Peru Blue Alien
A dramatic incident at a Peruvian gas station purports to
record a visitation by a little blue alien, who floated away
when chased and was able to evade traffic by temporarily
flipping into another dimension. There were numerous witnesses,
and multiple videos of the incident, as the gas station had several
surveillance cams and many at the station had cell
phone cameras. The incident thus is highly credible, and
per the Zetas, absolutely genuine.

- Watch: Alien Filmed at Peruvian Gas
September 1, 2016
- A UFO researcher in Peru is
trumpeting incredible video which he says captures an
alien appearing at a gas station and being chased away by
witnesses. The remarkable footage, from late last month,
shows some kind of object or entity seemingly wander away
from the side of a nearby building and begin creeping
towards the gas station. At random points, the 'thing'
appears to either glow or reflect the many lights
illuminating the area. When one of the workers at the gas
station sees the anomaly, it quickly departs from the area
in a manner that suggests some kind of sentience as
opposed to simply being flown away like a balloon. Perhaps
most perplexing is a second video from the incident. In
the extremely dark footage, the 'entity' looks extremely
shiny and very balloon-like before it somehow manages to
survive an encounter with a massive truck on the highway
to which it tried to escape. Three gas station employees
and a policeman encountered witnessed the. Fortunately,
the scene of the incident allowed for additional
perspectives as the gas station was equipped with four
security cameras and one worker filmed the affair with
their cell phone.
- Video: Alien, Ghost or Robot in
August 31, 2016
- When they realized, they first
thought it was a luminous globe, but then three workers
and a policeman came and saw legs which had walked and
seemed to be a meter high. The closest were was about two
meters, when they went after him with the intention to go
around, but stopped a strange feeling, to say it was not
fear, but something different and emotional. The scene was
captured by four security cameras tap, from different
angles, and from the cell phone of one of the workers.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
9/10/2016: This
is a genuine alien, with the ability to control gravity so as
to float when desired or needed. It was also able to escape
being hit by trucks on the highway by escaping temporarily
into 4th density. It has two large legs and small stubby arms
which are rarely seen in the video. Facial features would also
be hard to discern, though it has two eyes and a very large
brain. Why does it appear shiny? It generates its own light,
as many Earth creatures do, being able to fluoresce. The
intentional display of this 4th density creature on the 3rd
density Earth was to expedite
the Awakening.
This life form was selected
for this presentation because it could fluoresce. The location
of the gas station was chosen because it was a popular gas
station, with video surveillance, and cell phone cameras were
known to be carried by many of the patrons. The timing at
night was chosen because the fluorescing creature could not be
missed, and would stand out on video. Validity of this
sighting is bolstered by the many videos of the incident, and
the many eye-witness accounts, thus making this a solid
Awakening incident. We stated that sightings of alien bodies
would be on the increase, and this is one of them.
What is the Awakening? It is mankind’s burgeoning awareness of
the alien presence. Because the establishment – religious elite
as well as politicians – have felt threatened by alien visitors
with control over gravity and the ability to zip in and out of
different dimensions, they have tried to make the common man
fearful of contact. Thus, the thought of contact, for many, is
replete with anxiety among those who have been told that all
aliens are evil demons intent on mass landing and eating
mankind. The array of movies produced by Hollywood is an example
– Signs, War of the Worlds, and ID4.

Anticipating this reaction by the establishment, the Council
of Worlds decreed that all contact with aliens should be
recorded only in the subconscious. This decision was made around
the time of Roswell, with the only exception being for members
of MJ12 who were already chatting with aliens. But meanwhile,
fully half the world’s population have become contactees,
discovering the truth for themselves. And simultaneously, proof
of the alien presence has been provided to mankind through
numerous well documented encounters. One of the first authentic
video confirmations was in 2007 of the leggy California Night
ZetaTalk Comment
8/9/2014: We
mentioned that alien bodies would start to be captured on
film, and this is of record since our prediction. In 2007 the
Tall Walkers of California were captured; in 2008 a Peeping
Tom was captured in Nebraska; in 2011 the Skinny Bob video was
released by MJ12, and all this only represents activity in the
US. The pace has picked up. Though there has been occasional,
rare instances of conscious contact since Roswell, the public
was not allowed to capture this on film. Now that has changed,
and the pace is picking up! This is all to accelerate the
Awakening to the alien presence, which is ongoing on Earth at
We have documented conscious contact with aliens here in this
newsletter in Issue 339, such as a
case in Voronezh, Russia in September, 1989. According to
numerous credible witnesses, three creatures described as being
9-10 feet tall emerged from a craft that landed, but did not
crash. Then in 1996 in Varginha, Brazil in a case known as the
Brazilian Roswell, several children encountered aliens from a
crashed ship. Documentation to this point was done via
drawings only, as per the Zetas this allowed an Element of
Doubt, another Council of Worlds rule, to prevail.

