World War III
Both World War I and World War II were triggered by a
deliberate incident. In the case of World War I it was the
assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. In
the case of Worlds War II it was the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

- Assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand of Austria
- The assassination led directly to
the First World War when Austria-Hungary subsequently
issued an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia, which was
partially rejected. Austria-Hungary then declared war.

- Attack on Pearl Harbor
- The attack led to the United
States' entry into World War II. The undeclared assault
came as a profound shock to the American people and led
directly to the American entry into World War II in both
the Pacific and European theaters.
ZetaTalk Insight
12/24/2016: Starting
a World War by a deliberate incident has historical
precedence. World War I was started by the assassination
of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, which incited
Austria to declare war against the presumed assassin - Serbia.
In fact, it was the Black Hand secret society that was the
perpetrator, wanting war. World War II was already rolling but
became a World War only after the attack
on Pearl Harbor. History has documented that President
Roosevelt knew the attack was coming and deliberately allowed
it to happen, looking for an excuse to join the war.
It has been clear that there are those trying to trigger World
War III too. NATO pointed the finger at Russia for the downing
of MH 17, when it was clear that fighter
jets flying from Kiev were responsible. It was clearly not a BUK missile that shot the plane
down. Transmissions between the frantic MH 17 pilot and air
traffic control in Kiev was also later destroyed, and the
knowledgeable air traffic control agent disappeared. Obama
refused to provide US satellite images, while implying that
Russia was somehow to blame.

Though the hacking of the DNC and Podesta emails was the
Anonymous group and Wikileaks via Seth Rich, the Hillary
campaign chose to blame the Russians.
However, when asked to see the proof of this claim, the CIA and
NSA refused to provide any documents whatsoever to a
Congressional inquiry. When none of these maneuvers worked, and
Putin refused to take the provocation, the group trying to
trigger World War III openly shot a Russian ambassador in the
back, on live TV. Per the Zetas, they will not succeed.

- Gunman who Killed Russian Ambassador
in Turkey was a Police Officer
December 19, 2016
- The Turkish police officer who
killed Russian Ambassador Andrew Karlov has been
identified as Mevlüt Mert Alt?nta? of the Ankara Riot
police. Alt?nta?, 22, was a graduate of Izmir Police
School. He was not on duty when he made the attack at an
art gallery on Monday, according to two Turkish Security
sources who spoke to Reuters. Russia's foreign ministry
confirmed that the ambassador, Andrew Karlov, had died in
the attack. Alt?nta? was shot and killed after
assassinating Karlov. Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for
the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has announced
that they qualify the assassination as a terrorist attack.
- Russian Officials: “Highly Likely”
Ambassador Assassination a NATO False Flag
December 19, 2016
- Russian MP, Alexey Pushkov,
voiced similar sentiments, calling the shooting “a result
of political and media hysteria around Aleppo sown by the
enemies of Russia.” The assassination comes at a highly
volatile moment in Russian-Western relations, with Russia
bearing the brunt of a variety of accusations ranging from
responsibility for Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump,
the success of the Brexit movement, and the Syrian
government beginning to overcome ISIS in key battle zones.
Russia, Turkey and Iran were scheduled to hold talks
tomorrow regarding the on-going conflict in Syria.
- Putin: Russian Ambassador’s Murder
Provocation Aimed at Undermining Syria Peace Process
December 19, 2016
- This murder is clearly a
provocation aimed at undermining the improvement and
normalization of Russian-Turkish relations, as well as
undermining the peace process in Syria promoted by Russia,
Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in settling
the conflict in Syria.
ZetaTalk Insight
12/24/2016: Look
to who wants a war with Russia to ensue for the perpetrators
of the assassination of Russian ambassador Karlov. One is
supposed to presume it is Turkey, as it was a member of the
Turkish police who pulled the trigger. He was recruited
because of his personal feelings, but he was not the hand
behind the assassination. Though Soros is dead, his agenda is
still well funded and running strong. Turkey is a member of
NATO, thus if Russia attacks or turns on Turkey, then the
European war between NATO and Russia has begun, and the US is
technically required to join due to NATO treaties.
Why would NATO and Soros and
the Hillary crime family and the Jewish bankers in control of
the IMF and World Bank not simply want peace? They are losing
control. Trump has made his opinion on NATO clear. It is an
anachronism, a leftover from World War II. To renew the
alliance, there must be war! Soros considered himself a
kingmaker, and wanted Europe to push into western Russia, into
their oil and gas fields, for the benefit of Europe. Thus, he
incited the coup in the Ukraine.
Soros also wanted chaos in
the US. As a hedge fund guy, he always won from chaos. But he
also wanted Martial Law declared as soon as possible so the
elite, presumably, would be protected from the masses. Soros
and wealthy Jews supported Hillary because she would not
prosecute Wall Street or the 911 insiders – the Bush crime
family. The timing of the Karlov assassination is very
significant. It was on the day the US electors were confirming
Trump as president, in fact hitting the news just ahead of the
voting process! Nevertheless, neither the electors nor Putin
have been fooled, played as fools, and will not react as
Hillary or those wanting World War III had hoped.

