During the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda
Plate, and the steady tilting of the Indo-Australian
Plate, the notable excuses have been rain, rain, rain and
more rain or settling of the ground due to extraction of
drinking water, heavy buildings in cities, mining operations, or
and lately extraction of oil or gas from the ground. India
and Bangladesh will be severely affected during the Pole Shift
and this Scripted Drama is
already apparent. Now there seems to be an admission that
sinking has been taking place along the coastline
of India, though still cloaked in the excuse of “oil and
gas exploration” .

- Land Subsidence Confirmed
November 18, 2012
- Exploitation of natural gas has
caused land subsidence in the Krishna and Godavari deltas.
Upland areas like Vijayawada, Eluru, Nidadavolu and
Pithapuram, among others suffered damage due to
backwaters. East Godavari farmers recalled that in the
past, before exploration of oil and gas, any amount of
rainwater even due to cyclones would get cleared in 24 to
48 hours. Since this is not happening now it is confirmed
that elevations of delta lands have reached near sea
level, thereby the topographic gradient has come to near
zero level and water is unable to flow in to the sea.
Sri Lanka, an island on the southern tip of India, likewise
admit sinking, calling this “subsidence”, “earth sinking”
or just admitting the sea water is rolling inland.

- A Land Subsidence was Happen at
Polgampala, KalutharaE
August 23, 2012
- A sudden land subsidence has been
occurred during the mid night on 10th July 2012 at
Polgampala, Agalawatta in Kaluthara district.
- Sea Waters have Reached the Inland
August 22, 2012
- The Director General of the
Department of Irrigation, Bhadra Kamaladasa said that sea
water had reached about seven kilometres inland, through
the Mahaweli river.
- A Minor Tremor in the South-Attributed
to a Possible Earth Sinking
April 20, 2011
- No earthquake was marked in the
earth tremor gauges set up in Mihintale, Pallekele, and
Hakmana of which the last was quite close to the vicinity.
One house was seriously damaged while six other houses
were partially damaged in the incident, which the bureau
attributed to a possible earth sinking.
Jakarta on the island Indonesian island of Java was predicted
to be affected by the 80 foot loss of elevation predicted by the
Zetas to occur during the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate to
begin in early 2011. This has been steadily
occurring though Jakarta points to extraction of drinking
water and heavy buildings as the cause. Jakarta now seems more willing
to admit that the tide rolls inland. A comparison of
MODIS satellite images show the degree of flooding, where
predicted by the Zetas, has occurred along the northern Java
coastline and the region surrounding Jakarta.

- Hundreds of Homes were Flooded in
Kamal Muara
November 16, 2012
- Floods as high as 70 centimeters
rob hundreds of homes inundated Kamal Muara, North
Jakarta. Yet people still opted to stay in their homes.
600 homes inundation due to high tide in the morning
around 07.00 am until 12.00 pm and from Bogor plus flood
flowing into Kali Kamal.
- No Worries
November 16, 2012
- Flood waters or not, it is
business as usual at Pasar Ikan in Penjaringan, North
Jakarta. Increasing land subsidence constantly inundated
several parts of the northern coast of Jakarta.
Sinking in Jakarta had been progressing steadily since the 7
of 10 plate movements at the start of 2011, as shown in the
MODIS chart comparisons in Issue 283
on March 4, 2012. But at that time, rain, rain, and more rain
was still being blamed.
- Jakarta Annual Flooding in February
February 28, 2011
- In February 2010, the floods
inundated more areas than the previous year’s floods
despite a lower level of rainfall. In February 2011, the
worst flood inundated Jakarta on February 15, 2011 that
caused severe flooding in the neighborhood of Jl. The East
Flood Canal project has been completed and reached the sea
on December 31, 2009. This massive project was considered
as the most feasible solution for preventing future floods
in Jakarta, but it clearly cannot prevent the flooding
What would the pending announcement by Obama that Nibiru, aka
Planet X, was a fact and was in the neighborhood do to these
countries, which ZetaTalk predicts will be so severely affected
by the coming Pole Shift? The populace of India, Bangladesh, and
Sri Lanka will drown, and the countries on the Sunda Plate in
harm’s way when the compressing Pacific pours water past the
island nations on its way to the Indian Ocean. Is warning these
countries that the truth will out be one of the reasons for
Obama’s late November visit? Per the Zetas, this is precisely
the reason.
- Obama Arrives in Thailand
November 18, 2012
- The president landed here to begin
a four-day Asia trip on which he’s set to make history by
becoming the first U.S. president to visit Burma. The trip
to Thailand, Burma and Cambodia had the potential to be a
post-election, international victory lap for Obama.
ZetaTalk Comment
11/24/2012: Why
did Obama chose to go to Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia when
his schedule is crowded with the Fiscal Cliff and he is
planning to restart the announcement process? He feels he must
personally warn them about his upcoming announcement. Cambodia
is where the East Asia summit is to take place, so all the
countries on the Sunda Plate will be available. But why
Myanmar and Thailand? They form the coastline across from
Bangladesh and India, which are sinking. Already there are
tensions between
Myanmar and Bangladesh
with refugees forced into boats with nowhere to land. What
will happen when a frantic populace from Bangladesh and India
try to migrate in earnest? At the very least, Obama is
planning to tell Asia to brace for the announcement and its
likely impact on the plans of its peoples.
Christmas Hammer
Will the Christmas Hammer strike this year? This title emerged
after the 9.5 quake in Sumatra on
December 26, 2004. Preceded by two magnitude 8+ quakes near
Tasmania, near the S Pole, the Indo-Australian Plate lifted at
the eastern end and allowed domino quakes to emerge around the
world. The Indo-Australian Plate is considered the “brake”
point, and when the brake is lifted, plate movements can
proceed. This brake point was also the major factor in the start
of the 7 of 10 plate movements toward the end of 2010. Pakistan
sunk, permanently, in the Indus Valley at that time as the plate
was tilted, and Australia’s rivers
along its eastern coastline ran backwards, flooding inland.
December has been a time or regular, exceptional quakes since
Planet X arrived in the vicinity.

