ISIS Tantrum
ISIS is losing territory it gained in 2014, and throwing a
temper tantrum about it. How rapidly is ISIS losing the
territory it gained in 2014? Russia’s entry into the Middle East
was the turning point, as they stopped Turkey from brokering oil
for ISIS, thereby cutting off their funding, and worked
effectively with the Kurds. The issue of the West’s push to
topple Assad was put aside so that Assad’s forces could likewise
fight ISIS. Meanwhile, the Iraq forces, which had turned and run
away from ISIS when the conflict first started, regrouped under
US coaching, and began fighting ISIS effectively. The gains made
in just two years are amazing. This is a credit to Russia,
who truly made this happen. Meanwhile, the politics in the
region are in play.

- Putin & Erdogan May Meet in
Person for First Time since Crisis over Downed Russian Jet
June 29, 2016
- Russian President Vladimir Putin
and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayip Erdogan,
discussed the possibility of meeting in person during a
phone conversation. The meeting would be their first since
Moscow-Ankara relations soured after the downing of a
Russian jet over Syria. On [June 27], Erdogan sent a
letter to Putin to offer “his deep sympathy and
condolences to the relatives of the deceased Russian pilot
and said ‘sorry,’ ” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
In his letter, the Turkish leader called Russia Ankara’s
“friend and a strategic partner,” with which Turkey would
not want to spoil relations.
- Israel and Turkey Reach Deal to
Restore Relations
June 26, 2016
- Israel and Turkey reach deal to
restore relations. Deal comes six years after an Israeli
raid killed Turkish activists on a flotilla seeking to
deliver aid to Gaza.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/2/2016: Why
is Turkey suddenly being cozy with Israel and Russia?
Previously, they had been allied with ISIS, the Erdogan family
brokering oil for ISIS, and shooting down a Russian jet that
was trying to stop delivery of this oil to Turkey. Previously,
they had been supplying arms and giving medical assistance to
ISIS. Previously, they had done everything possible to attack
the Kurds, the most effective force against ISIS. Suddenly
there are apologies in all directions. That the Istanbul
bombing happened on the same day that Putin and Erdogan spoke
on the phone, Erdogan delivering his apology, is not a
What relationship does all
this have with the Brexit vote? Turkey is a NATO member, but
enthusiasm for one NATO country defending another, a staunch
rule in NATO, has lost favor. Trump, favored to win in the US
general election, has stated he would pare back the US
involvement with NATO. Now with Brexit the European Union has
lost funds for their common defense. Previously Erdogan seemed
to be blackmailing Europe, threatening to release migrant
hordes unless the EU paid him exorbitant funds. Now an EU
bankruptcy seems imminent. Erdogan has switched his
allegiances, hoping now that Russia will defend it against
ISIS, and hoping that Israel, with their connection to the
banking spheres, will be a source of funds.
Instead of brokering oil for ISIS and arrogantly trying to force
the European Union to pay him billions to house Syrian refugees
in Turkey, Erdogan is seeking new allies. Per the Zetas, ISIS
has been abandoned by Turkey, and the backlash was swift.