Trump Survives
Trump survived all the election fraud planned to help Hillary
win. First, the GEMS system, used in 16 states, where embedded
software allows the manager to enter shaving percentages. This
shaves votes off the targeted loser and allocates the shavings
to the chosen winner. Bev Harris of Black Box voting
demonstrated the technique, a simple keyboard entry by the GEMS
manager. This fraud cannot be detected by anti-hacking oversight
as the hacking happens inside
the central counting room, at the keyboard. This is not
the outside intrusion the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
was concerned about. It is an inside job!

- Fraction Magic – Votes are Being
Counted as Fractions instead of as Whole Numbers
May 12, 2016
- This report summarizes the
results of our review of the GEMS election management
system, which counts approximately 25 percent of all votes
in the United States. This tampering is not visible to
election observers, even if they are standing in the room
and watching the computer. Fractions in results reports
are not visible. Votes containing decimals are reported as
whole numbers unless specifically instructed to reveal
decimals (which is not the default setting). All evidence
that fractional values ever existed can be removed
instantly even from the underlying database using a
setting in the GEMS data tables, in which case even
instructing GEMS to show the decimals will fail to reveal
they were used.
- More than 20 States have faced Major
Election Hacking Attempts, DHS says
October 3, 2016
- The DHS official — speaking on
background because of the subject’s sensitive nature —
explained that hackers of all stripes are constantly
testing the digital defenses of every state’s
public-facing election systems. The fact someone pinged it
doesn’t mean there’s a breach. The fact someone passes by,
or runs a quick test on the database and doesn’t get
through, that happens every day with every major database.
By preventing GEMS counting systems from shaving votes, the
projected “win” for Hillary was countered by the true vote. Per
the Zetas, this was just one of the techniques used by the
Transformation Team to counter fraud. The compliant
media had Hillary winning by reporting fraudulent polls
stacked with too many Democrats so her “win” would appear
expected, nothing amiss. The same election fraud techniques were
used against Sanders. As the Zetas mentioned, Sanders did not
lose the primary, it was stolen from him. He won in the caucus
states where vote counting was done openly, in public. But where
done by voting machines, he lost to Hillary.

ZetaTalk Insight
11/12/2016: The
GEMS vote collection machines had been shown to be able to be
programed to alter the election results in the states where
GEMS is used. Democratic election workers in Florida were
caught filling out absentee ballots for Hillary. Electronic
voting machines refused to register a vote for Trump. The
polls were skewed for Hillary by mixing in too many Democrats,
so the public would not be shocked when Hillary stole the
election. And major media outlets like CNN and NBC were
declaring that Hillary would win by 315 electoral votes. We,
the Zetas, teleport a human into a control room, freeze all
others in the room, and reset the GEMS program set to steal
votes for Hillary. We, the Zetas, inform human teammates on
where wifi vote swapping was to occur and if the perpetrators
were not stopped, wifi static was used. This is a partial
overview of the techniques used in 2016.
ZetaTalk Comment
8/6/2016: Does
no one wonder why Sanders won the caucus votes during the
primary, but lost in general when the votes were collected by
machine? How could this difference exist? A caucus is hard to
steal, when monitors are present and recording the votes, but
electronic numbers can be quickly switched or erased.
But there was more than just insider hacking of the vote totals.
There was also ballot stuffing. In all
cases discovered and reported by the press, this was for a
Hillary advantage. During the recount, only Wisconsin completed
its recount, giving Trump an additional 131 votes. The
Pennsylvania petition was filed late by Stein and never got out
of the court system. In Michigan, counting began and then was
stopped by both the state and federal courts. What was
discovered in Michigan were too few ballots in Detroit for the
counts reported. One ballot box had 60 ballots but was marked
306 ballots. The ballots had been run
through the scanners multiple times. All this, of
course, for Hillary.

