Nibiru Visibility
The visibility of Nibiru has increased dramatically over the
past months, so that it is being seen, naked eye, from many
parts of the globe now. This is well documented on the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to image captures. It no longer
takes special filters in order to see the monster on its
approach, as webcam captures show. Let’s take a trip around the
A Second Sun was captured in Laval,
Quebec in Canada on June 1 during sunrise. Note
the Second Sun stands somewhat behind a street light, thus
proving this is not a lens flare. Note due to the angle of the
Ecliptic that Nibiru appears to be at the 2 o’clock position. If
the Ecliptic were straight across the sky Nibiru would stand at
the 4 o’clock position. The Second Sun is only one of Nibiru’s
personas, occurring when the angle is optimal, usually at
sunrise or sunset, so that sunlight bouncing off the vast dust
cloud giving the appearance of a Second Sun.

ZetaTalk Explanation
12/12/2009: The
Second Sun sightings occur when Planet X is not directly in
the line of sight from the Earth, but slightly to the right so
that there is an angle from which sunlight can reflect off the
dust cloud thence to Earth.
A similar phenomena was captured on a cam
in Greece during sunrise on August 4. A blaze of light
rises over the horizon from two
different sources.

Moon Swirls appear as bright orbs around the Sun. They are often
confused with Nibiru itself, but are a separate phenomena.
Nibiru has a vast entourage of Moons and debris and red dust.
These Moons do not go round and round Nibiru, as Nibiru is a
traveling planet, but drag behind it, forming swirls. As
sunlight funnels down the long tube formed by the swirl, it
intensifies and comes out the end like a flashlight. Thus Moon
Swirls are far brighter than the light from Nibiru itself.
ZetaTalk Explanation
7/29/2004: How
do the Moon Swirls in the massive tail position themselves?
While traveling out in space, they stream behind Planet X, in
a dance where the moons caught in a moon swirls create long
tubes. Seen in filtered photos they appear either as an odd
tube when seen sideways, or as an intense focused light when
the view is of light bounced down the tube.
Moon Swirls often appear in multiples, clustered around the Sun,
when the wafting of the vast tail of Nibiru blows in the
direction of Earth. Using a heavy Mylar filter, James of Idaho captured several
Moon Swirls visible on April 15. They are more evident when the
Sun is behind clouds, reducing the Sun’s glare, and can be seen
quite clearly in a color inverted image. Note there appears to
be a third, dim Moon Swirl just above the Sun. This is likely a
Monster Persona, where the pale light does not indicate the true
size of the object, but reflected sunlight from this object
first bent out and then back toward the Earth.

ZetaTalk Explanation
11/16/2003: The
Monster Sun is light that has moved in all directions, bent
back toward Earth by the gravity trap it represents, from a
broad area, so when arriving at the viewer represents a broad
Moon Swirls were also captured in a video taken on July 19 in Maui,
Hawaii. The glare of the full Sun hides these Moon Swirls
but when the Sun goes behind a cloud, they emerge and are
visible. Here also there seems to be a Monster persona above the
Sun. This is not a ghost of the Sun in the camera lens, as its
shape differs from the Sun’s shape as clouds drift over both the
Sun and the Monster. Nor it is the Earth’s Moon, which was on
the other side of the globe.

Where Second Sun sightings and brilliant orbs clustered around
the Sun have been evident since Nibiru arrived in the inner
solar system in 2003, actual naked eye sightings and captures of
the corpus of Nibiru itself have only recently become
common. The Pole
Shift ning supports a blog called Nibiru Daily, showcasing
images captured at sunset from Italy
and France. These have been evident for over
a year.

Alaska cams have joined this bonanza, showing Nibiru not only at
dawn but also at Midnight when the tilt of the globe during the
daily Earth wobble allows the Sun to rise and quickly set again
at Midnight as seen from very northern sites. These cams are provided by
the FAA for local pilots. This was first noted for a cam
at Selawik, but other cams provide the same views. This Alaska cam at Kivalina is
looking East toward Azimuth 105 just after sunrise at 8:19 am
and 8:39 am, and again at Noon at 11:39 am one sees Nibiru
making an appearance. Note the slant of the Ecliptic turns and
rotates as the day progresses, and thus Nibiru is seen at the 4
o’clock position at dawn but at the 7 o’clock position at

The Kivalina cam also provides a Midnight capture of Nibiru.
Looking NW toward Azimuth 312, at the midnight Sun seen these
days in northern Alaska, one also sees Nibiru to the right of
the Sun. The Sun should not be visible at this time of night in
Alaska, but due to the Earth wobble, which tilts the globe
toward Europe at this time, it makes a brief appearance. Proof
of the Earth wobble, as well as proof of Nibiru.
Of course no discussion of image capture of Nibiru and its
complex is complete without Alberto’s photos, taken with Mylar
and various filters that select the red light spectrum.
Recently, Nibiru itself, seen here at the 4-5 o'clock position,
has become undeniable.

