact with the
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