Tall Whites Engage
Recently Forbes published a story about Tall White aliens in
the US, asserting that these aliens controlled the US
government, in particular Obama. This story had been printed in
the Iranian press, but was traced back to Sorcha
Faal as the source. Sorcha of course being a
disinformation specialist, claiming to be Russian but in fact
acting as an arm of the CIA. Their specialty is mixing a bit of
truth in with each story, to snag the readership, and then
wending off into falsehoods.
- Forbes Magazine: Iran Says ‘Tall,
White’ Space Aliens Control America
January 15, 2014
- Documents leaked by NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the
United States has been ruled by a race of tall, white
space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in
the 1930s. Fars apparently got the story from a hard-core
conspiracy site called whatdoesitmean.com. Any good
conspiracy theory needs a patina of truth, a bit of
intellectual cover to camouflage the craziness. In this
case, the whatdoesitmean.com/Fars story cites Paul
Hellyer, the 1960s Canadian defense minister who is now a
fervent UFO activist.
Stories about the Tall White aliens have emerged almost
single-handedly from Charles Hall, an enlisted man assigned to a
military weather station in the high Nevada desert. Former
Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer reportedly interviewed
Charles Hall for several hours, thus his inclusion of Tall
Whites in his list of aliens living among us. Per the Zetas,
Charles Hall is telling the truth about his experiences.
Per the Zetas, the Tall Whites are exclusively Service-to-Self.

- Tall Whites
December 5, 2011
- Airman First Class Charles Hall
claims to have observed and communicated with a species of
extraterrestrials/aliens he named the ‘tall whites’ due to
their appearance while serving at Nellis Airforce Base as
a duty weather observer from 1965-67. The tall whites
culture seemed almost military like: great significance
and respect is given to social positions and hierarchies.
- Breaking Alien Cover-up: People have a
Right to Know, Canadian Defense Minister
June 6, 2013
- In May 2013, Canada's former
minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer testified at the
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington DC.
Hellyer had a three hour talk with former airman Charles
Hall, and listened to this fascinating story of how Hall
worked with them in 1967 at the gunnery range at Indian
Springs Nevada.
ZetaTalk Statement
1/26/2014: The
Tall Whites visiting Earth are an exclusively Service-to-Self
group. Their signature has been to attempt to mingle with
mankind, and thus to have more direct influence over
politicians and generals. Rigid, hierarchical, and cruel the
Tall Whites terrified the humans they came in contact with, as
they would frequently issue death threats for such minor
infractions as offering a hand to one of their women laboring
up some stairs, or touching one of their children. Their home
planet has less gravity than Earth, and frail and with thin
bones, the Tall Whites shuffle and have a tendency to stumble
and lose their balance. But reaching out to touch one of them
is considered a breach of protocol in their rigid social
structure, resulting in instant death on their planet. The
Tall Whites practiced their interaction with human on the
soldiers assigned to duty nearby, and the tales told by
Charles Hall of his encounters are true.
The Zetas have addressed many different alien types, hominoids
similar to the human form. In the Worlds section of ZetaTalk,
they addressed hominoids from Orion,
the Nordics, the Pleiadeans,
the Sirians, the Men
in Black, the Annunaki as
well as other hominoids such as the little Green
Men, the Praying Mantis,
Cat People, and of course the Zeta Grays.

