Announcement via Q
The enigmatic Q,
who seems to be military intel and has the highest security
clearance possible in the US (ie Q) may be hinting about Nibiru.
Two standalone tweets, one hinting that drained beaches and high
tides should be watched’, saying “Watch the Water”, and another
simply posting a Sun-centric photo named “Just_Waiting”. Nibiru
and its nearby String of Pearls can be seen when the photo
saturation is enhanced. This compares closely to recent Alberto
7 of 10 Progress
By the end of January, 2018 it was clear that the 7 of 10 had
resumed, as outlined in Issue 591
of this Newsletter. Jakarta was awash in seawater. S American
beaches were alternately too dry or awash with unexplained
waves. Quakes along the Iran/Iraq border showed the Saudi Plate
on the move. The large quake near the Aleutian Island, felt
3,800 miles away in Florida, showed the Pacific compressing.
These trends have continued. The tilting of the Philippine Plate
is among the ZetaTalk 7 of 10 steps, and the Philippine Plate
has been outlined with quakes and quake swarms.

- Ring of Fire Activity Returns as a
Series of Earthquakes Shakes the Pacific Plate
February 14, 2018
- After a series of quakes hit the
Ring of Fire last month, a 6.4 quake struck Taiwan's east
coast on February 6, killing 17 people and injuring at
least 180. A series of tremors reaching magnitude 5.7,
5.6, 5.4 and 4.9 shook the US island territory of Guam.
And since February 11, three earthquakes have struck
Japan. Also in January, Mount Mayon in the Philippines
sent lava 600 metres into the air, forcing 61,000 people
to evacuate from nearby villages as thick smoke descended
from the mountain.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: As
the Indo-Australia Plate lifts and slides, this allows the
Pacific plates to shift west, which allows S America to shift
west also. This is greatly increased by the folding of the
Mariana Trench and the Philippine Plate.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/27/2010: The
Philippine Plate likewise tilts its eastern side up, dropping
its western side down. The exaggerated tilt accelerates the
subduction of the Philippine Plate under the tongue holding
Indonesia. The tilting of the Philippine Plate give the
Philippine Islands a temporary boost up also, as these islands
ride on the eastern edge of the tongue holding Indonesia.
And as pointed out in a recent Newsletter, Issue
590, where quake activity rolls in a West to East fashion,
the S American roll was encouraged to pick up the pace. During
the roll, the island of Trinidad off-coast from Venezuela is
torn apart, as the S American Plate border cuts through the
center of Trinidad. As a recent video shows, Trinidad shows
recent evidence of a dramatic rupturing
and ripping action, on February 13, 2018.

- Homes Evacuated as Mud Volcano Erupts
in Trinidad
February 13, 2018
- A few homes in a community in the
south of Trinidad have been evacuated following at least
two eruptions at the Devil’s Wood Yard mud volcano this
ZetaTalk Prediction
1/5/2010: Those
islands in the chain close to S America will lose in
elevation, while those islands at the top of the chain will
not. From Antigua south, the islands in this chain can expect
a minimum of an elevation drop of 57 feet, on average, with
this being irregular throughout due to the trauma to the area.
Islands just to the north of S America will be affected the
most such that Barbados to Tobago may sink entirely except for
the highest points, losing several hundred feet in elevation,
and Trinidad will be torn apart in addition to sinking as it
rides on the plate border.
Pole Shift
ZetaTalk predictions about the Last Weeks and the Pole Shift
include earthquakes and tidal waves and being lashed by the
debris ridden tail of Nibiru. They also include warnings about
exploding volcanoes and petrochemicals in the tail of Nibiru
being set afire by the heat from these volcanoes, causing
blankets of fire to drop. Lightning will be prevalent, due to
the swirling atmosphere, along with torrential rains causing