In 2011 an authentic video of a little Zeta, known as Skinny
Bob, was released by MJ12. The features of Skinny Bob correlated
remarkably with the drawings that I, Nancy, had made of the
Zetas for the ZetaTalk website since its inception in 1995. In Issue 412 of this newsletter we
documented that the pace had picked up with an Argentina video
depicting a small frail alien. This same alien had made an
appearance in photo captures from the UK to the US to Mexico.
This little guy gets around!
So we have moved from drawings to still photos to videos to
numerous videos on the same event. We have also moved from
passive aliens doing barely more than blinking to walking to
floating into the air and moving in and out of different
dimensions – all captured on film. All of this was predicted by
the Zetas at the start of the ZetaTalk saga.
ZetaTalk Prediction
1995: Sightings
will increase, and will include alien life forms. This will
then move to telepathic discussions with these life forms,
en-mass with groups of people.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2/15/1998: The
next stage will be glimpses of alien bodies, fleeting at
first, and then increasingly solid views.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2/15/2003: As
we mentioned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, sightings
would be on the increase, mass sightings would then increase
as the population affected became comfortable with such an
event, and then sightings of alien lifeforms would occur. A
conscious sighting might occur. This would be at a distance,
as a glance, like the sightings of BigFoot, so no threat
exists but lots of discussion occurs afterwards.
FaceBook Gets
Elon Musk’s Space X has had several successful launches and
even successfully landed on an ocean
platform last April, 2016. It appeared the Council of
World’s war on the media, to allow the truth about Nibiru to
emerge, had been won, and all had been forgiven. The
multi-pronged release of information pointing to Nibiru in the
inner Solar System is well in process. Thus, Space X could
ZetaTalk Insight
4/16/2016: The
Council of Worlds has been at war with the elite who were
blocking the announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru,
and its pending passage. Wars come to an end when they are
won, and when they are won the need to frustrate the enemy
also ends. Space X had an ocean platform landing success on
April 8, but the media has had repeated waves of articles
related to Nibiru starting on March 28 and again on April 6.
This flood of information via the media preceded Musk’s
success with his ocean platform landing. Where we are not
giving details on how the announcement might proceed, by what
route or at whose hands, it is clear that the elite
controlling the media have capitulated. Musk’s success with
his ocean platform landing is yet more evidence of that.
Why is Space X now blowing up during a pre-launch test? What is
the message? Per the Zetas, it is not Elon Musk’s endeavors but
his partners that are the problem.
- Watch Dramatic Moment SpaceX Rocket
Explodes at Cape Canaveral – Blowing up Facebook’s £150
Million Internet Satellite
September 1, 2016
- NASA says SpaceX was conducting a
test firing of its pioneering unmanned rocket when
disaster struck. The Israeli made Amos-6 communications
satellite was, according to Tech Crunch, carrying
technology to allow Mark Zuckerberg's firm to spot beam
wireless internet directly to smartphones in sub-Saharan
Africa. SpaceX was leasing the pad from the Air Force for
its Falcon launches. The company was conducting a test
fire of the rocket ahead of its launch.
- SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket, Satellite
Destroyed in Explosion
September 2, 2015
- SpaceX can confirm that in
preparation for today's static fire, there was an anomaly
on the pad resulting in the loss of the vehicle and its
payload. The rocket was preparing for a test-firing of its
nine Merlin main engines as a standard check of their
readiness for launch, and the area was cleared for that
hazardous operation. The satellite built by Israel
Aerospace Industries also was destroyed. In addition to
launching satellites, SpaceX is one of two companies
shipping cargo to the International Space Station
commercially, and one of two companies preparing to launch
astronauts to the ISS under NASA's Commercial Crew
Program. SpaceX had hoped to launch two astronauts on a
test flight to the station within a year.
Was this a slap by the Council of Worlds? Rapidly moving UFO’s
were seen around the launch pad seconds before and during
the explosion.

