Halted Orbit Proof
In December, 2003 the Zetas declared that the Earth had been
stopped in its orbit, finding the monster Planet X, aka Nibiru,
in its path. The Zetas had hinted that this would occur, earlier
in the year. The Zetas refer to their dissertations
on orbits, the rotation
of planets and the factors
affecting rotation, the flow of gravity
particles and the Repulsion
Force preventing collisions, how magnetic
particles operate, how the Sun has Sweeping
Arms that cause the planets to orbit round its middle, and
how many particles go in and out of the Sun at
the Ecliptic. Crop circle designs showing orbit lock

ZetaTalk Explanation
8/20/2003: Orbits
are not sacred, can be stopped, can be reversed, can be
altered such that a planet veers closer to its Sun or outward
in a more elliptical manner, can dip down or raise such that
the orbit takes a different path, and then return or not
return, depending. Thus, the current Earth orbit should not be
considered written in stone, immutable, and any change is
possible. Life on a planet does not end if an orbit changes,
and often scarcely notices. The days may be cooler or warmer,
the stars in a different place, and the seasons and sunset and
sunrise times radically different, but overall, unless an
orbit change puts a planet into the Sun such that life fries,
or into cold space such that it freezes, it is not a death
sentence. In the battle about to ensue between Earth and
Planet X, the larger will get a grip on the lesser and not let
go until havoc has been unleashed on Earth. Why would Earth’s
orbit, in this drama, be exempt from such a grip? What would
stop the orbit of Earth from reversing, stopping, or drawing
closer to Planet X?
This is a radical concept for most of mankind, engendering
disbelief. To reduce immediate anxiety among mankind, benign
aliens continued to tip the globe back and forth,
simulating the seasons, and assuring that celebrations of the
Solstice occurred as expected. Was there any proof that a
stopped orbit had happened? The stopped orbit occurred without
warning for the establishment. They were caught by surprise. An
example is how comets C/2001 Q4 and C/2002 T7 came
early, and arrived on the wrong trajectory. How did this
happen except by a stopped orbit, so the Earth encountered these
comets before their time?

ZetaTalk Insight
2/19/2004: How
does the common man, given this confusing situation, sort out
the truth of the matter? Fortunately, we have comets! When
discovered, their orbits ascertained and computed, comets
C/2001 Q4 and C/2002 T7 were declared to arrive at perihelion
in May, 2004, and certainly not visible naked eye prior to
that time, if ever! So what is it the common man is seeing, in
droves, in the sky just after sunset! It moved, has a tail,
and is in their face astonishing them! Comets come early,
because the orbit of Earth has backed into them. Comets orbit
the Sun in the same counterclockwise motion that the planets
assume in their orbits. Thus, the May perihelion dates assumed
an Earth running ahead of the comets, the comets needing this
time to catch up to the Earth in her orbit. Earth stopped,
reversed, and the dates have arrived early!
The fact that the constellations appeared out of place, and a
Second Sun would be seen at dawn and dusk on occasion were
ignored by NASA. Images from NASA satellites such as SOHO and
Stereo were doctored to eliminate evidence of Nibiru, with a
backdrop of stars and passing planets inserted. The Sun and its
flares remained true, but almost everything else was a NASA
movie, as the Zetas explained.

ZetaTalk Comment
4/28/2010: We
have mentioned that we simulate reality while the cover-up
over Planet X is firmly in place, so that the establishment
does not panic in anticipation of rioting by the citizenry.
The Council of Worlds allows enough to be obvious to the
common man so that those who are courageous enough to face the
future and plan for their safety and the safety of their loved
ones can do so. Those who would make demands on their
governments, or panic, are thus allowed to continue to lull
themselves with denial. Thus a duality exists in what mankind
perceives. On the one hand the Earth wobble is evident, the
Sun rising and setting where it ought not, the Moon well out
of position, the weather and tides extreme, the uptick in
earthquakes and volcanism obvious, and Second Sun and Moon
Swirl sightings increasingly captured on video. On the other
hand, official sites such as the SOHO and Stereo sites
pronounce all is normal and provide regular images that
seemingly prove this point. But the Council of Worlds is
allowing a steady slip of the cover to reveal the truth about
the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system.
Struggling to maintain the cover-up over the presence of Nibiru,
aka Planet X, NASA has continued to show the Earth in its normal
orbit in Stereo diagrams, whereas per the Zetas the Earth has
been pushed back into the August position, and there it will
remain until the passage of Nibiru is complete. The actual
positions of the Earth vs a vs the Stereo satellites is not what
NASA presents, per the Zetas. Thus, NASA will be taking the
Stereo cams offline soon, to avoid having to explain.
ZetaTalk Explanation
7/5/2014: A
second concern is the halted Earth orbit. This fact is
considered so radical that NASA and others have determined
that admitting it would confuse the public, and make them
think the whole announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru
is a hoax, a game. Thus, beyond stating that the Earth’s orbit
and rotation have “irregularities”, such as the Earth wobble,
they will not admit a halted orbit. But Stereo cams that are
supposed to be looking directly at the Earth will soon show
this to be the case. The Earth will be missing. To avoid
closer scrutiny, expected to occur after the announcement,
they are simply taking public access to Stereo images offline,
and they will never come back on.
But before the Stereo cams could go offline, a dramatic proof of
the halted orbit was handed to mankind! A sharp observer posted
this proof on the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to SOHO and Stereo images. The
Stereo Behind image for September 15, 2014 showed a solar flare
clearly on the left of Sun. If the SOHO SDO satellites were
positioned where claimed by NASA, in the mid-September position,
it would also be clearly visible on the right. But it is seen as
flitting out from behind
the Sun briefly, showing that the SOHO SDO satellite is in fact
in the August position.

