Rosetta Revelations
Since 2004, the comet chasing probe Rosetta has been circling
within the Solar System to get into position for a rendezvous
with 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The comet is not on a collision
course with the Sun, and comes just outside of the Earth’s orbit
during its periodic swings through the Solar System. This spot
is where the Earth normally rides in August, the August
position. The Zetas have pointed out that there is a nexus with
the anticipated position of the Earth during the hour of the
Pole Shift, when Earth will likewise be in the August

- 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
- Formally designated
67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is a comet with a current
orbital period of 6.45 years. It will next come to
perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on 13 August
2015. Churyumov–Gerasimenko is the destination of the
European Space Agency's Rosetta mission, launched on 2
March 2004. On 10 February 2015, it will come to solar
conjunction when it will appear 5 degrees from the Sun and
be 3.3 AU from Earth.
- Space Probe Successfully Lands on
November 14 2014
- Philae, a probe dropped from the
Rosetta spacecraft, has successfully descended on a comet
but its harpoons did not fire. Rosetta was launched in
2004 on a 6.5bn-km space trek that saw it enter
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's orbit in August this
year. The spacecraft reached the comet - a 3km-by-5km rock
discovered in 1969 - after a journey of 6.4 billion km as
part of a mission that cost close to $1.8bn.
ZetaTalk Insight
11/22/2014: The
Earth, as is known by astronomers and the elite, has been
pushed back into the August position, a Zeta prediction that
was made in 1995 when details of the ZetaTalk Triangle were
published. It was clear in 2004, when Rosetta was launched,
that the Earth’s orbit had been halted in December, 2003. It
was also clear from the ZetaTalk triangle details that the
Earth would end up in the August position for the Pole Shift.
It has also been clear from the many attempts by the elite to
launch the wealthy into space, to ride out the Pole Shift on
the Moon or on Mars, that escaping Earth during the passage
has been an elite agenda.
The August position for the Point of Passage was clear in 1995
when details of the ZetaTalk
Triangle at the Point of Passage were established by
persistent questions from someone with a US military background.
The location of the constellation Orion is known, as was
Nibiru’s approach from that direction, and with the technical
details provided by the Zetas, the Point of Passage was
established. Additional details since provided by the Zetas have
confirmed this as the Point of Passage.

ZetaTalk Specifics
8/15/1995: When
one is looking toward Orion, at this time, from above the
Earth's orbital plane, the perspective human astronomers
prefer, the Sun will be to the right. The Earth, Sun, and
Planet X will thus Form a Triangle in the Earth's
orbital plane with a 23 degree angle at the Earth, an 18
degree angle at the Sun, and a 139 degree angle at Planet X.
It is at this point, essentially, that Planet X is closest to
the Earth, as with the angle of entry into the Earth's orbital
plane being 32 degrees at this point, Planet X essentially
dives up through the Earth's orbital plane and quickly passes
ZetaTalk Specifics
8/15/1995: The
Earth's orbit forms a plane. The Moon's orbit forms a plane
that bisects the Earth's orbit in a fixed place twice a year.
Planet X's orbit, coming and going, forms a plane that also
bisects the Earth's orbital plane. Planet X's orbital plane
can be calculated if points are taken on the other two planes
and used as a reference. The Earth's distance from the Sun is
known. Take the placement of the Earth at the two points where
the Moon's orbital plane lines up. Use these two points as two
of three points in a triangle. The third point in an
equilateral triangle will be on the plane of Planet X's orbit.
Rosetta was successful in its launch and journey, in process
since 2004 and throughout the 2009 close pass when 67P again
came close to the Earth. But it ran into problems in 2014 when
it attempted to place its lander Philae on the surface of the
comet. Philae’s harpoons did not eject, so the lander was not
anchored, and then it bounced over a cliff and into shadow so
energy from solar panels was lost. Then a lens cap on the
spectrometer failed to come off.