- Was SpaceX Rocket hit by a Drone?
Shock Claims Elon Musk’s Falcon 9 was 'Attacked'
September 3, 2016
- Now conspiracy theorists are
claiming the space rocket was “attacked”. The “reusable”
rocket was destroyed after suffering a catastrophic
explosion on launch at Cape Canaveral in Florida.
Billionaire SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said the cause of the
explosion, which was caught on camera, is still unknown.
Per the Zetas, this was a spanking for FaceBook’s Zuckerberg
and his Israeli partners, for their ambitions to create and
control slave labor camps in Africa.
ZetaTalk Explanation
9/3/2016: This
latest disaster on a Space X launch was a financial and
progress blow to several entities – Elon Musk of Space X, Mark
Zuckerberg of FaceBook, Israel Aerospace Industries, and NASA.
That the explosion happened early in the process, during a
pre-launch test, shows that a strong message is being given.
Previous messages to Musk involved his intent to help the
elite escape Earth prior to the Pole Shift, while
participating in the cover-up over Nibiru. When the elite
relented, allowing the multi-prong’d announcement about Nibiru
to proceed, Musk was allowed to succeed with an ocean platform
landing. The explosion thus was not aimed at Musk or his
NASA was simply leasing its
launching pad, and was not the target either. FaceBook is
immensely popular and international, and Zuckerberg had
announced almost a year ago that he intended to promote his via satellites and drones, to provide service to
parts of the world with scarce access to the internet. Africa
is clearly a key target. It should be no surprise that Africa
is also a key target of many elite, who anticipate the high
ground of Africa and its future temperate climate to be ideal
for settlements and survival. Europe and India will migrate to
Africa in droves, prior to the Pole Shift.
Where satellites will be torn from the skies during the
passage, prior to the Pole Shift itself they will function to
some degree. Thus, those who have migrated to Africa, and set
up settlements and formulated defense of their perimeter, will
be accessing the internet via one of Zuckerberg’s satellites.
As the satellites fail, these will be replaced with the
Zuckerberg drones already in operation. All communications in
the vast region of Africa will be known to Zuckerberg and his
elite allies, who obviously include Israel. This information
would be used for enslavement and control, and it is this
effort that the Council of Worlds will not allow.
Zuckerberg’s ambitions to provide Africa with an Internet
gateway controlled by his company had hit the press for over a
year. He led with his Internet drones, but the planned Internet
satellites had a wider reach. Throughout, Africa was the target.

- Facebook Builds Drone for Internet
July 30, 2015
- Facebook has built its own drone
that will bring internet connectivity to remote parts of
the world, the social network has announced.
- Facebook Plans Satellite ‘in 2016'
October 6, 2015
- Facebook is to launch a satellite
that will provide internet access to remote parts of
Africa, the social network's founder Mark Zuckerberg has
announced. In partnership with French-based provider
Eutelsat, Facebook hope the first satellite will be
launched in 2016. is experimenting with
different ways of providing internet to hard-to-reach
places. Recently, the company told of how it was planning
to use a custom-built drone to beam down connectivity.
Eutelsat and Facebook will each deploy Internet services
designed to relieve pent-up demand for connectivity from
the many users in Africa beyond range of fixed and mobile
terrestrial networks. Several companies already provide
internet-by-satellite, but it is a costly option beyond
the reach of most people in the developing world.
How are Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg taking their loss?
Financially, it was a hit to Zuckerberg, who lost a $200 million
satellite. Musk lost $62 million in the explosion, the total
loss for his Space X rocket, and an addition loss in stock due
to lack of confidence in his operations. The estimated
total loss for Musk is $390 million.

