Tips Refresher
There have been many survival tips detailed in this newsletter
in the past, and a treasure trove on the Troubled
Times pages. Here’s a refresher. When the grocery shelves
are empty, and food distribution just not happening, you will
have to feed yourselves. You should not wait for this time, but
prepare! We are used to thinking of standard garden fare, but
need to think outside the box. Highly nutritious weeds are right
at hand, such as duckweed
and kudzu. Everyday weeds such
as plantain and dandelion have vitamins and minerals, as well as
calories. The list is almost endless, and no need to tend the
garden. These are hardy vegies!

One of the best kept secret is meatless meals, possible if you
have lysine rich vegies in your diet. Amaranth
and corn combined provide the equivalent of red meat!
These are grains that can be stored and keep well, as do
buckwheat and various legumes. Why haven’t you heard about
this on TV? It’s all about the latest big burgers, making you
think you could not survive
without them. Where is the amaranth and corn combo PR campaign?

And don’t forget that saving seed
is of prime
importance. If you don’t properly save seed, you will have a
one-time garden. There will be no
running to the store for those little packets. Mother Nature
wants her seeds dry and cool, so most seed only needs that
preparation and protection. Many seeds will not spout unless
gathered from a ripe fruit, so those peppers and squash and
melons should be ripe before harvesting. Very ripe, almost to
the point of rotting. Tomatoes too, need to have white mold eat
away their slime, or the seed thinks it is still in the tomato
and simply won’t sprout!

Are you stuck in the city and despairing? You can certainly garden and learn to save
seed, and unless zoning laws forbid can keep chickens! Urban
gardens are becoming very popular, and can be done even on
patios and above ground. Urban
farming is even commercially viable.

Keeping Chickens and Goats are
a delight and a challenge, so get started as soon as possible so
you put your learning curve behind you. And when your herd
and flock get large enough, invest in natural farm
guards – geese and donkeys.

Looking for protein and tired of a vegetarian diet? Wildlife
such as deer and fish scarfed up and scarce? Be resourceful! Rats and squirrels are certainly
edible. Remember the movie the Hunger Games? Bugs and earthworms
are some of the best nutrition the world has to offer, and are
another greatly overlooked resource. They can be farmed -
nurtured and grown. Bugs are
high in fat and protein. Locusts
can be roasted on a stick, and earthworms
are 82% protein.

Water filters will only last so long, and are not as effective
as simply drinking distilled water. I can attest that this
portable stacked
pot system works, and produces hot water for washing up as
a byproduct. This gets rid of parasites as well as heavy metals.
If traveling through the desert, harvest
the fog.

Grid down and batteries worn out? Rig a windmill
using car or truck batteries, and don’t forget to learn
how to maintain
or refresh these batteries. Wood gas can power your car
or truck, and the
specifications on how to retool your vehicle are
available. Biogas use is
becoming more popular, using methane from manure or garbage as
the source.

For those in a flood zone, consider houseboat
living. If you don’t like your neighbors, just hoist
anchor and move. And don’t forget that short
wave radio will be the communication avenue of choice when
all else goes down. Hand tools will work to repair furniture and
housing when electricity is scarce. And carbon
arc lamps lit the streets of London as bright as day in
years gone by, and don’t require glass light bulbs which can
shatter and burn out and are difficult to manufacture.
Pencil leads will indeed work in this regard.
India Sinking
The Zetas have described the tilting of the Indo-Australian
Plate, pushing under the Himalayas and lifting at the edge near
Australian and New Zealand. Primarily this will happen during
the hour of the Pole Shift, but is an ongoing plate movement,
very much in evidence during the 7 of 10 plate movements
ZetaTalk Prediction
2001: Due
to the compression of the Pacific during the forthcoming pole
shift, India is forced under the Himalayan highlands, with a
violent thrust of the Indo-Australian plate, which is strong
enough to remain whole, yet the edges of which will separate
from the surrounding plates so that it is free to move and
slide under the Himalayas. Those in India will find, after the
first strong jolts, that water is rapidly rising, coming in
from the coast for those who live there, and coming from
whatever area might be considered the lowland for those
inland. Giant waves will not occur, just a rapid rise in the
water, which will force man and animal alike to tread water
for as long as possible, then drown.
That India is being pushed down, losing elevation, was obvious
from reports this past August from the East, the West, and the
interior of India. As this Pole
Shift ning blog reports, flooding in Pakistan is once
again focused on Sindh, which borders the ocean. The Indus
Valley lies along the plate border, so as India sinks, the Indus
Valley sinks.