ZetaTalk Explanation
1/23/2005: What
would cause a plate as large as the Indo/Australian plate to
pop, springing from its lock of jagged rock all along its
edges, miles deep and snagged in an infinite number of places
resisting any motion at all? What force would cause these rock
fingers to rupture along a 600 mile length along Sumatra?
ZetaTalk Explanation
12/21/2007: Great
quakes that affect the globe in its entirety must first occur
at one of the brake points in the global mesh of plates. For
the Earth, this is primarily the point where the
Indo-Australian plate dives under the Himalayas. The
Himalayas, the highest mountains in the world, show how often
this brake point has been hammered in the past.
ZetaTalk Prediction
12/4/2010: Enter
the Christmas Hammer, the end of the Magnetic Trimester on
December 17, the time frame of the great 9.5 Sumatra quake on
December 26, 2004. Do our predictions that the 7 of 10
scenarios will occur prior to the end of 2010 have something
to do with December as a month of magnetic changes affecting
the magnetic dance between Planet X and the Earth? Yes!
The Christmas Hammer has a relationship to the Magnetic
Trimesters described by the Zetas because one of the
trimesters ends on December 17. Magnetic Trimesters are a
major theme of crop circles and have recently been
confirmed by NASA.

ZetaTalk Explanation
12/30/2006: Since
magnetism is viewed as polarized, a N Pole and a S Pole, with
particles flowing from one to the other, the idea that there
would be trimesters is confusing. We have explained that the
Sun's magnetism reaches to the ends of the solar system and
beyond, and dominates. Imagine the solar system itself aligned
along a magnetic flow line of a larger field, which pulses. It
is no accident that the Earth, a magnetic planet, is going
round the Sun every 365 days or so, as the magnetic trimesters
have something to do with this progression.
ZetaTalk Explanation
11/26/2011: The
Christmas Hammer is caused in great part by the December
switch in Magnetic Trimester which occurs at approximately
December 17 on the Earth calendar.
Moon Swirl
Nothing confirms what is captured on film by the public, around
the world, than the type of correlation in Moon Swirl position
recently on November 19-20, 2012. As shown in the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to Planet X photo and video
captures, a grouping of three Moon Swirls offset by a fourth
Moon Swirl appear in photos
from Italy, Malaysia, and Reno, Nevada.

- Italy: Cloud Cover and a Red
Filter, Revealing PX Moonswirl Orbs 2012/11/19 12.05 [and from another] Mayalysia: 20thNov12 12.40pm Kuala
Lumpur Camera Phone [and
from another] Reno:
11/19 with my iPhone 4S and a floppy disk filter.
The Moon Swirls around the Sun are becoming increasingly
bright and quite visible without filters. An example is this
video taken in Brittany on November 21, 2012. Many of the Planet
X components can be best seen on cloudy days, when the clouds
block the glare of the Sun. Note that the Moon is not anywhere
in view, and is not full as is the orb in question. The Sun is
huge, and this orb a fraction of the size. Nor are they in the
same place in the skies. The Moon Swirl is in front of the Sun,
brighter than the Sun, and on the move.

- Took this video today at about
12:30 in Brighton 21/11/12 this is not the Sun or the
Moon. What is it?
There are Moon Swirls to the right, left, top and bottom of
the Sun from our view, as these SOHO images show. When zoomed,
there is the drifting tail! When slung to the side, there is the
String of Pears persona. Undeniable.

