The Zetas have been asked to address migration patterns after
the Pole Shift, as the seas rise to 675 feet above their current
level. As the populace becomes more and more aware of ZetaTalk
accuracy, these migration routes are likely to become active
well before the Pole Shift. What countries will be most
affected, and what direction will the drowning populace take?

The UK will be affected not only by the sea level rise but also
by being pulled down as the Atlantic Rift is pulled apart.
Scotland and Wales have high land that will remain for the most
part above the waves. Other parts of the UK will be devastated.
Per the Zetas, who were asked recently about Gibraltar, the
elite may attempt a quick hop to Africa via this route.

- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar maintains regular flight
connections to London and Manchester. Budget airline
EasyJet also flies to Liverpool.
ZetaTalk Analysis
9/7/2013: It
is notable that Britain has airline service from the UK to
Gibraltar, under the auspices of tourism. This well
established route will be used extensively when the
realization of the flooding in the UK’s future grows. Brits,
especially those with funds, will be looking to avoid passport
issues and the crowded water ways by a direct flight to
Gibraltar, then on to Africa if not by boat, then by air.
Thus, they are literally on the African coast, or so they
ZetaTalk Prediction
9/7/2013: The
UK must deal with potential tsunami as the North Atlantic
pulls apart. The UK will also be pulled down, more on the west
side than the east, due to lack of support from drooping
Atlantic plates. Then there is the global rise in sea level by
675 feet, worldwide, within two years after the Pole Shift.
Since Scotland and Wales will have land mass above the waves,
while most of Britain and Ireland are flooded, they should
prepare to offer rescue to their countrymen.
Much of Europe is coastal lowlands, and will gradually flood.
Their populace must either take to boats, houseboat living, or
migrate to Norway and Sweden or into the Alps or highlands of
Spain. Just what rules will be established to control such
migrations is unknown at the current time, though the Zetas have
indicated Russia does not want European immigrants trudging
through Russia toward the highlands of East Russia and
Kazakhstan. They will have their hands full with their own
drowning citizens.

ZetaTalk Prediction
2001: Europe
will be a series of islands in the Aftertime. Europe is a land
of coastlines, already. Fortunately for the survivors, travel
by boat will not be that difficult. The climate will be almost
ideal, access to the sea at hand, and boat building and
fishing a skill in many European countries.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2001: Of
course Norway and Sweden are seen as desirable countries to
immigrate to as they are high ground, social democracies that
take care of their citizens, and in the case of Norway,
wealthy. One should not expect their immigration policies to
change. There will of course be huge numbers of
migrating people from western Russia, Demark, Finland, and the
lowlands of Poland and Germany and other lowland countries.
They have few choices.
ZetaTalk Prediction
6/1/2013: The
Ukraine is on the edge where some of its land will be above
the waves, but all to the east in Russia will be flooded.
Migration will flow in two directions, first from the flooding
lands in Russia to high ground in the Ukraine, and then as
Europe is likewise afflicted with flooding, back toward Russia
in the desperate search for a land route to high ground.
Russia does not want Europeans bridging over to Kazakhstan,
which will already be burdened with migrates from Russia.
Then there is the lure of Africa, which will be almost entirely
above the waves in the Aftertime. Former colonies of European
countries will be approached with friendly offers. S Africa is
very much sought by the elite. And per the Zetas it is no
accident that France was so eager to help Libya be free of
ZetaTalk Prediction
6/1/2013: Second
comes the use of bargaining chips, such as between France and
the new government in Libya which France assisted to be free
of Gaddafi. France knows much of its land will flood, and
Libya is right across the Mediterranean.
Per the Zetas, Russia too has its eye on a partnership with
African countries.
- Russia Seeks Africa Partnerships –
May 26, 2013
- Russia is after friendly relations
and productive cooperation with all countries in Africa.
President Vladimir Putin said this in a message to the
Addis Ababa summit marking 50 years since the foundation
of what is now the African Union. He also praised the
Union’s role in conflict management, peacekeeping and
advancing social and economic development across Africa.
ZetaTalk Prediction
6/1/2013: By
its firm partnership with Iran and Syria, Russia plans a firm
handshake with Islamists throughout Africa.
Russia has immense territory that will be flooded, though
Eastern Russia will survive and have an excellent climate in the
Aftertime, and is at present sparsely populated. Per the Zetas,
Russia should plan accordingly, and begin migration early.

ZetaTalk Prediction
2001: Russia
suffers greatly due to the flooding that will occur after the
pole shift. Most of the country lies beneath the 675 foot
elevation where we estimate the waters will rise. The Ural
Mountains clearly stand above this, as do the mountains of
eastern Russia. The mountains of eastern Russia are sparsely
populated, in Russian territory, and will have a delightful
climate in the Aftertime. We advise an early migration to
those regions, or a migration via boat if delayed.
Asian Migration
As with migration out of Europe and Russia, migration in Asia
will be dominated by flooding issues.