- Pakistan: Huge Flood Tide Enters
Sindh, 591 Villages Submerged
August 23, 2013;-591-villages
- National Disaster Management
Authority (NDMA) has said that heavy monsoon rains
prompting floods have affected nearly one million people
across Pakistan during the last three weeks.
- PRF Report on ’Flood-2013’: Sindh Govt
Urged to Take all Depts on Board
August 18, 2013
- The government must have taken
measures to avoid the fourth consecutive flood in Sindh.
ZetaTalk Analysis
9/4/2010: The
Indus River is one of the points on the Indian sub-continent
that is being pushed under the Himalayas range, as a close
look at where the mountain building along the northern edge of
the Indo-Australian Plate occurs shows. What should be
watched is how well the flood waters drain, and whether a drop
in elevation is noted along the Indus River and its outlet
into the Indian Ocean.
In the interior of India, along the edge of the Himalayas where
land is being pushed down and under so that the normal flow of
rivers has been pinched by compressed land, even a small amount
of rain brings flooding as this Pole
Shift ning blog reports.

- India: Uttar Pradesh Flood Situation
August 27, 2013
- Yamuna was also flowing above the
red mark at Auraiya, Kalpi, Hamirpu, Chillaghat and Naini,
the sources said. River Betwa at Sahijana and Sharda at
Palia Kalan were also flowing above the danger mark.
Met office said that light to moderate rains and
thundershowers took place at isolated places in the last
24 hours.
- Floods Destroy Standing Crops in
August 22, 2013
- While basmati export has already
plunged to low of 0.6 million tons from 2.1 million ton in
2013, the recent floods have ruined the 50 per cent of the
Basmati growing area in the country.
ZetaTalk Explanation
6/29/2013: Uttarakhand
in India is where the flat land of India dives under the
Himalayas. The land is being pushed down, changing the
landscape for water that must drain away from this point.
Water may drain as it did before, but more slowly, may
accumulate at certain points before being released and then
break through an earthen dam to be released in a rush.
And to the East, in Bangladesh, land directly on the coastline,
bordering the sea, is sinking. This selective flooding is hardly
due to rain, it is due to sinking.

- Bangladesh: Over 60 Villages Flooded
in Bhola, Hatiya
August 21, 2013
- Locals said, water gushing through
the breached points of the dyke inundated over 50
N Pacific Crunch
On the heels of a tilt of the Indo-Australian Plate, the N
Pacific gives evidence of compressing. Per the Zetas, this
region of the Pacific is composed of two
plates, overlapping along a ridge from Kamchatka to Hawaii
and down to the Society Islands. As the N American bow
increases, the Pacific Plate bordering N America must either
subduct under the West Coast or shift westward along the
mid-Pacific ridge. It clearly did the latter on August 30, 2013
when a magnitude 7.0 quake struck the Aleutian Islands, followed
by numerous large aftershocks. This set the buoys rocking in the
N Pacific region.

But preceding these
quakes on August 29, 2013 British Columbia started to sing. In
the city of Terrance, BC the trumpets sounded from the deep
rivers along the mountains there, as this
Pole Shift ning blog details. These trumpets show
the rock under tension, vibrating as rock strata is pulled in
different directions. Why would Terrance experience this tension
just ahead of a quake in the Aleutian Islands? Because the N
American bow and the compression in the N Pacific go hand in
hand! 7 of 10 plate movements in process.