ZetaTalk Warning
7/15/1995: Petrocarbons
are in essence created, due to the flashes of lightning and
intense heat due to passage over open volcanoes, and these
petrocarbons rain down, afire, at times. With the atmosphere
scattered, chemicals in the comet's tail similar to your
petrol chemicals do not flash in a quick consummation into
water and carbon dioxide, but descend close to the surface of
the Earth before bursting into flame. A fire storm, killing
all beneath it. All this has been reported in ancient times,
as humans observed accompaniments to the cataclysms. This type
of activity sets forests afire. Where vegetation regrows, from
seeds and roots, many areas will nevertheless be denuded of
vegetation for some time.
ZetaTalk Warning
7/15/1995: Static
electricity in the atmosphere will not increase during the
giant comet's approach, nor afterwards, but during the passage
lightning will seem to be almost constant in some places.
ZetaTalk Analysis
2/28/2018: We
have explained that Pole Shift fires are primarily caused by
proximity to volcanoes, as the petrocarbons in Nibiru’s tail
are set afire by the heat of volcanoes and literally drop like
a blanket of fire. However, lightning is more universal, and
today spark wildfires readily. There will be more lightning
during the Pole Shift, as cave men
have recorded, so of course fires will be sparked. Those
who follow our suggestions to dig a shallow trench out in the
open, where the hurricane force winds will not blow them away
nor any holocaust consume them, and to be 100 miles from any
active volcano, will survive.
So given these warnings from the Zetas, how relevant is the
discovery that during the Younger Dryas days in the past there
was a worldwide conflagration? Per scientific articles, core
samples taken from Greenland and Antarctica ice and on land and
seabeds show aerosol particles that show worldwide burning
during that time. CO2 as a result was high also. Estimates are
that 9% of the Earth’s biomass was ablaze. Though the current
discussion in the media centers on a comet impact, per the Zetas
this was obviously a result of a Nibiru passage.

- The Big Burn
February 7, 2018
- Some 13,000 years ago, a
cataclysmic event occurred on Earth that was likely
responsible for the collapse of the Clovis people and the
extinction of megafauna such as mammoths and mastodons.
The Younger Dryas Boundary features many anomalies that
support the theory of a cometary cloud impacting Earth.
The collision triggered a massive biomass burning event,
and the resulting soot, ash and dust in the global
atmosphere blocked out the sun, which prevented
photosynthesis — a phenomenon called impact winter.
- Extraordinary Biomass-Burning Episode
and Impact Winter Triggered by the Younger Dryas Cosmic
February 1, 2018
- The YD onset also exhibits
increased dust concentrations, synchronous with the onset
of a remarkably high peak in ammonium, a biomass-burning
aerosol. In four ice-core sequences from Greenland,
Antarctica, and Russia, similar anomalous peaks in other
combustion aerosols occur, including nitrate, oxalate,
acetate, and formate, reflecting one of the largest
biomass-burning episodes in more than 120,000 y. In
support of widespread wildfires, the perturbations in CO2
records from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, suggest that
biomass burning at the YD onset may have consumed ?10
million km2, or ?9% of Earth’s terrestrial biomass.
- The Big Burn - Global Fire 13k Years
February 7, 2018
- UC Santa Barbara professor
emeritus James Kennett has studied elements found at the
Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB). He has collaborated with
scientists around the globe, providing evidence at the YDB
for a platinum peak as well as for spherules, melt glass,
nanodiamonds and other exotic materials that can be
explained only by cosmic impact. Kennett and his
colleagues have now published new research in the Journal
of Geology.