Well ahead of the Pole Shift the sinking of the Sunda Plate has
caused Australia to take firm measures to block illegal
immigration from Indonesia to Australia. Australia will have to
think of re-settling their own citizens, as the western 2/3 of
Australia will be pulled under during the Pole Shift.

- Australia Bans all Illegal Boat
July 19, 2013
- Australian Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd has banned all illegal boat refugees from ever
settling in the country. All new unauthorised
asylum-seekers will be sent to Papua New Guinea under a
regional resettlement deal, declaring future boat refugees
will have 'no chance' of staying in Australia as refugees.
In exchange for PNG's agreement, Australia will fund
further aid initiatives.
ZetaTalk Comment
7/9/2011: Australia
is brutal to those among the poor who are desperately trying
to climb onto Australian shores. The elite are welcome, but
the poor can drown and starve.
China likewise has taken a firm stance against drowning refugees
from the South clamoring into China. It is no secret that China
has developed Ghost Cities in their interior, as yet
unpopulated. If one takes careful note, these Ghost Cities are
far away from India (which will become the new S Pole) and also
along a curve of land destined to be above the sea level rise of
675 feet after the Pole Shift. China has taken note of ZetaTalk!

ZetaTalk Comment
7/23/2011: The
ghost cities of China are situated where the climate and
elevation will be most optimal in the Aftertime. China can be
expected to direct its population to migrate within China to
the desert regions in the interior. Certainly, any refugees
from other countries will be harshly ejected, with guarding
the borders a top priority. Nor will the elite from other
countries be welcomed.
China is also firmly guarding her southern borders along SE Asia
and above India in Tibet. Migrants may come to those borders,
but will be blocked and turned around. China, after all, does
have populous cities along its coastline, and those provinces
bordering India which will suddenly freeze, to consider. They
will relocate and take care of their own.
- Why China is a ‘Bad Neighbour
November 1, 2011
- From the territorial disputes with
Vietnam and the Philippines in the South China Sea to
tensions with Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand, relationships
that were sound, if not always friendly, have now soured.
ZetaTalk Comment
11/5/2011: China
does not want her neighbors to the south to migrate north.
ZetaTalk Comment
1/21/2012: China
considers Nepal to belong to the Chinese government, and we
have already stated that they have plans to block the populace
trying to escape flooding countries.
India, and those countries sharing the northern part of the
Indo-Australian Plate, are already sinking steadily, and have
only more horrors to anticipate. The Zetas have advised them to
take to boats and head to Africa, which is relatively
under-populated. They will likely, in any case, be in boats as
the flooding exacerbates.

ZetaTalk Comment
6/16/2012: Boat
cultures, floating cities of desperate refugees with nowhere
to go, will become common in SE Asia and India. India and
other lands on the Indo-Australian Plate being pushed down
will find their sinking lands steadily worsening.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/5/2011: Africa
today has a large Indian population in those countries
bordering the Indian Ocean, and the coastlines are scarcely
secured by these poor nations. Illegal immigration has a long
history in the world, the techniques well known. Those
standing in water, with no hope of a different future, will
migrate to dryer land and a better future. Cargo ships will be
diverted from their usual cargo to a more profitable cargo -
desperate refugees.
Americas Migrations
In the Americas, the great flooding that will occur as a result
of the 675 sea level rise will occur in the main within
countries, where migration will not be blocked but will perhaps
be directed. Canada floods from the North, which is relatively
unpopulated. In the continental US, the Mississippi basin will
flood, leaving only an island at the Ozark Mountains. Most of
the populace west of the Mississippi would head toward the
Rockies and Sierras, the mountains along the Continental Divide.
This would be encouraged by the devastation from the coming New
Madrid disaster, leaving lands along the Mississippi and in the
Eastern US dealing with refugees and not putting out the welcome

Along the East Coast of the US, coastal areas will find drowning
citizens scampering up into the Appalachian Mountains. The Zetas
have also predicted that the heavily populated cities along the
East Coast will migrate past New England into Quebec, where they
will be loud mouthed and demanding - uninvited guests.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2001: The
Appalachian mountains will be above the water line when all is
said and done during this next pole shift, including the
melting of the poles that will raise the oceans some 650-700
feet within a couple years after the shift. Where relatively
isolated now, those living in these mountains will find
themselves increasingly crowded with survivors who will be
forced to move inland to escape the rising waters.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2001: The
greatest concern that Quebec will have after the shift will be
migrating survivor from the population centers of eastern half
of the US. Crowded up into the Appalachian Mountains and into
the limited land mass that the New England area provides, they
will be as likely to push into Quebec as toward what were the
western states of the US, seeking land that would have been
high enough to remain dry land.
Those struggling to survive in the sinking and crumbling
Caribbean islands and Central American lands will look to the
high lands of S America, per the Zetas, as lands to the North
will have their own flooding shorelines.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2001: Colombia
will stand as the high ground that frantic survivors in
Central America will scramble toward during the shift. As
Panama is the point where water today flows between the
Pacific and the Caribbean, this is bridge to safety that will
wash out early during the hour of the shift. However, any
survivors clinging to floating material will wash up on
Columbia's shores, wanting rescue to be fed and housed.
Fish Kills
Increasingly frequent and violent earthquakes and volcanic
activity are a sign of the stress the Earth plates are under
from jerking during the daily wobble. Booms from snapping rock,
odd vibrations, and on occasion a moaning or humming Earth are
also signs. Planet X tugs the globe this way and that, so
stretch zones are stretched, subduction zones are under
pressure, and rotting material trapped between rock layers
releases methane gas. Birds and fish are very sensitive to
methane gas, thus the canary in the coal mine to warn the miners
of methane leaks, and thus the increasing fish kills around the
world as this Pole
Shift ning blog attests. Recent examples are in
Greece, China, and Rio. The desperate establishment, which
must say something,
usually has some excuse handy.

