Wobble Crop Circles
Few legitimate crop circles appeared during 2012, in part due
to the huge increase in frauds. In this context, the legitimate
crop circles stand out like jewels in the rough. The Fabbrico
design laid in Italy on June 25, 2012 is also legit and
per the Zetas shows how the retrograde orbit of Planet X will
cause it to block the Sun at the hour of the passage. The
July 28, 2012 design at Etchilhampton
is legit and is depicting the Earth wobble, per the Zetas. The
October 14, 2012 Windmill
Hill design is likewise legit, and per the Zetas depicts
the increasing orbit and rotation clash between Planet X and the
Earth. The Serpentine Dance
so prevalent in legitimate crop circle designs in the past, has

ZetaTalk Analysis
6/30/2012: Planet
X has a retrograde orbit and this design shows this clockwise
progression. Going into the passage, Planet X will grow
in size, looming as large as the Moon or the Sun in the sky,
while also continuing in its retrograde orbit so it will align
in front of the Sun, rather than to the right of the Sun in
the view from the Northern Hemisphere as it does today.

ZetaTalk Analysis
8/4/2012: The
precision of the circles and the design overall, the circular
lay inside the circles with a center tuff remaining – all show
this to be a legitimate crop circle design. What is its
message? This design represents the Earth wobble, which has
lately become so noticeable with the Sun rising and setting in
the wrong place that the common man is talking about it, even
when they have not heard about Nibiru or Planet X or ZetaTalk.
The wobble is palpable, to one merely gazing at the design –
the flipping back and forth of the globe, with the N Pole
being the focus of the push back and forth.

ZetaTalk Analysis
10/20/2012: The
serpentine dance between Planet X and the Earth, caused by the
clash of their magnetic fields and direction of rotation and
orbit, has tightened. Planet X has a retrograde orbit and
rotation, while the Earth has the opposite. Their magnetic
fields clash. The Earth attempts to accommodate this magnetic
clash with her daily Figure 8 wobble, but as Planet X comes
closer, is losing the battle. Earth wants to align with the
Sun, the dominant magnetic influence in the solar system, but
is virtually assaulted by Planet X. Eventually, Planet X
supplants the Sun’s influence and it is then that the Pole
Shift occurs.
String of Pearls
The Council of Worlds is keeping the pressure on the cover-up
with signs in the skies. Going into the weekend of October 13,
2012, the visibility of Planet X and its Moon Swirls was seen
naked eye as well as with various filters, as this popular Pole
Shift ning blog documents. Note the consistency of the orb
at the 3 o’clock position, taken by photographers around the

By mid-October, a new phenomena appeared – the Moon Swirls of
Planet X arranged in a giant String of Pearls. The String of
Pearls phenomena is not new, as mentioned on February 14, 2010
in Issue 172 of this newsletter,
and introduced earlier on January 24, 2010 in Issue
169 of this newsletter. But now, rather than being seen
strung out at a distance, they appear to be closer
to Earth, the tail blown toward Earth. This new phenomena showed
up on Alberto’s photos from October
14, 2012 and October
15, 2012 and October
16, 2012 and October
19, 2012 and were confirmed by photos taken from an airplane
over Spain.

These are some photos I recently took, 11th October 2012, over
the duration of a flight from the UK to Spain, using the
internal disk from a floppy drive and my Samsung Galaxy 2. The
images were taken over a period of approximately 2 hours from
different windows.
ZetaTalk Explanation
6/15/1997: Planet
X's moons travel like a string of pearls behind the monster
traveling planet.
ZetaTalk Description
2001: Thus,
the moons of Planet X, having assumed a swirl that perpetuates
itself, remain in a dance behind Planet X even during its
dither point between its two foci. Planet X moves, however
slowly, at its dither point, so the swirl is always positioned
between Planet X and the foci it is leaving. This swirl,
unique to man in any comets or planets it observes, is what
caused the ancients to call the passing monster, red in the
sky because of its illuminated red dust cloud, a dragon,
lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.
These recent photos appear to show a series of Moon Swirls in a
lone line, arranging themselves in a long curling tail.
Individual moons within a Moon Swirl can likewise be seen. A
swirl within a swirl! A close up of Alberto’s October 14, 2012
photos show this clearly. There are the Moon Swirls, strung out
in a line, yet within each Moon Swirl, there are individual