ZetaTalk Analysis
2/28/2018: Though
the theory of a comet impact is emotionally easier for
scientists to embrace, there can be no other explanation but a
passage of Nibiru. Past Pole Shifts are recorded in mankind’s
legends and accounts. The Flood is recorded in the Bible and
in the Egyptian Kolbrin.
There is remarkable correlation
in the mythology and recounts from all cultures about past
Pole Shifts. The Kolbrin is very specific about fires
that ran along the ground, burning everything in its
But the dates don’t line up! The Younger Dryas are presumed to
stretch from 11,700 to 12,900 year ago. Per the 3,600 count,
past Pole Shifts occurred at 10,800 and 14,400 years ago. The
Younger Dryas would lie between those two past Pole Shifts. But
the Zetas explain that land and water warm and cool slowly,
after a Pole Shift, and climate change measures are not
exacting. All are in agreement, however, that wildfires were
burning, worldwide, during this period.

- Younger Dryas
- Physical evidence of a sharp
decline in temperature over most of the Northern
Hemisphere, discovered by geological research, has been
the key physical evidence found for the Younger Dryas. The
change was relatively sudden, taking place in decades, and
it resulted in a decline of 2 to 6 degrees Celsius and
advances of glaciers and drier conditions, over much of
the temperate northern hemisphere. It is thought to have
been caused by a decline in the strength of the Atlantic
meridional overturning circulation, which transports warm
water from the Equator towards the North Pole, in turn
thought to have been caused by an influx of fresh cold
water from North America to the Atlantic.
ZetaTalk Analysis
2/28/2018: That
9% of the Earth’s terrestrial biomass burned during a prior
Pole Shift should not be surprising. The discovery that fires
burned worldwide during what is called the Younger Dryas days,
when there was an abrupt climate change for most of the
Northern Hemisphere, is not surprising. The Younger Dryas,
estimated to be between 12,900 and 11,700 years ago, lies
between the prior Pole Shift
dates of 4 back at 14,400 years ago and 3 back at 10,800
years ago. Carbon dating is not an exacting science, and
climate change lags behind, as the Earth retains its warmth or
cold, and ocean currents likewise gradually warm or cool.
ZetaTalk Description
2/15/2002: As
we have stated in ZetaTalk, the prior shift moved the North
Pole from Greenland to its present location. Prior to that, it
was over the East Siberian Sea, having pulled Siberia
northward where the largest number of mammoth dieoff occurred.
Tracing the North Pole over the past few shifts, one sees that
it spent a time over Scandinavia where it resided between the
4th and 5th shift back. When it moved from Scandinavia into
the Arctic north of Siberia, Europe warmed up, its glaciers
melting. Prior to Scandinavia, the North Pole centered over
North America.
Ode to Jimmy
Jimmy Carter was the US President from 1977-1981, prior to
Ronald Reagan, Herbert Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and
Obama. Retired Presidents are expected to appear at public
events and give graduation speeches, apparently, but not Jimmy
Carter. He started the Carter Center, which works to eradicate
or cure horrific parasitic worm infections in Africa and S
America and SE Asia. He promoted Habitat for Humanity, himself
working on housing for the poor. Have any of the other retired
Presidents done this?

- Carter Work Project
- In March 1984, President and Mrs.
Carter worked with Habitat in Americus, Georgia. This led
up to their long-term involvement with us. They quickly
realized that our mission closely aligned with their
values, and a partnership was formed. Just a few months
later the Carters led a Habitat for Humanity work group to
New York, serving 19 families in need of safe, affordable
housing. That was the inaugural Carter Work Project, which
is now a weeklong event taking place in a different
location all over the world each year. Throughout their
involvement with the Carter Work Project, President and
Mrs. Carter have become tireless advocates, active
fundraisers, and some of our best hands-on construction

- Guinea Worm Eradication Program
- Since 1986, The Carter Center has
led the international campaign to eradicate Guinea worm
disease, working closely with ministries of health and
local communities, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and
many others. Guinea worm disease is set to become the
second human disease in history, after smallpox, to be
eradicated. It will be the first parasitic disease to be
eradicated and the first disease to be eradicated without
the use of a vaccine or medicine. The Guinea Worm
Eradication Program is wiping out this ancient disease
mainly through community-based interventions to educate
and change behavior, such as teaching people to filter all
drinking water and preventing transmission by keeping
anyone with an emerging worm from entering water sources.

- Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination
- Lymphatic filariasis is caused by
thin worms transmitted to humans by the bites of
mosquitoes in tropical and subtropical regions. These
worms live in, and cause blockage of, the lymphatic system
that normally returns fluids in our extremities to the
circulatory system. This blockage results in fluid
collection in the tissues (most commonly the legs and
genitalia), severe swellings, and periodic fevers from
bacterial infections of the collected fluids. A
long-standing infection with lymphatic filariasis results
in an irreversible condition called elephantiasis, in
which there is a marked enlargement and hardening of the
limbs so that they resemble those of an elephant.

- River Blindness Elimination Program
- River blindness, also known as
onchocerciasis, is a parasitic infection that can cause
intense itching, skin discoloration, rashes, and eye
disease that often leads to permanent blindness. The
parasite is spread by the bites of infected black flies
that breed in rapidly flowing rivers. Mectizan kills the
parasite larvae in the human body, preventing blindness
and skin disease in infected persons, and stopping the
transmission of the parasite to others. The Carter Center
works through national ministries of health to provide
health education and mobilize affected communities to
distribute Mectizan
- Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis)
Control Program
- Schistosomiasis, also known as
bilharziasis or "snail fever," is a waterborne parasitic
infection that damages internal organs. The most common
symptoms are blood in urine and/or feces and an enlarged
liver, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, and anemia.
Schistosomiasis is contracted when a person has contact
with contaminated water, often through daily activities
such as bathing, washing laundry, and fetching water. The
donated drug praziquantel can reverse up to 90 percent of
the damage caused by the parasite. Schistosomiasis can be
controlled and treated easily with a single annual dose of
George Bush paints and Obama water skis and the Clintons do
what they do best – raise money on the excuse it will be for
charity and then keep
85% of it. Even their efforts in Haiti followed this mold.
Their positions of power are used to enrich themselves. The
Uranium One deal provided Hillary and Bill Clinton $2.35 million
to the Clinton Foundation. Rather than help out the world, they
murder the witnesses, a practice so well known it is called Arkancide.

- Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
- The Clinton Bush Haiti fund
raised $54.4 million from more than 2,000,000 individuals,
businesses, and organizations.
- Insult to injury: Cholera has Haiti
reeling, and Bill Clinton & Anderson Cooper Haven’t Done
November 1, 2010
- The Clinton-Bush Haiti fund,
inaugurated by President Obama with both former Presidents
at his side, is still running Web advertisements that say
“100% of donations go directly to relief efforts.” That’s
a cruel lie, considering the quake victims living in flood
zones under withered plastic tarps. Only 8% of its $50
million had been spent by this summer, according to The
Chronicle of Philanthropy.

- 71 Killed After Russian Passenger
Plane Crashes Near Moscow
February 11, 2018
- It was not immediately clear what
caused the crash: it may have been the result of weather
conditions, human error or technical failure. There were
no extreme weather conditions in the Moscow region at that
- Passengers Killed on Crashed Russian
Plane Include CFO of Rosatom/UraniumOne and Russian Source
for Christopher Steele's "Dossier" against Trump
February 11, 2018
- At least two people known to be
directly involved the UraniumOne "deal" and the Russian
Dossier are now apparently dead and cannot testify to
anyone about anything. How convenient.
ZetaTalk Insight
2/28/2018: It
is not just those in the US Congress who might prosecute the
Cabal, it is also anyone who might be a witness to their
crimes. The Clintons are notorious for Arkancide,
where anyone who might have direct knowledge of their crimes
is eliminated, from Vince Foster to James McDougal. The
obvious vicious beating to death of Seth Rich, who leaked DNC
email, marked a turning point. Now a plane in Russia, carrying
two witnesses to Hillary’s crimes, has been blown out of the
skies. As we have been saying, a cornered animal will get
vicious. More to come!