Manhattan Blackout
Is New York City evil, like Gotham in the Batman series? The
city is endlessly featured as the central focus of disasters,
such as being flooded by a giant wave in the movie Day After
Tomorrow or invaded by Godzilla. But the pedophilia cases being
revealed by the Epstein trial certainly involve New York City,
as does the Nxivm pedo case involving the father of Democratic candidate Gillibrand and the Satanic
symbolism in Gloria Vanderbilt’s bedroom. Is New York City evil?

ZetaTalk Comment
7/31/2019: The
Cabal is frantic to hide the relationship between Bill Clinton
and Epstein. Their pedophile connections are starting to
appear in the press, from the Nxivm prosecution and its
relationship to Democrat candidate Gillibrand, whose father
was a member of this cult.

Now we have the Epstein trial building steam in – where else –
New York City. In the midst of bail hearings, Manhattan went
black for hours, which the establishment took days to explain.
Was this a sign, once again, that New York City is evil? Per the
Zetas, the pedo Cabal has strong roots there, and yes, the
blackout was a sign. As was the simultaneous outage on the
European Illuminati’s GPS system, the Galileo. The Illuminati is
evil too. In the battle between good and evil, the titans are

- Married Israeli Politician Ehud Barak
is Seen Hiding his Face Entering Jeffrey Epstein's NYC
July 16, 2019
- Barak, a former prime minister of
Israel w now trying to make a comeback in Israeli
politics, has long had business ties to Epstein, which
Netanyahu’s team are now trying to exploit.
- Pilot Logs Reveal Almost Every Time
Bill Clinton Flew on Epstein’s Lolita Express
July 8, 2019
- These were pilot logs that were
written by different pilots at different times, that
Clinton went, he was a guest of Epstein 27 times… Many
times Clinton had his Secret Service with him and many he
did not. Almost every time Clinton’s name is on the pilot
log, there are underage girls.

- Con Ed Can’t Explain what Caused the
Manhattan Blackout
July 14, 2019
- Con Edison has yet to figure out
why a large swath of Manhattan’s West Side was plunged
into darkness by the blackout that lasted more than five
hours. Officials initially suspected a manhole fire that
affected an underground transformer, but there’s “no
evidence of a fire at this point.” Con Ed blamed the
blackout on a “disruption on the transmission side” of the
company’s power grid. The blackout stranded people on
subway trains and elevators, and forced the evacuation of
Madison Square Garden and cancellation of Broadway shows.
- EU's GPS Satellites have been Down
for Four Days in Mysterious Outage
July 14, 2019
- Galileo, the EU's global
navigation satellite system, has been down for four days,
since July 11, following a mysterious outage.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2019: Con
Ed is having a hard time explaining the 5 hour blackout that
afflicted Manhattan as it was not due to any failure in their
equipment, though this was the eventual and inevitable excuse.
This blackout was done deliberately by the Council of Worlds,
in concert with a number of other steps taken recently, to
show the elite that they are no longer in charge of human
affairs on Planet Earth. Was there some connection to a
similar blackout in 1977? For contrast, yes, as the 1977
blackout resulted in riots and chaos. This time there was
calm, demonstrating that the public is spiritually ready to
face what the coming Pole Shift will bring.
Netanyahu was denied his Beresheet Moon Landing in April and
in July the launch of his DEW satellite was blocked. Epstein’s
Mossad connections are also steadily coming to light, allowing
the final phase of the Khazarian
demise. Epstein is likely to be poisoned to silence him. The
European Illuminati are in a frump over their losses, May
losing her grip on the UK over Brexit
and Merkel in a panic over
Putin’s plans to alert the people of Earth to Nibiru’s
approach. Meanwhile Europe’s GPS system, the Galileo, had a
mysterious outage that dragged on for days, including the
period just prior to and after the Manhattan outage.
The recent severe lean to the
left, arranged by the Council of Worlds to during this time,
was for emphasis. These matters are not under the control of
the elite. They cannot stop the path of Nibiru or its effect
upon Planet Earth. These demonstrations by the Council of
Worlds are not lost on the elite, who are aware of Nibiru
while denying all to the common man. How will they respond?
Faced with an inability to dominate the affairs of man, and
with failing support from their technology, they will turn on
each other, like rats in a box. Meanwhile, the spiritual
Transformation of Planet Earth proceeds.
Severe Wobble
The Severe Lean to the Left, which took place during the
Manhattan blackout and the Galileo outage, then swung into a
Severe Lean to the Right! This is of course a wobble pattern
that kicks off the gyrations of the globe during the Last Weeks,
but we are not there yet. But all this will surely increase the
awareness in the common man that something is not right in the
heavens. Sunrise and sunset will be in the wrong place,
untimely, and the weather erratic and wild.