ZetaTalk Explanation
2/27/2010: The
moons of Planet X move in long tube like swirls, which when
seen from the side can appear to be a String of Pearls just a
line, and when seen from the end funnel light down the tunnel
so it appears like a light orb, quite bright. Minor strings
can stretch out from a single large Moon too, at angles from
one another due to the charged nature of the dust that
surrounds these Moon Swirls.
ZetaTalk Explanation
6/12/2010: Where
there is a String of Pearls this is clearly a Moon Swirl seen
from the side. The primary reason for confusion is that most
of the visibility is due to the dust cloud, which reflects
sunlight. This is true whether the dust is shrouding the
corpus, Planet X itself, or a Moon Swirl. Both have drifting
debris, the drifting tail so often noted. Both have a blaze of
light. Planet X itself has two primary Moon Swirls that flare
out on either side, like shoulder pads. This is the source of
the Winged Globe shape, and the double helix shape on some
photos of Planet X. These Moon Swirls keep apart from each
other, though compete to be the closest Moon Swirl to the body
of Planet X itself. Fairly equal in mass, they both cling
close to the body of Planet X and both refuse to be displaced,
thus the wings.
During this same time period Felix Baumgartner too his high
altitude fall, above New Mexico on October
14, 2012. Per the Zetas, the uneven light spikes around
the Sun, which like the stars normally display in a geometric
arrangement, show the Planet X complex.

ZetaTalk Comment
10/20/2012: Felix
was far too focused on controlling his fall to Earth at
supersonic speeds to be gazing about at the Sun and what light
orbs might be around the Sun. This was without a doubt a life
or death moment for him, and as such inattention was not the
mode. What can be seen of brief glances of the Sun included in
video shots shows that the glare from the Sun is not even, as
it should be. Light sources show a balanced, geometric
arrangement of spikes, either an even glow or a four cornered
cross or a hexagon of spikes. Without going into the physics
of such displays, what is known to the common man is that
these geometric arrangements are even. What is seen during
Felix’s fall is irregularities.
Strategic Petroleum
The massive sinkhole in Bayou Corne has grown since last
reported on September 2, 2012 in Issue
309 of this newsletter. An oil slick has developed
on the surface, pipes floating to the surface, and nearby
residents are sickened by fumes.

- Flyover: Crude Oil now Covers Much of
Giant Sinkhole
October 13, 2012
- Oil and water can be seen flowing
from the sinkhole into the adjacent environment.
- Gas Pipeline Found Floating in Giant
October 11, 2012
- A 25? section of pipeline (from
Acadian Gas’ pipeline) floated to the surface on the edge
of the pipeline right-of-way. The pipeline was emptied
previously which made it become bouyant and since the
sinkhole occurred there is no earthen cover to keep the
pipeline submerged.
- Bayou Corne Odor and Symptom Log
October 9, 2012
- eb.org/our-work/community/public-health/bayou-corne-sinkhole/bayou-corne-odor-and-symptom-log-results
As the sink hole developed, the Bayou Corne/Grand Bayou
community began complaining of odors and associated health
impacts. Analysis of air samples in the Bayou
Corne/Grand Bayou area by the Louisiana Department of
Environmental Quality demonstrated that the concentrations
of toxic chemicals in the air, including Volatile Organic
Compounds such as Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and
Xylene, were below the Louisiana Ambient Air
Standards. However, though the concentrations of
toxic chemicals were below acceptable standards,
health symptoms continue to be experienced and reported by
community members.
This is not a simple matter of a single salt dome cavern used
as storage, as there are multiple
such salt dome caverns along the Gulf used in a similar manner.
In fact, the US Strategic Petroleum Reserves have long used salt
domes along the Gulf.