Why were the Tall Whites excluded? The Zetas have been
asked about the Tall Whites but seem to have skirted the issue.
For instance, during a live Q&A chat on May
23, 2009 a question asked about the Tall Whites and the
Annunaki only elicited an answer from the Zetas on the Annunaki.
The question was “I have come to the conclusion that the tall
white greys sometimes witnessed by contactees as the ones in
control are actually Anunnaki. Would the Zetas care to comment
on this? Can they confirm or deny this?” What happened to the
Tall Whites portion of the question? Per the Zetas, since the
Tall Whites are exclusively Service-to-Self, to answer the
question would have required the Zetas go into an engagement
with the Tall Whites, per the Rules
of Engagement that exists between alien groups of
differing spiritual orientation. Unless important, they save
their energies for other tasks. But disinformation published in
Forbes is apparently considered sufficiently important.
ZetaTalk Statement
1/26/2014: We
have not addressed what is termed the Tall Whites alien group,
though have been asked, because to respond to these questions
would have required, by the Rules of Engagement, that we
engage. What we are telling you is that the Tall Whites are of
the Service-to-Self orientation, and as such to engage them
with ourselves, the Service-to-Other Zetas, would have
required an engagement agreement. Since the Tall Whites have
arranged to have themselves in the press, via a Sorcha Faal
disinformation campaign, we have engaged to counter their
Do they influence human society, or have they infiltrated the US
government or military as the Sorcha Faal disinformation
asserts? As with the Service-to-Self in general, they lied, and
where they offered alien technology the Council of Worlds does
not allow this. Space ships of devices provided by the
Service-to-Self to the US military could never be flown by
humans, nor reverse engineered, despite many claims by the CIA
and DIA on this matter. Obama, who is solidly Service-to-Other,
has had no dealings
with the Tall Whites or other aliens still lingering on Earth,
attempting to have an influence on the Earth’s
Google Moon
Google Moon is now participating in the Awakening, having made
the decision to allow high definition images to be taken of the
Moon’s surface. One of the things formerly lost in fuzzy zoom
images is a clearly defined crashed space ship, now being
featured in major media such as the Daily Mail. Spotted by a
paranormal researcher, the images have gone viral.

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EBzotgriEI
- Mysterious Triangular ‘Spaceship’
Spotted on the Moon
January 18, 2014
- A series of controversial images
from Google maps show a mysterious object on the moon’s
The two-sided object on the lunar surface was discovered
by paranormal researcher WowForReel who posted a video of
the finding online.
- Bizarre Wedge-Shaped 'Craft' Appears
on the Lunar Surface
January 18, 2014
- It can be found on the Google Moon
viewer at coordinates 22042'38.46N and 142034'44.52E
From the start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1995, the Zetas have
been asked about clutter on the Moon. Per the Zetas, the Apollo
missions were ended because the CIA could not keep astonished
astronauts from muttering off script about the artifacts
on the Moon, though NASA eventually allowed an Annunaki
artifact to be displayed. The Annunaki used the Moon as a
communication outpost. Per the
Zetas, the Moon was also used in the past to house genetic
engineering labs, which showed up clearly in the
China orbiter images, as detailed in Issue
305 of this newsletter. What is the wedge on the Moon,
most recently discovered? Per the Zetas, it’s a crashed ship.
ZetaTalk Explanation
1/26/2014: Hidden
in the details, requiring a high definition image not
previously provided by Google Moon, lies an intriguing wedge
clearly not a natural object. In perfect geometry, 7 raised
dots are laid out along the leading two sides of this wedge.
The wedge appears to have plowed into the surface of the Moon,
pushing the soil up in front of the wedge and leaving a raised
ridge behind the wedge as well, as though there had been an
accident. This is precisely what occurred, in the past, when
the Moon was home to a number of alien visitors.
We have mentioned that the
Service-to-Self are clumsy during space flight, due to their
reluctance to work closely with each other as a team. Among
the Service-to-Self, it is everyone for himself, or a
hierarchy where orders come from the top to those below, a
firm pecking order. If the one at the top errors, there is no
way to correct the error, as questioning a superior is an
affront not allowed. If a ship is damaged beyond repair, it is
abandoned. This accident occurred before the Council of Worlds
established the Element of Doubt rule during mankind’s
Awakening. This is now being eased, the Awakening expedited.
Building with Trash
There has been a trend in the media of late to feature tiny
homes, a point made in Issue 377 of
this newsletter where tiny homes and houseboats as replacement
housing after the Pole Shift were featured. The point was
often made, in these media features, on how scrap or junk was
used during construction – scrap lumber, scrap carpeting, or
windows from a demolished home. Going a step further, the media
is now also featuring tiny homes literally made from trash.

- A Tiny House Adorned with Tomato Cans
and Grocery Bags
January 15, 2014
- Interior walls are papered over
with Trader Joe's grocery bags and pinto bean and flour
sacks (coated in linseed oil); the exterior makes use of a
local pizzeria's tomato-sauce cans; and flowerboxes are
made from discarded stove hoods turned upside down and
poked with drainage holes.

- 'Garbage Warrior' Turns Trash Into
Green-Built Houses
- Would you live in a house made of
empty beer cans, old tires and discarded soda bottles?
Garbage like this is what renegade architect Michael
Reynolds transforms into "earthships". There are mountains
of tires around the world, and no one knows what to do
with them. Go to the garbage dumps and harvest the
mountain of appliances, refrigerators, washing machines
and dryers. Take the baked-n enamel covers and use
the panels as scaled roofing to help capture the water. We
are constantly finding new materials that are thrown away
that can be built into houses.