- Musk's Bad Day: Explosion + Stock
Drops by Tesla, SolarCity = $390 Million Loss
September 1, 2016
- One of his rockets blew up, and
he suffered a paper loss of about $390 million as the
stock prices of two of his companies sank. Elon Musk was
having a horrible day. No one was injured in the explosion
of the $62 million rocket owned by Musk's SpaceX, but the
disaster set back the mission to place a satellite over
the equator to expand communications in Europe, the Middle
East and Africa.
- Billionaires at War: 'Disappointed'
Mark Zuckerberg Hits Out at SpaceX after Facebook's $200m
Satellite Explodes but Elon Musk says the Cause is 'Unknown'
September 2, 2016
- Zuckerberg is currently visiting
several countries in Africa and likely would have marked
the occasion of Facebook's Amos 6 satellite being launched
into orbit on Saturday, had it not been destroyed around
9am in the massive blast. The satellite was to provide at
least 14 countries on the continent and Middle East with
free broadband.
New Madrid
On September 3 Oklahoma had what the USGS called a magnitude
5.6 earthquake. Yet this quake caused the ground to rock over a
1,255 mile swath, from N Dakota to Houston. Per the Zetas, the
Oklahoma quakes was a 9.5, due to the distance.

- M5.6 Earthquake in Oklahoma felt
across the Entire Midwest, from North Dakota through Houston
September 3, 2016
- M5.6 earthquake in Oklahoma felt
across the entire midwest, from North Dakota through
Houston. At 7:02:44 am local time, a major, M5.6
earthquake hit 14km northwest of Pawnee, Oklahoma.
It rattled a swath of the Great Plains, from Kansas
City, Missouri, to central Oklahoma. It was the strongest
quake to hit Oklahoma in years.
- Record-Tying Oklahoma Earthquake felt
as Far Away as Arizona
September 3, 2016
- People in Kansas City and St.
Louis, Missouri; Chicago; Gilbert, Arizona; Fayetteville
and Little Rock, Arkansas; Des Moines, Iowa; Memphis,
Tennessee; and Big Lake in the southwest part of Texas,
all reported feeling the earthquake. Dallas TV station
WFAA tweeted that the quake shook its studios.
Compare this to the 1906 quake in Northern California, which
was deemed a magnitude 7.8 and destroyed 80% of the
infrastructure of San Francisco. That quake was only felt as far
away as Nevada.
- The Northern California Earthquake,
April 18, 1906
- The Northern California
Earthquake, April 18, 1906. The earthquake was felt from
southern Oregon to south of Los Angeles and inland as far
as central Nevada. The intensity of shaking that an area
experiences during an earthquake depends on the magnitude
of the earthquake, its distance from the fault, and the
type of ground materials. Soft, water saturated sands and
sediments amplify the shaking even at great distances from
an earthquake, while bedrock shakes to a much lesser
ZetaTalk Interpretation
9/10/2016: Clearly
this Oklahoma quake was not a magnitude 5.6, when swaying was
felt over a 1,255 mile swath. Compare this to the swath of
motion recorded during the 1906 quake in San Francisco, which
was only felt as far away as Nevada, a neighboring state. It
is known that quakes that result from adjustments close to the
surface result in the most damage to mankind’s structures.
Deep quakes are absorbed by the surrounding rock, thus little
shaking arrives at the surface. This Oklahoma quake was deep,
and should have been recorded as a 9.5.
Clearly this deep quake was
in preparation for adjustments along the New Madrid Fault
Line, which will result in immense structural damage to
mankind’s infrastructure. The Oklahoma quake adjustment was
along rock strata that is more rigid than the soft rock that
ripped, taking the path of least resistance by pulling apart
soft rock throughout the midsection of the N American
continent. Essentially, the upper Midwest moved somewhat
further East, while the Southwest moved with Mexico to the
West. This is the diagonal pull that the N American continent
endures, which ultimately results in the New Madrid
We have long been on record
stating that the big New
Madrid quake will start with relatively minor quakes of
a magnitude 6-7. Of course, due to the downgrading that the
USGS does, these quakes along the New Madrid Fault Line will
be called a magnitude 4-5. But structural
damage will result in the cities along the Mississippi,
and to bridges that cross the Mississippi. Then the big
New Madrid adjustment will hit. The deep rock adjustment
during the Oklahoma quake should not be considered to be
included in our prediction, though it is obviously heralding
the start of the New Madrid process.