ZetaTalk Last
Weeks Prediction 8/14/2010:
The Earth's first evasion is
to tilt her N Pole away from the oncoming Planet X to such a
degree, and so violently, that she leans all the way over to
the left and then rebounds as a reaction all the way to the
right. This is the severe wobble.
Nibiru moved from being at the 2 o’clock position on July 13th
to swinging round clockwise during July 16-17th to being in the
10 o’clock position by July 18th. Note that Nibiru is normally
seen at the 4 o’clock position from the Northern Hemisphere, but
during the day from Italy, where Alberto takes his filtered
telescopic photos, Nibiru normally migrates during the day from
the 4 o’clock to the 7 o’clock position due to the tilt of the
Daily Earth Wobble. But this recent swing is extreme. Per the
Zetas, we can expect more of this.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2019: As
Nibiru approaches from the right, in its retrograde orbit, the
Earth attempts to evade the magnetic push coming from the N
Pole of Nibiru by squeezing far to the left. In this, the
Earth encounters the Dark Twin coming up behind it in its
shared orbit. Where the Dark Twin does not have a strong
magnetic field, it is not without a field, so the N Pole of
Earth, pointing in that direction, is repelled and the Earth
rebounds into a temporary Lean to the Right! Until the Last
Weeks when the Dark Twin and Venus escape the eddy flow cup,
such temporary slinging back and forth can occur.
A Severe Lean to either the Left or Right pulls the N Pole
closer to where the geographic Equator usually rides. The
latitudes closer to the North or South Poles thus get more
sunlight, just as the Equator usually gets more sunlight than
the Temperate regions, and they in turn usually get more
sunlight than the Arctic regions. And as expected, the heat
waves and wildfires follow this increased sunlight!

- Heat Wave Hits USA and Canada as
Europe Prepares for Second Heat Wave within a Month
July 20, 2019
- Temperatures are skyrocketing
from coast to coast in the United States and parts of
Canada are facing similar weekend forecasts. Europe, which
just escaped a dangerous hot spell, is expected to climb
back into scorching temperatures next week.
- Satellite Images Show Vast Swaths of
the Arctic on Fire
July 20, 2019
- Vast stretches of Earth’s
northern latitudes are on fire right now. Hot weather has
engulfed a huge portion of the Arctic, from Alaska to
Greenland to Siberia. That’s helped create conditions ripe
for wildfires.

The Squad
Suddenly the media can talk of nothing else. The Squad, a
foursome of newcomers to the House, are holding forth on their
views and President Trump is tweeting about them, forcing the
issue to stay front and center in the media. Pelosi tried to
separate The Squad from herself as leader of the House and from
the Democratic Party, but President Trump’s attacks have forced
her to do an about face and embrace The Squad again. Who is The
Squad, and why is their identity significant?

- Here Are the 4 Congresswomen Known as
'The Squad' Targeted by Trump's Racist Tweets
July 15, 2019
- The four congresswomen -- Reps.
Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New
York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of
Massachusetts - have not only been the focus of intense
scrutiny and criticism from Trump and Republicans, but
they've even sparred with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in
their drive to move the Democratic Party leftward. Since
taking office in January, the lawmakers, all women of
color, have electrified the progressive base thanks to
their social media savvy but have also attracted
controversy, most notably over their criticism of the US
relationship with Israel. Born and raised in the Bronx,
Ocasio-Cortez is the daughter of working class Puerto
Rican parents. Tlaib, who was elected in 2018, is the
first Palestinian-American woman to serve in Congress, and
she and Omar are the first two Muslim women ever elected
to Congress. Nearly a decade ago, Pressley became the
first black woman ever elected to Boston's city council,
and has long been seen as a rising star in Democratic
politics. Omar ran with the support of the Justice
Democrats, the same progressive group that helped bring
Ocasio-Cortez into politics.
- The Truth about the Latest Trump
Tweet Uproar
July 15, 2019
- The fact is that Trump is pushing
the Democrats and the Drive-Bys into staunchly defending
the most radical haters this country has at the moment.
These people - and it's not just these four women in the
Squad. It's the entire Democrat Party. Trump is forcing
them to come out and defend.

ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2019: Nancy
Pelosi has wisely recognized that the self-appointed Squad
will ruin the tattered remnants of the Democratic Party but is
caught in a catch-22, as Rush Limbaugh has noted. President
Trump’s standing among his base has risen since this latest
twitter storm emerged, and he hardly needs to worry about
losing those in the Democratic base. It is the Independents
that are the prize. Every time Pelosi tries to distance her
party and the moderates from the Squad, Trump forces Pelosi to
embrace or defend the Squad again.
Did The Squad just grow, organically, due to some kind of
attraction between these new House members? Or was it
deliberately formed! And is it being guided for some nefarious
purpose? The Zetas, as usual, explain.