- Elated Scientists Show off Latest Pics
from Historic Rosetta Comet Mission
November 13, 2014
- The lander is relying on solar
energy to operate over time, and the panels are receiving
a lot less sunlight than hoped for. The probe is only
getting about 1 1/2 hours of sunlight a day, versus the
6-7 hours scientists had anticipated. The spaceship is
named after the Rosetta Stone, an inscribed piece of
volcanic rock found in Egypt in 1799 that allowed
scientists to decipher hieroglyphics and thus understand
the ancient Egyptian culture. The lander is named after an
island in the Nile River where an obelisk was found that
helped decipher the Rosetta Stone. Led by ESA with a
consortium of partners including NASA, scientists on the
Rosetta comet-chasing mission hope to learn more about the
composition of comets and how they interact with the solar
wind: high energy particles blasted into space by the sun.
- Philae Comet Lander goes into
Hibernation Mode after Batteries Fail
November 14, 2014
- Scientists confirmed Philae sent
back all of its sensor data before batteries finally died.
Spectrometer onboard failed - and lens cap did not come
An intriguing YouTube video released last August
11, 2014 when 67P came into view of the comet chasing
Rosetta probe, purports to be a leak from an anonymous ESA
employee, and claims that the public is not being given the true
photos. The ESA leakster claims that 67P was chosen because radio
signals were detected from the comet. The ESA
released recording of 67P “singing” as Rosetta approached the
comet. Per the ESA leakster on the surface of 67P are
structures, buildings, and a circular dome that looks much like
the Space Port dome seen by Google Earth in Antarctica. Per the
Zetas, this leaked ESA imagry is legitimate. ESA also announced
that Philea was able to detect carbon based organic molecules on
the surface of 67P before it died.

- Philae Lander ‘Sniffed’ Organic
Molecules on Comet before Hibernation
November 19, 2014
- The Philae lander has managed to
discover carbon-based organic molecules on a Comet 67P.
Analysis of the spectra and the identification of the
molecules are continuing.
ZetaTalk Insight
11/22/2014: The
anonymous video from an ESA employee is legitimate, and indeed
67P was chosen because radio and other signals had indeed been
traced coming from 67P, signs of intelligent alien life. Why
not allow Philea to land and snoop around? If this were
something the ESA and their partners were planning to do, it
would increase awareness of the alien presence, intelligent
life elsewhere, as the Mars Rover and even Google Earth has
been doing. But in August, when Rosetta came close enough to
67P to send back detailed photos, a decision was made to air
brush out the dome and structures that appeared in the images.
67P is projected to swing close to the Earth orbit on August
13, 2015.

ZetaTalk Confirmation
10/27/2012: What
is the clearly manufactured entrance into Antarctica rock, in
the shape of a space ship? It is what it seems to be, an
entrance for space ships. This port is not currently in use,
nor would curious man find anything laying about that might be
useful or educational.
Would aliens have a space port on an asteroid, a comet such as
67P? Per the Zetas 67P is more solid rock than ice, and indeed
aliens residing in 3rd density look for gravity anchors.
ZetaTalk Insight
11/22/2014: What
is the nexus between the Rosetta comet mission and the series
of failures during Philea landing? 67P rounds the Sun at a
distance that ensures it will not plunge into the Sun nor
evaporate. It has a frequent period, every 6 or so years. And
it appears to have a solid rocky structure. Aliens have
used the Earth, the Moon, Mars and various other gravitational
bodies in the Solar System as residences or to anchor their
space ships. Being anchored in some way is an issue for Mother
Ships, which otherwise are subject to floating about and
potentially bumping into things, so utilizing the existing
gravitational neighborhood for anchoring is a logical move.
Launch and landing failures are a message to the elite, who per
the Zetas learned in 2003 that any promises from Service-to-Self
aliens to be rescued by escape to Mars or the dark side of the
Moon were empty promises. Those in the Service-to-Self lie. Launch failures have been occurring
with pointed regularity since 2009, to NASA, the ESA, the
Russians, and to private industry such as Space X. The recent
rash of disasters such as the Virgin
Galactic disaster show this trend has not reversed. It is
very much related to the message to the elite that they
will not escape the Earth during the Pole Shift,
a message explained with great clarity in ZetaTalk in January,
2004. Per the Zetas, the Rosetta failures are yet another
message, as the elite were once again trying to step ahead of
the common man, setting forth to make contact with the aliens on
67P in 2004 despite the ZetaTalk warning.