ZetaTalk Explanation
8/28/2011: Whether
the sound is a tone, a rumble, a howl, or a hum the etiology
is all the same - the ground is vibrating. A tornado is
reported to have a freight train sound, produced by the
vibrations of the air itself as air masses slam into each
other, rapidly.
UFO Lore Unraveling
Area 51 is intimately associated with UFO lore, and is suddenly
in the news. The CIA has declassified documents, so that
the long denied secret Area 51 base is now admitted. And almost
at the same time, a dying
CIA agent reveals he visited Area 51 on a special mission
on behalf of President Eisenhower. Eisenhower resented the rule
that Vice Presidents could be privy to MJ12 secrets, but
Presidents could not. Per Bill
Cooper, this rule was put into place to provide the
President with deniability.
- Area 51 Exists, the CIA Admits
August 16, 2013
- UFO buffs and believers in alien
encounters are celebrating the CIA's clearest
acknowledgement yet of the existence of Area 51, the
top-secret Cold War test site that has been the subject of
elaborate conspiracy theories for decades.
- President CIA MJ12 UFO True
June 14, 2013
- A President of the United States
had to threaten a military base with a military invasion
if that base did not reveal to him what was going on.
Initially, the President was told that what was at the
base was too important even for him to know about. It was
only under that direct threat of an ordered invasion by
the 101st Airborne by the President of the United States
Area-51 complied and it’s unprecedented.
ZetaTalk Comment
8/31/2013: This
video is legitimate, the dying ex CIA agent telling the truth.
As with Bill Cooper and Bob Dean and others who have broken
with their code of silence to bring the truth to the public,
the story is 100% true. Eisenhower heard rumors, and consulted
his Vice President, Nixon. The rule that he was to be kept in
the dark infuriated him, as Generals are not used to such
treatment in the best of times. Area 51, and the CIA elements
working with the DOD, were working hand in glove with the
Service-to-Self aliens who had loaned them space ships
and promised them technological rewards. This was all a lie,
of course, but there were many in the CIA and DOD, members of
MJ12, who saw themselves controlling the world. Eisenhower
sensed this and demanded regular briefings thereafter. Neither
he nor MJ12 wanted a public fight over the issue.
Subsequently, any President challenging MJ12
self-determination was killed, ala JFK.
Element 115 is another UFO lore term suddenly in the news.
Scientists are claiming they have manufactured, for however
brief a time, the artificial and rapidly degrading heavy metal
Element 115. Per the Zetas, these topics, suddenly in the news,
are a clue that disclosure about the alien presence is in

- Remember the Periodic Table? Now
there's a New Element to Learn
August 28, 2013
- 'Ununpentium' is a heavy man-made
element and is currently 115th in the periodic table. Some
people have claimed ununpentium is used by UFOs as a
component in gravity wave generators. However, due
to its unstable nature, its uses in the real world are
likely to be few and far between.
- Periodic Table
- All elements from atomic numbers 1
to 118 have been discovered or synthesized. The elements
from 1 to 98 have been found to exist naturally, although
some are found only in trace amounts and were initially
discovered by synthesis in laboratories. The elements
after 98 have only been synthesized in laboratories.
ZetaTalk Comment
8/31/2013: Element
115 is among the heavy metals that do not occur naturally, but
are manufactured. It is one of the elements we
use to force density shifting and faster-than-light space
travel. Thus man, who does not have this ability, has been
salivating over the possibility of manufacturing Element 115
since the early days of MJ12. Why are matters such as the
manufacture of Element 115 and the reality of Area 51 suddenly
in the press at the
current time? They relate to UFOs and the alien presence,
which will become a white hot topic of discussion soon. The
cover-up is currently unraveling, and the announcement over
the nearby presence of Planet X, aka Nibiru, will accelerate
the process. It will be obvious that ZetaTalk, and only
ZetaTalk was correct on dozens of topics, including mankind’s
science misconceptions. It will be obvious that the ZetaTalk
information is not and has not been coming from Nancy.
Now we also have the 1938 Orson Welles scare, redux, in Alabama.
Is this once again the CIA trying to prove the public is not
ready? The Zetas explain.
- Alabama Residents Panic After Radio
Station's Joke Alien Invasion
August 30, 2013
- The broadcast's joke about aliens
taking over the station was only meant to publicize a
programming change. But Star 94.9 got more of a
promotional boost than they had bargained for when
residents took the aliens' threats seriously.
ZetaTalk Insight
9/7/2013: If
Area 51 and Element 115 can hit the news without public panic,
UFO lore admitted as a reality, is it time for disclosure on
the alien presence? The elements within the CIA and DIA who
want the cover-up to continue certainly hope not. They hope to
avoid facing their years of lying to the public. Hope to
continue the mystique that UFOs are somehow secret government
air craft. And hoping to prove that the public was not yet
ready for disclosure, arranged yet another test. We have explained that the very
reason a mass landing would never be allowed to occur is
because it would tend to create panic and anxiety. Thus in
addition to scary Hollywood movies about alien invasions, the
cover-up utilizes fake mass landings, ie Orson Welles in 1938,
to “prove” their point. The Awakening has been slow and
steady, with individual contact established first, then
building up to group contact. Unfortunately for those clinging
to the cover-up, at least half the world’s population is now
getting the truth directly from the source – the aliens