- Deadly Suicide Bombings Hit
Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport
June 26, 2016
- At least 36 people are dead and
150 wounded after three suicide bombers attacked the
airport. Ataturk, Turkey’s largest airport, is the main
international airport serving Istanbul. Turkey has
been reeling from months of attacks targeting both
tourists and security forces. Self-described Islamic State
militants have claimed credit for some of the bombings,
while Kurdish militant groups, which the Turkish
government is fighting in the country’s south, took
responsibility for others.
- Terrifying Moment ISIS Suicide Bomber
Blew himself up in Istanbul
June 26, 2016
- In shocking footage that captured
the moment, the gunman can be seen running through the
international arrivals terminal before falling to the
ground - apparently felled by a police bullet - and
sending his AK-47 skidding across the floor. Moments
later, as the gunman writhes in pain on the floor, he
detonates his bomb and the screen goes blank.
- ISIS Eyed as Prime Culprit in
Istanbul Airport Terror Attack
June 29, 2016
- Turkish Prime Miniser Binali
Yildirim said in a statement that air traffic had returned
to normal following the terror attack at an Istanbul
airport that left 41 dead and 239 injured.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/2/2016: Terrorism
at the hand of ISIS has increased in Turkey in step with
Turkey’s reluctance to continue to support ISIS. As Russia has
pointed out, in fact proven, Erodogan’s son was brokering oil
for ISIS, by this funding ISIS terrorism elsewhere while
enriching the Erdogan family. This was the reason Turkey shot
down a Russian jet near the
Turkey border. Now, six months later, Turkey has belatedly
apologized to Russia. Last April, the US
evacuated their military dependents from Turkey,
signaling that they did not intend to defend Turkey, who was
still formally a NATO member.
Meanwhile, the coalition
fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq, led primarily by Russia, are
pushing back the gains ISIS make in 2014, taking one city
after another away from their control. Russia is in charge,
assisted by the Kurds, Iraq, Syrian forces under Assad, Iran,
and US and French forces during bombing runs. The Kurds,
fighting for their independence from Turkey, are some of the
most effective fighters against ISIS. ISIS allies in the
region, which included Israel and Saudi Arabia as well as
Turkey, have lost their stake in the battle. ISIS is furious
at Turkey for turning its back on them, and is punishing
Turkey as a result.
ISIS is not only throwing a temper tantrum in Turkey, it has
lashed out around the world. Russia aborted an attack near
Moscow on July 2. A car bomb in Baghdad killed over 200 on
July 2. And dozens were killed and injured in a diplomat area in
Dhaka, Bangladesh on July 1.
- 10 ISIS-Funding Timber Dealers
Detained in Central Russia, Suicide Belt & Weapons
July 2, 2016
- A group of radical Islamists
running a cover-up timber business and suspected of
financing the operations of Islamic State extremists in
Syria have been detained in Russia’s city of Vologda,
north of Moscow.

- 83 Killed as 2 Blasts rip through
Ramadan Crowds at Baghdad Shopping Areas
July 2, 2016
- Two blasts have ripped through
busy market areas in Baghdad, Iraq’s capital, killing
around 80 people and injuring 160. The Islamic State
militant group has claimed responsibility for one of the
attacks. The first blast had come from a car bomb. Islamic
State had suffered tremendous losses over the past several
months and could be committing such attacks in order to
avenge their retreat.

- 13 Hostages Freed from Dhaka Cafe
after Overnight Attack saw 20 Victims Killed
July 2, 2016
- Bangladeshi forces stormed a
Dhaka cafe where up to 10 gunmen had taken dozens of
people hostage, killing 20. Thirteen others were rescued
and 6 gunmen were killed by police. Islamic State has
taken responsibility for the attack.
- Bangladeshi Troops Move to End
Hostage Standoff
July 1, 2016
- Two police officers were killed
in the initial standoff with the attackers, and 30 people
were wounded, mostly from shrapnel. The attack was the
latest in a series of killings by Islamist extremists that
have rocked Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority country, in
recent months. The Islamic State is known to have claimed
responsibility for 18 other attacks in the last year, most
perpetrated against religious minorities, including
Hindus, Buddhists and Christians.
Meanwhile, the refugee problem in Syria remains intense. As
ISIS is pushed back, the refugees who fled the conflict can
return to their homes and resettle. Refugees had been used as a
cover for ISIS fighters invading Europe and the US. But there is
still work ahead, to reverse the refugee flow so that Syria can

- Refugees at Highest Ever Level,
Reaching 65m, says UN
June 20, 2016
- Refugees at highest ever level,
reaching 65m, says UN. Turkey is the biggest host country
for refugees worldwide, with 2.5m people, followed by
Pakistan and Lebanon.
Hillary’s Plea
Why did Bill Clinton jump Loretta Lynch on June 29, 2016? Bill
manipulated the situation, arranged to be late for takeoff, and
boarded Lynch's plane, uninvited. Per the Zetas, he hoped to
compromise Lynch, so she would be forced to assign an
Independent Prosecutor on any Clinton Foundation public
corruption charges, which would cause a delay of months. Why the
crunch now? Per the Zetas, Hillary has been offered a plea deal,
and has only days to accept or reject. No negotiations. She must
leave the campaign, or the Clinton Foundation and she herself
will be indicted for Public Corruption.