ZetaTalk Message
1/30/2004: It
has been no secret that the elite hoped to escape to Mars or
the dark side of the Moon during the cataclysms. In this they
were not relying entirely on human efforts, as Service-to-Self
aliens whom the elite had given the Call to during their
obsession with themselves promised to carry them there. Of
course, the Service-to-Self lie, and the lie has lately been
put to the test. No delivery, despite demands that now is the
time for migration to well-stocked and secure Mars and Moon
enclaves. Despite endless failures, such as disabled probes
and the dramatic disintegration of the Columbia and a leaking
Space Station, renewed efforts to put humans on the Moon and
Mars are seemingly optimistic. Why? This is a false front,
whistling in the dark, akin to a bridegroom stood up at the
altar but refusing to let the family and guests know the
ZetaTalk Insight
11/22/2014: Rosetta
was sent forth as an exploratory probe, to make contact with
aliens that might be amenable to saving the elite, as their
prior arrangements with Service-to-Self aliens to be taken to
the Moon or to Mars were being ignored. As can be seen from
abandoned space ports in Antarctica, the dome shaped cap next
to a cavern can remain long after the port is inactive. But In
2004, it was not clear to the elite that the Council of Worlds
would prevent their escape from Earth. Their goal in 2004 was
to find a cooperative alien group. Thus Rosetta and Philea
were laden with communication equipment ready to make contact.
That the landing has suffered mishaps is yet another message
to the elite. You will not escape the Earth during the
forthcoming cataclysms.
Public Face
The Zetas have proclaimed that Obama, Putin, and Xi are
determined to announce the presence of Nibiru, and that many
Heads of State and wealthy people take the ZetaTalk predictions
on the Pole Shift and the Aftertime flooding seriously. If this
is the case, then why does the public face often show otherwise?
Russia, China, and the US have shown by their actions and
official statements that they are
preparing to migrate their populations to safe locations, and
that these locations are not those regions anticipated to be
flooded, as documented in Issue 417
of this newsletter. Yet other public pronouncements seem to
contradict these actions. For instance, long-range plans in
Russia to loft their own version of the ISS in 2017. Don’t they
know that the tail of Planet X will increasingly dash satellites
out of the skies, including the very vulnerable ISS? Per the
Zetas, the public should ignore
such long-range plans that do not seem to take the passage of
Nibiru into account. Governments are currently hiding their
disaster plans from the public.
- Russia Going to Bring into Space its
own Space Station
November 17, 2014
- Russia in 2017 can begin to deploy
their own high-latitude space station. Launch of the own
station is registered in the project development of manned
spaceflight for the period up to 2050. Operation of the
station will be provided by a ship "Progress-MS" and
"Soyuz-MS." "In the period of 2020-2024's possible testing
of energy and transformed modules used in the lunar
program”. Inclination own station should reach 64.8
degrees, and the flight to the elimination stage will pass
over land. In addition, it will be conveniently located,
with its own station will be seen 90% of the land of
Russia, while the ISS is visible only 5%.
ZetaTalk Insight
11/22/2014: The
Russian people are intelligent, as technologically advanced as
the US and China and in fact have led the way. Sputnik was
first into space, and the Russians are currently the means by
which the ISS is serviced. They do not “need” another space
station. One should not read into a long-range plan put into
print when the public fully expects the future to be the same
as yesteryear. Plans for the Pole Shift and the Aftertime are
not published, nor will they be. Such plans will be slipped in
front of the public bit by bit, likely after some disaster
that make a move to the country, to a rural lifestyle of
self-sufficiency, seem like the logical move. In this way a
difficult sales campaign is facilitated.
Then there is confusion over the purported agreement between
Obama, Putin and Xi. If they are, as ZetaTalk insists, “friends”
as well as partners, they why do they publically fight? Why do
they disagree on so many points? Obama does not state that
Russia shot down MH 17 but insists, in concert with the EU, that
Russia is “responsible” for the conflict by encouraging former
Russians living in eastern Ukraine. Has Obama not seen the 30 MM
holes in the cockpit of MH 17 where the migs from Kiev shot it
down? This is increasingly admitted as the
only scenario supported by the evidence. China and
Russia are in the BRICS banking network, undercutting the
dollar, as Issue 414 of this
newsletter details. If they are friends and partners, why not
show this publically? Per the Zetas, such situations are
not simplistic, but complex, the leaders needing to maintain
many alliances at once.