Clinton Body Count
Among the many stories about the Clintons is the body count.
Dead men tell no tales. The body count goes back to the Clinton
history in Arkansas. Now in 2016 the Clinton murders have
started up again, just as the Clinton Foundation is under
scrutiny for money laundering and Political Corruption. Bill
rakes in the money via speaking fees, and Hillary as Secretary
of State granted US assets in return. Anti-Clinton books
are best
sellers, and the well documented list of Clinton murders
is long. The body count started in June after the Panama Papers
were released. Were the Clinton’s involved in money laundering?
Apparently yes.

- Another Mysterious Death Surrounding
Hillary Clinton - Scheduled to Testify in Corruption Trial
Drops Barbell on His Neck - 'Bigger Than Vince Foster'
June 29, 2016
- What do you think the chances are
that, while lifting weights soon before you're scheduled
to testify in a corruption trial involving Hillary Clinton
and others, you accidentally drop the barbell and the
weights you were lifting upon your neck, ending your life
and preventing your testimony? If you were the former
President of the United Nations General Assembly John Ashe
from Antigua and Barbuda, the odds became 100% just days
ago after the former President, awaiting a bribery scandal
trial, was killed during a weightlifting accident after he
was allegedly 'accidentally asphyxiated' by the dropped
weights. How is it that the Clinton family has been
surrounded by so many mysterious deaths? As of June of
2015, at least 46 people who were close to the Clinton's
have met their untimely end.
In 2016 those who might testify, those who have a propensity
for investigative journalism, those who have been instrumental
in bringing lawsuits against the Clinton interests – all met a
sudden and violent death. It is this pattern that has brought
Hillary Clinton the nickname of being the Black
Widow of Politics. We have three new deaths, in short
order, in July and August, 2016. Seth Rich, a DNC worker whom
Assange states was a Wikileaks
source, Victor Thorn, a popular investigative reporter and
author known for his anti-Clinton bent, and Shawn Lucas, who had
served the DNC with papers on behalf of Sanders. Add these three
latest to John Ashe who died of a supposed barbell accident on
June 22, 2016. Per the Zetas, this time around, due to the
circumstances, it is the Clinton’s themselves who may end up