- Judicial Watch Asks Justice Inspector
General to Investigate Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton Meeting
June 30, 2016
- Judicial Watch today requested
that the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the
Inspector General investigate the meeting yesterday
between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
- Security Source Details Bill Clinton
Maneuver to Meet Loretta Lynch
July 1, 2016
- Bill Clinton who was
maneuvering for face time with the attorney general,
because his plane had been scheduled to leave before hers
arrived. “Clinton’s plane was on the ground already. But
he wasn’t there. The fact is, he just started walking
ZetaTalk Insight
7/2/2016: Lynch
did not invite Bill Clinton, he jumped her. Her schedule was
known, her landing time easily determined, and he set about
boarding her plane to deliberately smear her integrity. It was
not by accident that Bill Clinton was there at that time.
Could Lynch have rebuffed him? This is essentially what she
did, telling a reluctant Bill that he had to leave
immediately, but Bill does not end a conversation quickly.
What was his purpose during this invasion? He hoped to force
the DOJ to assign an Independent Prosecutor, a move which
would delay any indictment by months.
Meanwhile, under Dunford’s
direction, the indictment is proceeding. On June 22, when
Hillary was briefly in Washington DC supposedly to talk to
Congress folk, she was meeting with the DOJ to accept or
reject a plea deal. It was notable that she was not on the
stairs of the Capitol Building with Pelosi during the gun
sit-in. This was an ideal photo op, carried on major media,
yet no Hillary. Later that day, on a campaign stop, she looked
teary and distressed. This week her health problems have
returned, another coughing fit, and in LA on June 29 her
eyes were bloodshot and she looked exhausted and worried.

This was the clear body language last December, 2015 also, when
Obama obviously delivered bad news
to Hillary during their luncheon at the White House. Obama
looked ashen afterwards, and Hillary appeared to be pleading and
teary. Now that look is back. Per the Zetas, what the media
reports and what is actually going on behind the scenes are not
aligned, as the talking heads in the media are not in the know.
Dunford is in charge in the US, not Obama, and Dunford was not
going to allow the criminal Clinton family back into the White
House. Dunford thus proceeded to prosecute Hillary via a type of
Court Martial approach.
Because Hillary kept evading an FBI interview, she was
subpoena’d months ago. The meeting in DC on June 22 was to offer
her a plea deal. The supposed FBI interview on July 2 in DC was
just a cover for the final plea deal meeting. Thus Bill Clinton
felt he was running out of time, as he wants both Hillary in the
White House and the Clinton Foundation free to rake in cash, and
sought to force Lynch to assign an Independent Prosecutor.