Petraeus Affair
Why are so many US Generals suddenly running into trouble over
affairs and lavish expenditures? The Washington Post notes that
5 generals have been prosecuted in these matters within a 2 week
period. Could it be related to the upcoming announcement by
Obama over the presence of Planet X in the near vicinity? Per
the Zetas, the DIA and CIA had a vested interest in keeping the
cover-up going, and the Obama administration is reducing their
influence and punishing their past efforts to block his

- 5 US Generals Reprimanded or
Investigated in Past 2 Weeks
November 14, 2012
- 5 US generals reprimanded or
investigated in past 2 weeks. CIA Director David Petraeus,
the former four-star general and top commander in
Afghanistan, resigned as spy chief after the FBI uncovered
evidence that he was having an extramarital affair with
his biographer, Paula Broadwell. Ward, former head
of U.S. Africa Command, was demoted and ordered to repay
more than $82,000 for inappropriate and lavish spending on
travel. Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair is facing
multiple sexual misconduct charges, including forcible
sodomy, involving five women, including female officers
who served with him. Gen. John Allen, top U.S. commander
in Afghanistan, is under investigation for potentially
inappropriate communications with Florida socialite Jill
Kelley. Adm. James Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander of
NATO, was cautioned by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus to
exercise better oversight of his staff after an
investigation into travel and expense questions, including
a trip to a wine dinner in France.
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/24/2012: If
the DIA and the CIA were the primary source of the 3% fighting
to keep the cover-up in place, what might they be planning to
unseat Obama? Petraeus and Allen were both among the top brass
working to keep the cover-up, and trying to embarrass Obama.
When Libya erupted, the embassy attack, it was at the hand of
Israel who hoped to make Romney look strong, Obama a failure
in the Middle East. But al Queda was an opportunist and
mustered a stronger attack against the Libyan embassy, and
this fact was kept from the White House by Petraeus, though
his excuse is that he was keeping covert operations secret.
How else were Rice and the initial briefing of the
Congressional committee ignorant of the fact?
Petraeus hoped to make the
Obama administration look inept, and the truth is only now
coming out. Thus as soon as Obama had won the election, those
within the administration who knew this approached him about
replacing Petraeus, with the information they had in hand for
some time – the affair. This is obviously not an accident, as
these two generals are in powerful positions and the planned
announcement ran amuck of the cover-up crowd, of which the DIA
is a player. Petraeus was forced to resign, though Obama
feigned reluctance. The FBI was instructed to involve Allen,
as his flirtations were likewise known. Both these men have
now been removed from power, and others within the military
wanting to block Obama’s announcement have gotten the message.
The plan in midsummer was to
put those who were aggressively carrying out the Reagan
Executive Orders for secrecy on the approach of Planet X via
assassination under house arrest until after the announcement.
But how does one do this to the Director of the CIA or someone
as powerful as General Allen, currently under consideration
for promotion to a yet more powerful position? House
arrest was not possible, but removing them from power and
diminishing their status within the military is
possible. Three other generals were added to the mix –
Sinclair, Stavridis, and Ward – all prosecuted almost
simultaneously though their offences were known for months or
even years. The 3% are being warned.
Mars Admissions
The plethora of images from the new Mars rover Curiosity have
included evidence of life, past and present, on Mars. A goat’s
skull, a live mouse, and much
evidence the Annunaki lived there in the past. Beyond evidence
that the water on Mar’s surface disappeared
underground, as the Zetas long ago described, to wash the
Annunaki ore, the famous Face on Mars documented by Richard
Hoagland shows they visited Mars in the past. But there is more,
and more promised, but per the Zetas NASA will only creep
forward toward the truth.

- Mars Mystery: Has Curiosity Rover Made
Big Discovery?
November 20, 2012
- The discovery was made by
Curiosity's Sample Analysis at Mars instrument. SAM is the
rover's onboard chemistry lab, and it's capable of
identifying organic compounds — the carbon-containing
building blocks of life as we know it. In addition to
analyzing soil samples, SAM also takes the measure of Red
Planet air. Many scientists are keen to see if Curiosity
detects any methane, which is produced by many lifeforms
here on Earth. The news will come out at the fall meeting
of the American Geophysical Union, which takes place Dec.
3-7 in San Francisco.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/27/2012: For
decades Hoagland has tried to get NASA to film the Face on
Mars with more detail, while NASA has studiously avoided that
part of Mars on their flyover missions. When evidence of dust
covered city streets, roads, and irrigation ditches show up,
NASA falls silent. The cover-up over the presence of Planet X
is collapsing. The cover-up over the presence of alien life,
intelligent life other than mankind, has proved burdensome.
Why not just say it? They would prefer to avoid the sharp slap
of anger and disgust from the public, would prefer to ease
into so as to dilute the public’s anger. They will say
that Mars sustained life in the past, hinting that such life
bearing planets may exist elsewhere in the Universe.