- Still No Clues in Murder of DNC’s
Seth Rich, As Conspiracy Theories Thicken
July 31, 2016
- Washington DC’s up-and-coming
Bloomingdale neighborhood remains gripped by fear three
week after the murder there of Democratic National
Committee staffer Seth Rich — with still no reported
leads, suspects or arrests in the killing. At the same
time, conspiracy theories surrounding the murder have
reached a new frenzy, especially after the hacking of DNC
e-mails led to the resignation of its chairwoman, Debbie
Wasserman Schultz. Rich was beaten, shot and killed early
on the morning of July 8 while he was walking home and
talking on the phone to his girlfriend. Police have
said they haven’t determined if his murder was a botched
robbery or something else. The killer or killers appear to
have taken nothing from their victim, leaving behind his
wallet, watch and phone.
- Prominent AFP Clinton Researcher
Found Dead
August 1, 2016
- Prolific author, American Free
Press writer and seasoned Clinton researcher Victor Thorn
was found at the top of a mountain near his home, the
apparent victim of a gunshot wound. Thorn had reported for
this newspaper for over a decade, writing thousands of
articles on myriad subjects from conspiracy to
health-related topics. Best known for his investigate
research on the Clintons, Thorn wrote the Clinton
trilogy—three definitive works that delved into the
history of the power couple including their sordid
scandals, Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of multiple
women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while
Clinton was governor of the state.
- DNC Lawsuit Process Server Shawn
Lucas Has Died
August 5, 2016
- Lucas was known to many
frustrated Democrats as the young man who served the
Democratic National Committee (DNC) with a lawsuit in
early July 2016 charging that the DNC had committed
"fraud" in favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders
during the Democratic primary process. Lucas was found
lying on the bathroom floor by his girlfriend when she
returned home on the evening of 2 August 2016. Paramedics
responding to her 911 call found no signs of life.
ZetaTalk Comment
8/6/2016: The
obvious assassination of Seth Rich in DC was a warning to
others to keep their mouths shut. A DNC employee, Seth knew
more than the compilation of Democratic voter lists. He knew
how election theft was being conducted, the plans for this
during the general election. Electronic voting machines are
not secure, as the Diebold theft for the Bush family in 2000
and 2004 showed. Does no one wonder why Sanders won the caucus
votes during the primary, but lost in the general when the
votes were collected by machine? How could this difference
exist? A caucus is hard to steal, when monitors are present
and recording the votes, but electronic numbers can be quickly
switched or erased.
Victor Thorn, at the peak of
his highly successful career, did not commit suicide. Alone in
the wilderness, there were no witnesses except for those who
were tracking and hunting him. He was killed, also as an
obvious warning to others, to stop pushing the Clinton crimes
in the media. As an investigative reporter, Thorn did more
than write books, he was a frequent guest on talk shows. The
Clinton crime family is obviously feeling threatened, despite
seemingly having the election sewed up. Investigations into
Public Corruption - quid pro quo while Hillary was Secretary
of State - are ongoing.
We have recently detailed the possible means by which Hillary
could be prevented from grasping control of the White House.
The second strongest deterrent would be the death of Bill and
Hillary themselves, killed at the hands of their many partners
in crime in order to stop the continuing investigations. Kill
the Clintons, kill the investigations, is the logic.
ZetaTalk Inference
7/30/2016: Then
there is the possibility of either Hillary or Bill or both
being murdered because this would halt the Clinton Foundation
prosecution. This has a strong likelihood of happening because
the FBI investigation into Public Corruption is moving
aggressively, was the threat if Hillary did not withdraw, and
the threat was not idly made.
Hillary’s Dementia
Lest there be a pause in the constant drama that is the US 2016
Presidential race, there has been yet another leak exposing
Clinton lies. This one pointedly focused on Dr. Lisa Bardak’s
letter in 2015 stating Hillary was “fit to serve”. This despite
repeatedly falling down, public seizures, eyes that refuse to
track together, mood swings and rages, and blackouts and memory
lapses and misstatement that cannot be denied as they occur on
stage while the cameras are rolling. Dr. Lisa Bardak issued the
statement, below, in 2015 purporting that Hillary was “fit to

- A Letter from Hillary Clinton’s
July 31, 2015
- In a letter, her doctor says
Hillary Rodham Clinton is in “excellent” health and “fit
to serve” as president.
But the truth has caught up with Hillary, and with Dr. Lisa
Bardak. Hillary had a seizure on June 10 went viral on the
Internet, as documented in Issue 513
of this newsletter. It is clear her eyes cannot track together
and one but not the other is dilated.

Then a second seizure occurred during the DNC release of
balloons, and played out before all the cameras. Again, her eyes
cannot track together. This was followed by an obvious brain
freeze on August 8, where she completely loses her train of
thought and goes
mentally absent on stage while campaigning. Once again,
this was caught on video. Hillary has recently called Trump her
“husband”, and stated that she would raise taxes on the Middle
Class, forgetting to insert the word “not”. This, despite
reading from teleprompters. All these incidents within just
weeks of each other, and very recent.

Then there is the recent release of photos taken by both Reuters
and Getty, showing Hillary having to be helped up the stairs
while campaigning in S Carolina on February 24. Why it took so
long for these photos to be released is not explained.

Now a leaked internal memo written by Dr. Lisa Bardak has gone
viral on the Internet. This appears completely legitimate, even
to the title claimed by Dr. Bardak. Where in 2015 the paper she
issued bore the title Director of Internal Medicine, and under
the newly leaked internal memo she bears the title Chairman of
the Department of Medicine, her
bio page shows that both titles apply.

Dr. Lisa Bardak has some explaining to do! Her report in 2014
says Hillary has dementia, caused by atherosclerosis cutting off
blood to the brain, and this is rapidly getting worse!