- Proof that the Earth is in the
August position. The solar flare in question was on
9/15/14 at 10:46. It was caught by STEREO behind EUVI 304
and SDO AIA 304. STEREO behind only has one image of it.
SDO is able to go down to one second between images. The
two are separate satellites. SDO orbits earth. STEREO has
a much larger orbit and orbits the Sun. The STEREO behind
EUVI 304 image for 9/15/14 can
be found here. That flare is seen at the 9
o'clock position from STEREO behind. Taking the same date
and time. Look at the SDO
helioviewer page at the same date and time. That
same flare can be seen at the 3 o'clock with SDO. Step the
image time step back/forward from the 10:46 time by 1
minute and you can see it pop up.

- I did a quick image of where
approximately that flare was: That flare happened right
about where the white star on my image and just over where
it says "Sun". Via SDO you can see it forms and pops up
very close to the surface of the Sun. You don't see much
via STEREO images just the formed flare but you can see
it. STEREO is where NASA
says they are on the map but lie about the location
of Earth. With the corrected position of Earth via the
Zeta's you can see that the flare while not in 3D. It was
caught at two separate angles and you can correlate an
approximate 3D location. If you look where the field of
view is for STEREO B and where the flare is in the STEREO
image. Then look at SDO image and where the flare is while
also remembering SDO orbits Earth. Giving SDO essentially
an Earth view point of the Sun.

- Then you have proof that Earth is
where the Zeta's say we are. In the August position. I'd
assume this could be done with just about any flare caught
by both STEREO and SDO. That one just happens to be such
an odd shape so you know for sure it's the same one.
The referendum whereby Scotland voted to either stay in a union
with the UK or become a separate country took place on September
18, 2014. Though a week before the vote the polls showed the YES vote for independence
creeping up to 51%, the actual vote count showed a 10% lead for
NO. The move to
independence was very threatening to the UK and the EU, for many
reasons, as Scotland has wealth in North Sea oil wells. In
addition, it is highlands, and will remain above the waves after
the Pole Shift and rise in sea level. The Queen went horseback
riding on her Scotland estate. Cameron toured and begged. Was
election rigging involved? Per the Zetas, this would not be the
first time.

- Was Scottish Vote Rigging Caught On
September 19, 2014
- This will be like Bush stealing
the election in the USA and it will linger causing
tremendous resentment in Britain. The whole of Europe
needed the Scottish NO vote. Since Brussels rigged the
Italian elections, we cannot rule out their involvement
behind the scenes yet in Scotland. This has led to so many
in Scotland feeling they have been cheated and reduced to
second class slaves of London and Brussels. The EU
Commission was threatened by Scotland because if they won
their independence, the contagion would have engulfed all
of Europe and that would cost jobs in Brussels. This is
not about what is good for Europe, it is what is now good
for the politicians to keep their huge salaries.
- Queen Hopes Scottish Independence
Voters will 'Think Carefully about Future'
September 14, 2014
- Speaking after the Sunday morning
service at Crathie Kirk near her Balmoral estate in
Scotland, the Queen told a well-wisher: "Well, I hope
people will think very carefully about the future."
ZetaTalk Observation
9/27/2014: Election
fraud is certainly nothing new, so widespread as to be
universal. During the famous election rigging in the 2000 and
2004 Presidential elections, during which George W. Bush
resoundingly lost to his opponents but was installed in the
White House anyway, the following tricks were used. There was
no way to support a recount as Diebold machines electronically
captured the votes, and electronic results could be changed
with no audit trail. Counts were easily changed by wifi
laptops nearby, and were observed being changed. Ballots on
paper were lost, at times found in dumpsters. And recounts
were denied by Republican judges and state officials.
But when the votes came in, talk of fraud and election rigging
began. Per the Zetas, the vote was indeed stolen from the YES folks. The most obvious
clue per the Zetas was the swing in momentum, the change in
direction, which can be controlled by carefully selecting which
groups are polled. Even with this possibility, the polls showed
the election squeaky close the day before voting began.