- Salt Caverns and Their Use for
Disposal of Oil Field Wastes
- In the United States, salt domes
are found in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, and in the
Gulf of Mexico.
Salt caverns have been used to store various types of
hydrocarbons since the 1940s. The types of products that
have been stored in these caverns include liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG), propane, butane, ethane, ethylene,
fuel oil, gasoline, natural gas, and crude oil. The
largest underground storage operations in the United
States are part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s)
Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The SPR currently
stores about 560 million barrels of crude oil in 62
caverns located at four sites in Louisiana and Texas.
Efforts are underway to add another 28 million barrels of
crude oil to these sites.
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve Storage
- Emergency crude oil is stored in
the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in salt caverns. Created
deep within the massive salt deposits that underlie most
of the Texas and Louisiana coastline, the caverns offer
the best security and are the most affordable means of
storage, costing up to 10 times less than aboveground
tanks and 20 times less than hard rock mines.
Strategic Reserve oil can be distributed through
interstate pipelines to nearly half of the Nation's oil
refineries or loaded into ships or barges for transport to
other refineries.
The initial decision to store reserved in salt domes was made
in the 1940’s, and has been continued as such storage is so much
cheaper than alternative methods. In fact, in the years since
2003, when Planet X roared into the inner solar system and began
its slow creep past the Sun, salt dome business has been
thriving! Spectra
Energy is seeking funds for expansion in southeastern
Louisiana, Schlumberger
in Houston is offering salt cavern drilling services, as is Dome Hawk in Texas.

The Zetas have predicted that Houston will participate during
the New Madrid adjustment. If the bridges crossing the
Mississippi are to be ripped, the land to the west of the
Mississippi dropped, how will the salt dome caverns fare? While
awaiting the diagonal pull of the New Madrid adjustment,
meanwhile, the N American continent continues to be pulled into
a painful bow. Many of these domes may not wait, before they
ZetaTalk Prediction
2/10/2006: This
creates a diagonal stress on the N American continent where
New England is pulled to the east while Mexico is pulled to
the West, so the New Madrid is put under slip-slide stress
where one half, east of the Mississippi, will move toward the
NE while the other, west of the Mississippi, moves toward the
SW. The virtual hook of land in the N American continent near
the Kamchatka peninsula is solid rock and will not snap off to
become a separate land plate, nor would this ease the deadlock
along the N American and Eurasian plates even it if did. These
massive plates cannot move. The stress on the N American plate
will resolve by ripping. The notable area of catastrophe
during this is the eastern half of the continental US. From
Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear
the underpinning of cities and create a catastrophe for the US
that will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial.
How are billionaires around the world preparing for the pending
Pole Shift? Some want to give themselves eternal life, as after
all, what’s money worth if it can’t buy that! Others, realizing
they can be tracked down to their bunkers after the Pole Shift,
refuse to have an address. Hop a plane and disappear, is the
plan apparently.