- Hillary Clinton Medical Records
Leaked! "Dementia, Seizures, Black-outs"
August 8, 2016
- Hillary Clinton's medical records
have been leaked to the public and they are devastating.
According to her Doctor, Mrs. Clinton suffers from
"Dementia, Seizures and Black-outs." In fact, the
Doctor made note that Clinton's conditions are
"considerably worse" than in 2013.
- What is Binswanger's Disease?
- Atherosclerosis (commonly known
as "hardening of the arteries") is a systemic process that
affects blood vessels throughout the body. It begins late
in the fourth decade of life and increases in severity
with age. As the arteries become more and more narrowed,
the blood supplied by those arteries decreases and
brain tissue dies. The symptoms associated with BD
are related to the disruption of subcortical neural
circuits that control what neuroscientists
call executive cognitive functioning: short-term
memory, organization, mood, the regulation of attention,
the ability to act or make decisions, and appropriate
behavior. Other symptoms include forgetfulness,
changes in speech, an unsteady gait, clumsiness
or frequent falls, changes in personality or mood
(most likely in the form of apathy, irritability, and
depression), and urinary symptoms that aren't caused by
urological disease.
ZetaTalk Comment
8/13/2016: The
official diagnosis from Hillary’s New York State doctor of
atherosclerosis leading to brain death, a condition known as
Binswanger's Disease (BD), should be no surprise. In that she
is wearing Fresnel lens glasses to correct the double vision
caused by MS, she also has MS, as we have confirmed. Her poor
balance and falling down can be caused by MS or BD. Her
coughing fits are caused by the lungs filling with water on
occasion, from heart failure, which she also is trying to
Wikileaks has announced that it does not plan to release
another tranche of emails before October, for what is called
an October Surprise in the US. But what of the next two
months? It is not enough to merely wound Hillary in the
public eye, so she limps forward to a stolen election. A
drugged and placid Hillary could wave and smile. The VP,
Kaine, was well vetted to be a proper puppet so that he in the
White House could push the Bush/Clinton Crime family agenda.
For the Democratic candidate to lose, and lose big, requires
that Hillary be in place, but be so damaged in the public eye
that the Democrats cannot recover.
Halting Hillary
How does one stop a political machine that has so many
connections and so much blackmail on so many people that it
seems impossible. Meanwhile, control of the powerful US
military, which is larger than all other militaries combined
is at stake. Where Dunford is in charge in the US, a quiet
agreement between he and Obama that this should not be made
public so as not to disrupt public life, Hillary would refuse to

ZetaTalk Inference
7/30/2016: The
ruthlessly ambitious Hillary has been in a race to reach the
White House before justice can snatch this from her. The
Clinton family has been a criminal enterprise for decades,
always managing to buffer themselves from prosecution by
sacrificing an underling or a handy assassination. We have
repeatedly stated that Dunford, in charge of the US federal
government, will not allow Hillary to gain the power of the
presidency, but just what moves are being planned by Dunford
is not something we will reveal. We have reported that on June
22 Hillary was offered, and accepted, a plea deal to drop out
or have the Clinton Foundation and herself indicted for
corruption. Once again she lied and went on to grab the brass
What will stop the Clinton
power grab? The possibilities in the past included indicting
Hillary so her polls would fall, but it was known that Hillary
would continue her campaign despite an indictment so this was
not pursued. Calling martial law due to terrorism threats or
race riots was another possibility, but unless a real and
sufficient threat were present, martial law would not prevail
for long. Given that the Clinton crime family planned for the
2016 power grab years ago, and was superbly well funded and
connected, there was no chance that Sanders, despite his
popularity, could counter this.
Hillary’s health could falter, with Hillary falling to the
floor with a fibrillating heart or double vision or another
seizure, this time too well documented to be discounted. But
this is likely to be covered up by the media, as usual, and
one cannot wait for this to happen. The Council of Worlds also
does not strike people down. Then there is severely falling
support for Hillary due to more Wikileaks releases and more
public awareness of the now free movie, Clinton Cash. But even
with Trump on the ascendance, allowing an election is risky.

Even given that Hillary might be killed or collapse due to her
many health problems. Even in a coma, or drooling from the mouth
and unable to think or speak due to a stroke, even in death, the
Democratic Party would continue to run with Hillary on the
ballot. This is in essence forced by the rules. Does anyone
think Tim Kaine was not well vetted by the Clinton Crime Family
machine? He was chosen because he would allow his strings to be
pulled. Even splintered and hobbled, the Clinton machine could
grasp control of the White House if elections were allowed to
proceed. This is the dilemma facing Dunford and the Council of
- If Trump Drops Out, the Result will
be a Horrible Legal Quagmire
August 3, 2016
- The party’s internal rules permit
the RNC to “fill any and all vacancies which may occur by
reason of death, declination or otherwise of the
Republican candidate for president of the United States.
It hinges upon what 50 different state laws have to say.
Although the presidency is a national job, each state has
broad leeway to set procedures governing the presidential
election in that state. Many of them enacted laws
governing candidates who wish to withdraw from a race
which can be quite unforgiving — especially as the
election draws nigh. But that’s not the end of the
confusion. Recall that, under the Constitution, voters do
not vote directly for presidential candidates. They elect
members of the Electoral College who themselves choose the
next president. High stakes litigation would also ensue —
with little, if any precedents to guide the litigants and
judges — in order to determine how members of the
Electoral College should behave.