- F.B.I. Interviews Hillary Clinton
over Private Email Server
July 2, 2016
- Accompanying Mrs. Clinton into
the meeting were her lawyer David E. Kendall; Cheryl D.
Mills and Heather Samuelson, longtime aides who are also
lawyers. Eight officials from the F.B.I. and the
Department of Justice conducted the interview. Federal law
deems it a crime to “knowingly” mishandle classified
information outside secure government channels or to
permit the practice through “gross negligence.”
Then in what could only be described as a well coordinated script,
FBI Director Comey called a press conference on July 5, to give a
detailed account of how the FBI investigated Hillary's homebrew
server, his opinion on what they found, and his recommendations
that the DOJ not pursue an indictment. His full
transcript is available. What was notably missing was any
mention of the dual investigation of the Clinton Foundation, a
subject Comey also avoided during a July 7 Congressional Hearing
on the matter.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/9/2016: What
is to be made of Comey’s statements on July 5th, declining to
recommend prosecution of Hillary over her homebrew email server
setup? Notably missing during his very detailed explanation of
the FBI process in this matter was any mention of the Clinton
Foundation, which is under investigation for Public
Corruption, a situation where a public official sells
public assets for personal gain. There are two investigations
that emerged as a result of the FBI confiscation of email scraps
and deleted email on Hillary’s homebrew server. Only the server
setup was addressed on July 5th by Comey.
As Comey noted, Hillary and her staff were “extremely careless”
in their handling of state secrets on email, but hard proof of
intent to break the law was lacking. Historically, the vast
majority of such cases are not successfully prosecuted. Thus,
his recommendation. We have stated that Hillary was offered a
plea deal on June 22nd when she was in Washington DC.
Comey had obviously decided not to recommend indictment by that
time, so why the offer of a plea deal? This shows that the big
deal was not the server setup, but Public Corruption.
A second clue is Bill Clinton’s distress, his obvious attempt to
delay any prosecution of the Clinton Foundation by suddenly
boarding Lynch’s plane in Phoenix. He sought to publicly
discredit Lynch’s integrity and in doing so, to force Lynch to
assign an Independent Prosecutor, causing months of delays and
allowing Hillary time to gain the White House. The Clinton
Foundation is Bill’s playground, while the White House is
Hillary’s ambition. Bill is not particularly interested in being
First Gentleman, at Hillary’s service. If the Clinton Foundation
was sued under the RICO act, the Clinton’s would likewise be
thrown into relative poverty.
A third clue is the decision to delay release of Clinton
Foundation related emails for 27 months. This request came from
the Justice Department, indicating the emails were related to an
ongoing case before them. FBI deliberations are secret. Grand
Jury proceedings are secret. And certainly evidence to be used
at trial is not going to be thrown to the public so the defense
can argue their case in the media. Clinton Foundation crimes
include Teneo Holdings, where Huma was allowed to double dip on
a salary, Saudi grants received from the State Department in
return for hefty speaking fees for Bill, Hillary’s odd two year
delay in designating Boko Haram as a terrorist organization
while funds flowed into the Foundation coffers, selling US
uranium rights to a Russian firm in exchange for
donations, and placing the unqualified Foundation donor
Rajiv Fernando on State’s International Security Advisory Board.
We have outlined various
scenarios for the 2016 elections. One was where Obama
might be in place for a Third Term. This was a possibility in
mid-2015 when Jade Helm was in place and the plan was for Obama
to announce the presence of Nibiru, thus potentially throwing
the public into panic. Then Obama lacked courage. It is still
possible for the multi-pronged announcement approach in process
to create panic, but it seems the public accepts these prongs
without panic. Then there is the possibility of the Earth
changes creating so much devastation in the US that the 2016
elections might be deferred. The New Madrid is certainly warming
up, but there is scant time left for that degree of devastation
to hit.
What then was the plea deal offered to Hillary, and how might
that play out? If it is confusing to the public to see both
Obama and Biden out on the campaign trail with Hillary, consider
that this is allowing Hillary to leave on a high note, due to
health concerns, perhaps. It is also putting both Obama and
Biden in the spotlight, to remind the public that they are both
available. Dunford will not allow Hillary to gain the White
House. He has numerous moves at his disposal, but this is a
private matter for General Dunford and not for us to throw out
on print to allay the public’s curiosity. Stay tuned, as this
game is in play.
Hillary’s health has often been the subject of speculation,
as she has a mysterious cough that returns, and has been caught
wearing the Fensel lenses that correct the double vision that
plagues MS victims, as
recently as July 9, 2016 while visiting her daughter in New
York City re Clinton Foundation business. Per the Zetas, despite a
doctor’s report stating that Hillary was in glowing good health,
she not only has MS, she also has heart failure, brought on by her
almost constant anger.

ZetaTalk Insight
7/2/2016: What
is the cause of Hillary’s mysterious cough, her reported
fatigue, and on-and-off bloat and edema? She has heart
failure, a result of her almost constant anger over the years.
The major symptoms of heart failure are edema, a cough as the
failing heart puts fluid into the lungs, and fatigue. We have
previously stated that Hillary
also has MS, the reason for her occasional use of Fensel
lenses for double vision. She takes steroids to counteract the
MS, a move that aggravates her heart failure as steroids cause
the body to hold water. Where is this heading, as her health and
the looming indictment collide? Potentially hospitalization, or
a sudden death from a fibrillating heart.