- Dmitry Itskov, Russian Billionaire,
Plans Immortality Research Center
August 28, 2012
- Itskov's 2045 Initiative, which is
trying to make immortality a reality, launched its own
political party in Russia last week: Evolution 2045.
Though Evolution 2045 is based in Russia, it aims to
create "a new stage of human civilization" throughout the
world. Itskov founded the 2045 Initiative in February
2011. He has brought 30 top Russian scientists on board
and plans to create an international research center
devoted to study immortality. The 2045 Initiative has
outlined a 30-year plan to develop the technology for
human beings to transfer their consciousness into
"avatars," or robots. Its self-declared ambition is to
make the human race "eventually become a new species."
- Homeless Billionaire Nicolas Berggruen
Chooses To Live Simply
October 3, 2012
- Nicolas Berggruen is a homeless
billionaire, preferring to live a simple life devoid of
possessions that others who make the same amount of money
as him have in spades. Berggruen, whose equity firm’s
annual revenue is $5 billion, has chosen not to own a home
or a car, deciding instead to live from hotel room to
hotel room, effectively making him a homeless billionaire.
But don’t think that he lives out on the streets or stays
in the local Best Western, as he travels around the world
in a jet and only stays at five star hotels. The
multi-billionaire sold his two homes, one in downtown New
York City and the other on a private island near Miami,
along with his only car, 12 years ago. Now, the only
possessions he has are either in storage, while he just
carries his iPhone, a carry on with a few pairs of jeans,
a nice suit or two, and a few clean shirts.
Per the Zetas, the elite will not fare well as a result of the
Pole Shift. They will find their militias turning on them, an
adult version of Lord of the Flies. They will find themselves
amid the ranks of the common man, with their paper money
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/15/2003: Accustomed
to being secure due to ownership of goods and the power this
brings, the upper class or moneyed class will react with more
than shock when their property, whether corporate interests or
stocks and bonds or real property, is flushed down the toilet
during the increasing changes pummeling the Earth. Clutching
jewels and artwork, they will stand and wail.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2/8/2003: The
elite presume the status quo continuing. They presume
their lackeys being good employees until the end. They presume
their funds, their wealth, being worth what it is today until
the end. They presume industry plodding along so that supplies
will be available until the end, commerce continuing. They
presume that repairs in the supply line, in communication
lines, will be forthcoming and not permanently, disruptively,
devastating. They are wrong on all counts.
This is depicted in the Finegan
Fine story, in the chapter Bear
- The former billionaire says, “this
is a private resort.” Finegan says, “Finegan Fine here,
trader. I come to see what you might need, and what you
have in trade.” The two portly men look at each other for
a minute, unspoken communications between them. The former
billionaire says, “you have food? I'm looking to get the
damn phone connected but the batteries are dead.” His
partner motions to the quiet generator and says, “and that
thing don't work.” Finegan says, “cell phones? You need
towers for those, and the towers are down.” The former
billionaire says, “oh yeah? How would you know?” Finegan
says the obvious. “How long you been trying to raise
someone? Phones don't work no more. Short wave is the only
thing and that's real spotty.”
The former billionaire and his buddy don't look surprised.
The former billionaire reaches into his back pocket,
pulling out a checkbook, and slaps it on the bar. “Yeah,
well, I can write you a check. Bring the food supplies and
gas for the generator in here.” He points to the middle of
the floor and proceeds to fill out the check. Finegan
says, “paper's no good”. The former billionaire flushes
with anger and looks sharply over at Finegan, his voice
rising. “Paper? This is backed. This isn't paper, this is
solid, negotiable anywhere.” Finegan holds his
ground. “No one deals in paper anymore. It's no
good. You gotta barter goods and services.” The former
billionaire throws his pen down on the bar in disgust and
turns his back. Finally he explodes in anger. “We
need something to eat! Damit. I don't care what it takes,
bring some food in here and on the double.”
Finegan says, “Don't you garden or tend sheep or
something? Most survivors have to do that to survive. What
you been eating?” Finegan is pretending to look around the
rec room for evidence of gardening or hunting or fishing.
The former billionaire says, “Not that it's any of your
business, but our help quit. Ran off and left us.” Finegan
motions to the several young women lounging in the corner
on over-stuffed chairs, looking blaze. Finegan says,
“Doen't take much to seed and weed a garden. They break a
leg or something?” The former billionaire is twitching
slightly. “We don't garden. The help does that.” The
former billionaire is losing his temper again, looking
around and up at the ceiling, calling out to the general
area as though expecting the resort staff to suddenly
appear out of thin air. “I'm a paid member. Where
the hell is the help!”
Finegan says, “so you had a garden but left it? Just
because the help ran off? Didn't you treat them right?”
The former billionaire is now sounding a bit
desperate. “I paid them well but they wanted more,
had a better offer. I'll pay you plenty. You'd be set for
life after this all blows over. I'm worth billions.
Billions.” Finegan again holds his ground. “I told you,
paper's no good. That includes stocks, bonds, cash. So
what you gonna do now? How you gonna live?” Finegan says,
“too late to start a garden but there's grass and weeds to
eat. Fish or set traps if you know how. And you know, rats
aren't half bad in the stew pot.” The houseboat is pulling
away from the resort shoreline. Up on the hill, in the
former golf course, two young women are running after
sheep, their hands outstretched, trying to corral a lamb.
The sheep of course are way ahead of them, flowing like
water up and over the hill.