ZetaTalk Insight
11/22/2014: We
are forever being asked to explain complex situations in
simplistic terms. Nancy gets email asking why Obama does not
simply stand up in front of the cameras and make a statement.
It seems so simple to them. If he is being blocked in some way
he should simply order that the block be removed. Lift his pen
or phone and place the order. It is so simple, why is this not
done? The idea of every individual having their own agenda, of
orders selectively followed or subtly sabotaged, of the
potential of bribes or intimidation, of witness elimination or
false accusations, and of stalling or passive aggressive
maneuvers never entering the picture. Agreements between
leaders of large, multi-cultural countries can be in place
without requiring these leaders to drop or resolve every other
conflict between these countries as a consequence!
Take the mayor of a small
village, who must encourage the villagers to work with each
other. He must politic to get elected, convincing voters he
will work in their interest and following through on promises
else face recall or failure to get re-elected. He must work
within his budget. He must be clever at finding compromise. He
must be aware of religious sensitivities and political
allegiances, so as to honor them without committing himself.
He must be aware of legal implications, the laws that apply,
and any contracts or judgments affecting his actions. He must
have good relations with the law enforcement in the region, or
potentially suffer harassment. Will troublesome vocal
residents insist on dominating the village forums, and if they
are pushed aside, will this impact the mayor’s ability to
govern on other matters? Now take these matters, which a mayor
of a small town of a few
hundred must consider, and multiply them by a million. This is
what the leader of a large country must consider.
And where the wealthy are watched closely to see when they leave
their penthouses in coastal cities to disappear into the
hinterland, safely away from coastlines, they are also watched
as to their buying habits. How can it be that Bill Gates, the
wealthiest man on the globe, is buying farmland at low
elevations? Surely he has heard the ZetaTalk predictions. Surely
he was inducted into MJ12 at some point. What is wrong with this
picture? Per the Zetas, this is once again a complex picture,
and the ability to enslave mankind via food between the present
and the time of the Pole Shift a factor in the mix.

- I was researching some recent
transactions of Bill Gates, the wealthiest man on earth,
to "follow the money" and see what he is buying these
days. He does most of his purchasing through his
private firm Cascade Investments, LLC run by Michael
Larson. Turns out they have purchased over 100,000
acres of farmland/farms in California, Iowa, Illinois,
Louisiana, Georgia and most recently 4500 acres in north
Florida for $28 million. My question is two fold.
First, is there an alternate reason for Mr. Gates to be
purchasing all of this farmland beyond general investment?
Second, why would his recent purchases include 4500 acres
in Florida @ 98 ft above sea level, Coggins Farms in Lake
Park, GA @ 167 ft above sea level and Stanley Farms in
Lyons, GA @ 234 ft above sea level. Am I wrong to
assume that the richest individual on the planet is not
aware of the future sea level rise reported by the Zetas?
- The Wealth Gap Preoccupies Wall Street
November 14, 2014
- Bill Gates, the founder and
chairman of Microsoft, is the richest man in the world,
with an $81.7 billion fortune that places him atop the
staggeringly rich 1 percent of human beings who own nearly
half the wealth on planet Earth.
- Buffalo Bill’s Ranch Among Holdings of
Bill Gates’s Cascade
September 19, 2014
- Microsoft (MSFT) co-founder Bill
Gates owns more than 100,000 acres of farmland. His money
manager Michael Larson began investing in agricultural
land in 2006 and continued buying up farms through the
recession. Mr. Larson has placed a long-term bet on
farmland, tying it to growing global demand for food from
emerging markets such as China. These assets were among
Cascade’s best-performing during the economic downturn.
- Bill Gates Gobbling up Florida
October 22, 2014
- The investment company that
manages the wealth of the world’s richest man, Bill Gates,
has been acquiring gobs of farmland in north Florida the
past two years, real estate records show.
ZetaTalk Insight
11/22/2014: To
assume that a $28 million dollar purchase in North Florida by
a Gates manager indicates Gates does not read or consult
ZetaTalk is not a valid conclusion. In the first place, $28
million is less than a penny in the pocket of a millionaire.
Insignificant. In the second place, as one of those articles
clearly states, this is viewed as a shrewd investments given
crop shortages elsewhere and the consequent increase in food
prices. A third factor is the power that food production
places in the hands of the owner, who is thus in a position to
control others via food when money ceases to have value. A
fourth factor is that the amount of time until the Pole Shift
is not a known entity, and thus a number of years could be
assumed to pass until the time when the lands would be pulled
down and flooded. A fifth factor is the element of doubt, in
which our prediction on the devastation is doubted by many,
who suspect or adhere to the theory that the passage will have
scant effect on the Earth. And lastly, it would be naïve to
assume that the wealthy would create a buy list for their
investment managers that adhered so closely to ZetaTalk
predictions that it would confirm that Nibiru exists. The
cover-up crowd still hopes to fool the populace, and this
would be a dead giveaway.