- Scotland Votes No in Historic
Independence Referendum Result
September 19, 2014
- A YouGov survey for The Sun and
The Times and a separate poll by Panelbase both found 52%
of Scots will to vote to stay in the union, with 48%
favouring independence, when undecided voters are
excluded. But research by Ipsos-Mori for the broadcaster
STV suggested the gap could be even closer, indicating 51%
of people will vote No to 49% saying Yes.
- Final Opinion Polls show Undecided
Voters could Swing Result Either Way
September 17, 2014
- The final opinion polls before the
vote suggested that the campaign against independence
retained a very slight lead. But with significant numbers
of people still undecided, the result will remain
impossible to predict until the early hours of Friday
morning. An Ipsos-MORI poll tonight suggested that
Scotland would reject independence by the smallest of
margins, with 51 per cent of people intending to vote No
and 49 per cent Yes, excluding undecided voters. A
separate Panelbase survey had very similar findings, with
52 per cent saying they favoured keeping the union and 48
per cent keen to go it alone. Both polls suggested that
about five per cent of voters – or one in 20 – remain
undecided and could swing the result.
ZetaTalk Observation
9/27/2014: The
clues that the vote in Scotland was rigged are many. The polls
were on an upswing for the YES vote, and then suddenly turned
the other way, at least in the press. Momentum on a much
debated subject does not suddenly swing. Momentum going
into the final days traditionally continues to build,
reflecting undecided voters finally making a choice. What
would have changed the direction? New facts? Polls are
manipulated in several ways, by carefully choosing the
respondents to skew the result, and by limiting the number of
respondents. It is important to have the polls going into an
election mirror the results. In Scotland, even the final polls
only showed a 2% advantage to NO, vs a final result of almost 10%.
Then there were the complaints that election observers were not
frankly allowed to observe. They were kept on the perimeter of a
huge room. They noted
YES votes assigned to NO
vote piles. There were a few complaints that voters found their
name had already been used. But per the Zetas, this is not where
the crux of the fraud lay. Paper ballots can be recounted, and
likely were recounted. The fraud took another route.

- Russia Cries Foul over Scottish
Independence Vote
September 19, 2014
- There are tables, with voting
papers stacked upon them, but the observers are stuck
around the perimeter. Even if you want to, it's impossible
to tell what's happening. It's also unclear where the
boxes with ballot papers come from.
- Police Investigating Alleged Electoral
Fraud at Polling Stations in Glasgow
September 18, 2014
- Police in Glasgow are
investigating ten cases of suspected electoral fraud.
Voters turned up at polling stations to find that people
had already voted using their names. Glasgow City Council
confirmed that there had been 10 instances where people
had gone to vote and found their names had already been
crossed off the list.
- ‘Yes’ Supporters Claim Videos Show
Scottish Referendum Was Rigged
September 19, 2014
- Despite a ten per cent margin of
victory for the ‘No’ campaign in the Scottish referendum,
some supporters of the ‘Yes’ camp are pointing to videos
which they claim show evidence of vote rigging. In the
first example, bundles of referendum papers are seen on
top of a table designated for ‘No’ votes and yet when
zoomed in, the top paper on two of the bundles clearly
shows an X marked in the box for ‘Yes’. Police in Glasgow
are also investigating at least ten cases of vote fraud
where people turned up to vote only to find that their
names had already been crossed off the list, suggesting
other people were voting multiple times.
Per the Zetas, the hand of fraud can be seen on the percentage
differences. Where Scotland as a whole had an 85% turnout,
voting in key districts where a strong YES
vote in a heavily populated area was expected recorded almost
10% fewer votes. Dundee had 78.8% turnout and Edinburgh a mere
75%. There was also the suspicious fire alarm called twice in
Dundee, so the ballots were not protected during the evacuation.
No observers were assigned to accompany the ballots to the
counting rooms. The ballots thus can be recounted endlessly, but
the crux of the issue will not be exposed. Only matching each
ballot with a voter will show that the YES
vote was under represented, by fraud.

- Russia Identifies 'North Korean'-style
Irregularities in Scottish Independence Vote
September 19, 2014
- Members of the media expressed
skepticism at the "North Korean"-style turnout level — a
dubiously high 90 percent.
- Scottish Poll Rigged
September 19, 2014
- In Dundee, a fire
alarm led to the evacuation of the building where the
vote was being counted. In Dundee, a strong YES
area, the count was suspended twice due to fire alarms.
The turnout in the strong YES area of Dundee was
78.8%, which is lower than the 85% turnout in Scotland as
a whole In Dundee, 'Yes' ballot papers were spotted on a
'No' table.
- Scotland says the UK is ‘Better
September 19, 2014
- Turnout, while high, was slightly
below expectations, hovering around 80-85 percent for most
areas. Notably, Edinburgh, the largest council area by
population, clocked in at a mere 75 percent.
ZetaTalk Observation
9/27/2014: Where
the focus is on how the observers were kept away from the
counting tables, and how ballots were placed in the wrong
piles, this is looking in the wrong direction. Paper ballots
can be recounted, and were recounted. Fraud thus happened
before the ballots reached the counting rooms. An example is
Dundee where fire alarms emptied the rooms and the vote
turnout was a full 6% lower than the rest of Scotland.
Edinburgh had a turnout a full 10% below the rest of Scotland.
Was the weather a deterrent? Thus the will of Scotland was
stolen, for the EU, for the Queen, and for the establishment
in general. In the end, it will not matter, as the Pole Shift
will be a great leveler.