- Trash Treasure: Rome Villa is an
Entirely Recycled Sanctuary
- The things we throw away are
often still completely usable in some way – it just takes
a bit of imagination to see their potential. Officina Roma
is more or less a three-dimensional collage that one can
actually step inside of. It is made of old bottles, used
car doors, discarded furniture, trashed wood, recycled oil
barrels and even partial car bodies.

- Swimming Cities: Floating Trash or
Modern Pirate Treasure?
- Set against the backdrop of a
contemporary city skyline, this ramshackle collection of
recycled parts looks as much like a half-sunk pirate ship
of pile of floating debris as it does a functional
floating hobo-style hodgepodge home.
Why is this important? The public will likely at least
remember the issue being discussed and look at the pictures. In
the future, constructing homes from debris and trash might be
something survivors would be forced to do. Imagine the landscape
after the hour of the Pole Shift, when hurricane force winds
have swept the entire globe, tidal waves have assaulted the
coastlines, all accompanied by magnitude 9 earthquakes
worldwide. The quakes will knock structures over while the winds
pick up the pieces and fling them. This is worse than the
results of a hurricane or cyclone alone. This is worse than the
aftermath of an earthquake alone. And the tidal waves which will
rise up to 500-600 feet along coastlines will drag this trash
first inland and then back out into the oceans, distributing the
trash, which is worse than a tsunami alone. Shopping for
supplies to rebuild housing will not be possible, with roads
torn up and bridges down. Survivors will be rebuilding with the
trash which will be all around them.
ZetaTalk Description
1/15/1996: At
the shift, the surface of the Earth will move, in just under
an hour, more than a quarter turn. Where massive earthquakes
and tidal waves occur when this motion stops, hurricane force
winds, world wide, occur during this shift. the whipping and
confused winds might reach hurricane force during this hour
and be unpredictable for several hours after the shift, but
one should not assume a force of winds above what the world
experiences today. Your hurricanes and typhoons represent what
occurs when air masses attempt to move against each other,
given their density and gravity attraction and inertia. These
same factors are in place, are predominant, during the pole
shift. Humans wishing to prepare for these violent winds
should anticipate a force equal to their familiar hurricanes,
not tornado force, although tornadoes will be spawned. Stay
below the Earth's surface, lie low, and tie down everything
you wish to find when it's over.
ZetaTalk Description
1/15/1995: The
pole shift is therefore sudden, taking place in what seems to
be minutes to humans involved in the drama, but which actually
takes place during the better part of an hour. There are
stages, between which the human spectators, in shock, are
numb. At first there is a vibration of sorts, a jiggling, as
the crust separates in various places from the core. Then
there is a slide, where the crust is dragged, over minutes, to
a new location, along with the core. During the slide, tidal
waves move over the Earth along the coast lines, as the water
is not attached and can move independently. Plants survive as
they are rooted and their seeds are everywhere, and animals
including man survive because they travel with the moving
plates of the Earth and experience no more severe a shock when
the plates stop moving than they would during a Richter 9
earthquake. Where mountain building occurs when the plates
stop moving, the stoppage is not simply a sudden jolt, like a
car hitting a brick wall. All is in motion, and the stoppage
is more like a car hitting a barrier of sand filled plastic
barrels - a series of small jolts, occurring in quick
ZetaTalk Description
6/15/2001: This
is a flood tide, with the lip of the water being its highest
point, rising like a silent tide endlessly on the rise, the
wave rolling inland without a crashing back and forth, just a
steady progressive inundation. To those at the mercy of such a
flood tide, their first thought is to climb above the tide.
Soon they are standing on the highest point they can reach,
and still the water, flowing inland steadily, rises. Afloat on
a boat or flotsam, they will be dragged inland with the flow
until a reverse slosh begins, the water flowing back into its
bed but in the nature of water during a slosh, overshooting
this other side so that both sides of the ocean experience
this flood tide, alternately, for some days until the momentum
diminishes. When the flood tide recedes, those afloat are in
danger of being dragged far out to sea with the flow, as the
water will rush to its bed unevenly, more rapidly where it can
recede the fastest.