- Tons of Dead Fish Found in Lake
September 4, 2013
- Ten tonnes of dead fish have been
found in a lake in the north of the country due to an
inexplicably absence of oxygen in the water.
- China Chemical Spill Kills Thousands
of Fish
September 4, 2013
- Chinese authorities have recovered
about 100 tonnes (220,000lb) of poisoned fish from a river
in central Hubei province. The fish died after a chemical
factory discharged ammonia into the Fuhe river.
Environmental officials blamed a nearby local firm for the
incident. This latest industrial incident comes after more
than 16,000 dead pigs were recovered earlier this year
from a river that runs through Shanghai.
- More Tons of Dead Fish Turn Up Near
2016 Rio Olympics Site
August 23, 2013
- Massive amounts of dead fish were
found in a Rio de Janeiro lake next to the 2016 Olympic
park, five months after thousands of dead fish were found
at the site of 2016 Olympic rowing events. Biologists said
the 10 tons of fish were probably killed due to raw
ZetaTalk Comment
9/7/2013: What
do an enclosed lake in Greece, an enclosed lake near Rio, and
a river in China have in common? Though blamed on “an
inexplicable absence of oxygen” in Greece, on raw sewage in
Rio, and on ammonia in the water in China, these disparate
cases have the same cause – methane released due to being in a
stretch zone. The Eurasian Plate is stretched from
Europe to China. The S American Plate is bowing such that the
area near Rio is stretched. And in China the Hubei province is
rift with deep rivers, which is a sign of thin crust at that
point, the crust drooping from lack of support. Rock strata
that is stretched to release methane trapped between rock
layers, or drooping crust that tugs on surrounding rock are
the cause.
Legitimate Crop
The 2013 crop circle season is coming to a close, but a couple
obviously legitimate designs are notable by the way their grain
is laid. These days, there are so many frauds, some even well
done, but the legitimate circle makers have given clues, as the
Zetas noted. Per the Zetas, West
Kennett, laid on August 13, 2013 is depicting the Magnetic
Trimesters once again. And the Etchilhampton
Hill design, laid on August 19, 2013, is showing the
retrograde effect that Planet X has on the other planets in the
inner solar system and on the Sun itself. In early August, the
Internet was abuzz with curiosity as to why the Sun had such a
lopsided coronal hole. Per the Zetas, the hole was no
larger in total area than in other years. But it was
indeed lumped onto one side, in fact onto the side farthest from
the Planet X presence. Now the circle makers have provided an

ZetaTalk Insights
9/7/2013: Both
these designs are legitimate, which can be seen by the woven
grain laid in directions and in a manner that human frauds
cannot accomplish. Westkennett was laid on August 13, a day
after the August trimester reached its peak on August 12. This
is shown by the dial just past the touch point at the bottom
of the design. It has no other meaning than to emphasize the
magnetic trimesters, which is a ZetaTalk concept and found
only in ZetaTalk lore. During this past trimester change,
earthquakes notably increased to the extent that LISS was
taken down for weeks.
Etchilhampton has a clear
retrograde orbit flow pattern from the center - clockwise.
This is the orbit direction of Planet X, aka Nibiru. But if
viewed from the periphery, the counterclockwise direction of
flow for the other planets in the solar system and the Sun
itself is detected. What then are the three small planets
clustered on the periphery? The Earth, Dark Twin, and Venus
all normally sweep counterclockwise, propelled by the Sweeping
Arms of the Sun.
They are now all being pushed back by Planet X, and crowded
The Sun itself is shown as
centered on a vortex to its side, out of view of the Earth.
The grain swirl pattern of the Sun is centered on this
vortex. The lopsided coronal hole
that appeared in 2013, lopsided compared to other years, is
explained by the magnetic influence of Planet X pushing
components in the inner Sun to the side and away from the
magnetic presence of Planet X. Though overall the size
of the coronal hole is no larger than in other years, the
manner in which it is clustered to one side is different.