- Rush Limbaugh says Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez's Chief of Staff Directs "The Squad"
July 17, 2019
- There is one guy behind these
four squad members, and his name is Chakrabarti. He is a
trust fund kid -- Saikat Chakrabarti, he's her chief of
staff, Cortez's chief of staff. He's a trust fund kid,
he's using his parents' money to fund her campaign and all
of these operations.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2019: How
did this Squad come to be, and is there an agenda behind their
alliance? Pieces of the Squad have commonality. Two are
Muslim, the first ever elected to the House. Tlaib is
Palestinian-American and Omar is a refugee from Somalia. Thus
the Squad can engender sympathy for Muslims, as Obama’s
presidency attempted to do. Three are immigrants or have
divided loyalties. AOC’s family immigrated from Puerto-Rico.
Thus the Squad can engender sympathy for immigrants. Pressley
was invited so the Squad could claim they were being attacked
for being “women of color”.
Of note is that both Omar and
AOC are funded and backed by the Justice Democrats. Saikat
Chakrabarti, with Bengali loyalties and a former Bernie
Sanders backer, is AOC’s Chief of Staff, and brings the Green
New Deal connection. So if there is an agenda behind the
Squad, it is this – to disrupt any attempt by President Trump
and his Junta to stabilize the US either financially or
militarily. It is the agenda of the New
World Order Crowd, who want the US weak so that a takeover
of US assets is facilitated.

This crowd wants the US
overrun by immigrants with divided loyalties, so spending US
resources on educating and training immigrants, and supporting
them on the public dole, depletes funds that might otherwise
go to supporting the US military. This crowd wants the US
involved in endless wars in the Middle East. Chaos and riots.
Martial Law and the slave labor camps that might follow.
President Trump and the Junta have been encouraging economic
resurgence and national pride, worldwide. Thus, they are the
Pelosi has the choice of
either supporting the Squad and their backers, allowing their
agenda to become the Democratic Party agenda, or resisting.
This is a struggle she will not win, though Pelosi will pull
the party into the moderate center. Because of the skill with
which AOC gets the Squad into the media, and the compliance of
the well-controlled media, most of the candidates for the
Democratic nomination are conflicted. Thus President Trump,
far more skilled than AOC at manipulating the media, has
generated this uproar.
Pole Shift
Lately Crop Circles and UFO displays have emphasized the Last
Weeks and the Pole Shift. On June 29th at Saulx-Marchais, Nr
Beynes, Yvelines,
France a Crop Circle design showed the sweep into 3 Days
of Darkness. And on June 15th at Treuzy-Levelay , Seine
et Marne, France a Crop Circle design showed the clash of
orbits between the Earth and the retrograde orbit of Nibiru.

ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2019: This
unique design represents our
description of that portion of the Last Weeks which
encompass the 3 Days of Darkness and the 6 days of Sunrise
West. The N Pole is pushed back away from the approaching
Nibiru so that the Northern Hemisphere has 3 Days of Darkness.
causes the globe to continue its motion during this tipping
so temporarily, for 6 days, the Earth is essentially upside
down, causing the sunrise to come from the West. The
last two days of this Sunrise West period are hidden within
the design.

ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2019: This
recent Crop Circle design laid in France shows the absolute
orbit clash between Planet Earth and Nibiru. The Earth follows
the orbit and rotation of the Sun, which dominates her planets
with the sweeping arms emerging from the Sun, going in a
counterclockwise motion. Nibiru assumes a retrograde orbit and
rotation during its passage through the Solar System. This
theme has often been featured in Crop
Circle designs, particularly in 2003 when Nibiru first
entered the inner Solar System.
On May
15th and June
5th and June
8th there were UFO displays along the Finger
Lakes in New York State. Per the Zetas, these displays are
warning of sudden flooding of the shorelines during a spreading
apart of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Despite the statistical drop
in UFO reports, the number of actual displays seem to be
increasing. Per the Zetas, this is due to the discouraged public
losing faith that the establishment will ever permit disclosure,
so as with the planned Area 51 assault, are taking matters into
their own hands.

ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2019: The
Finger Lakes in New York State show the stretch that occurs
along the St. Lawrence Seaway during the Earth changes that
accompany a crustal shift caused by Nibiru. The Seaway is
pulled apart, affecting lands all the way to Wisconsin and
Minnesota. This is in process now, though the major ripping
will occur during the hour of the Pole Shift. Clayville lies
on the shores of a lake, in lowland that will be flooded
during early ripping of the Seaway and the sloshing in the

- Has E.T. Gone Home?
July 20, 2019
- According to The National UFO
Reporting Center - which is based in the U.S. and
maintains statistics - global UFO sightings have declined
steadily since 2014. There were just over 8,000 reported
sightings in 2014 and in 2018, there were 3,343.
- This Area 51 Thing Is Getting Out of
July 19, 2019
- The date is set for September 20,
a Friday. Now 1.7 million people think they are definitely
going and 1.3 million people are interested (scary).
Frankly, it’s the “interested” people who concern me most
as they appear to be taking this alien stuff very
ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2019: Why
are the statistics on UFO reporting showing a decline in
reporting in the last few years? Because the public is busy
sharing personal UFO videos on social media and ignoring
officialdom. It has been obvious for some time that the
establishment had no intension of disclosing the truth, so why
bother. The public knows the truth, and as the planned Area
51 assault shows, is demanding a full accounting. This
is an example of how the public will turn away from the
establishment and the controlled media, due to their lies.