- Michigan Recount Results Day 1:
Problems Found in Clinton Strongholds
December 6, 2016
- Clinton rang up huge margins in
Wayne County, home to populous Detroit. Clinton received
66 percent of the Wayne County vote on November 8.
Officials “couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680
precincts” during last month’s countywide canvass of
Election Day returns, adding that most are in Clinton
stronghold Detroit, “where the number of ballots in
precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine
printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.”
- Too many Votes in 37% of Detroit’s
December 13, 2016
- Voting machines in more than
one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more votes
than they should have during last month’s presidential
election. Optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662
precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the
number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. In
Wayne County a Detroit ballot box contained only 50 of the
306 ballots listed in a poll book.
The next hurdle was December 19 when the electors met at their
respective state capitols to confirm the will of the people.
Electors had reported for weeks that they were under intense
pressure, even death threats, to vote for Hillary. Saturday
Night Live (SNL) had a skit about Hillary pushing herself
on the electors. Tens of thousands of letters or email a day are
being reported. Despite this, when the electors met, it was
Hillary who lost to “faithless” electors. Trump lost 2, but
Hillary lost 5, and in fact lost 7 as two of her losses were
countered by state law. Trump survived the election, the
recount, and the pressure on the electors.

- Electors are being Harassed,
Threatened in Bid to Stop Trump
December 14, 2016
- Electors around the country are
being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls and
letters — and even death threats — in an effort to block
Donald Trump from being voted in as president by the
Electoral College. “Somebody threatened to put a bullet in
the back of my mouth”.
- Electors remain Faithful to Trump and
Select him as Official Winner
December 19, 2016
- Trump received 304 electoral
votes to Hillary Clinton's 227. Trump was put over the top
by electors in Texas. Thirty-six of the state's 38 went
for Trump, while two ignored the state's Election Day
results. One voted for Ohio Gov. John Kasich and one
backed former Texas Rep. Ron Paul. In Washington state,
four electors opted for other candidates, instead of
backing Hillary Clinton. Three cast ballots for former
Secretary of State Colin Powell, and one backed Faith
Spotted Eagle, a Native American activist who's been
involved in the North Dakota pipeline fight. If no
candidate reached 270, the House of Representatives would
have held a vote when Congress reconvenes in January.
- The Electors Vote: December 19, 2016
December 19, 2016
- If there are any faithless
electors, those will show up in the O (Other) column.

Earth Sings
Strange sounds were heard in the Mariana Trench by ocean going
robots. After a few days, it was decided that these sounds were
made by Minke whales. However, where the chirp at the end of
each long moan did indeed sound like Minke
whales, the mysterious long
deep moan did not.
Per the Zetas, the Minke were talking to each other about the
long deep moans, but that
noise was the Mariana Trench compressing.

- Mysterious Metallic Sound in the
Mariana Trench Finally Identified.
December 17, 2016
- The call was recorded with
autonomous seafaring robots, known as "passive acoustic
ocean gliders," which can dive up to 3,280 feet (1,000
meters) below the surface. Nieukirk and her colleagues
collected their acoustic data in the fall of 2014 and the
spring of 2015, in an area in the Pacific Ocean east of
Guam around the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the
ocean. An otherworldly noise that was recorded near the
Mariana Trench could be a never-before-heard whale call.
Dubbed the "Western Pacific Biotwang," this newly
discovered call might be from a minke whale — a type of
baleen whale — according to the researchers who documented
the vocalization. Regardless of what species it is, this
whale has range: The call includes sounds that span
frequencies that reach as low as 38 hertz and as high as
8,000 hertz. Humans can hear sounds between 20 and 20,000
Hz. The low-frequency moaning part is typical of baleen
whales, and it's that kind of twangy sound that makes it
really unique. We don't find many new baleen whale calls.
If it's a mating call, why are we getting it year-round?
ZetaTalk Comment
12/24/2016: There
are indeed whale sounds in the recording collected in the
Mariana Trench by a seafaring robot, but there is more. Minke
whales have a “boing” sound at high frequencies, and these are
audible in the new Mariana recordings, but there is more. It
is assumed that the low moaning sounds are from the whales,
because their boings follow the moaning, but this is just the
whales talking among themselves about the moaning. There are
plate movements in the area, a folding Philippine Plate and a
folding Mariana Plate, and
this is rock on the move creating vibrations in the trench.
This matter is covered up, as usual, by assigning all to a
cause other than Nibiru.
And as always when the plates are being squeezed and on the
move, the Trumpets return. This has been frequently
covered in this newsletter. A key necessary element is
water, which vibrates in step with the vibrating rock, thus the
sound. Spokane Valley does indeed have water, on all sides. And
indeed, the Mariana Trench and Spokane, WA are on the same
latitude. The Pacific, under compression, causing the Earth to

- Mysterious Trumpet Sounds Heard All
Night in Spokane Valley
December 18, 2016
- Local media outlets in Spokane
valley, a suburb of Spokane, jumped right on the story the
night of December 14th, reporting thousands of people –
one estimated at least 27,000 people would have been
exposed to it – heard the mysterious sound from 10:30 pm
to 5 am … a sound that many described as a trumpet, which
always stokes apocalyptic fears.