Pandemic Scare
Recent pandemic scares include periodic Ebola
outbreaks, the latest in 2014 spreading to Europe and the
US. Ebola is indigenous in the swamps of Africa, but is now
carried by insects and the rats that have begun to mingle in the
cities. Customs such as defecating at roadsides where insects
can feed on the feces of those infected help spread the virus.
Per the Zetas, the CIA tried to spread Ebola, just as they
incited the AIDS epidemic. A vaccine has apparently been
developed with some positive results.

ZetaTalk Insight
7/15/1995: The
Ebola virus was one of many gleaned from the bowels of the
African jungles. The Ebola virus did not catch on as did the
AIDS virus, and the reason was simple. It tended to kill its
handlers! When cast out among the swine, as was the phrase
used to describe dissemination, the swine would die, but those
casting their evil seed could not run fast enough. They
carried it home with them, and they died in secreted hospital
rooms, infecting their frantic nurses and doctors. After a
time or two, they gave up on the Ebola virus, which refused to
be tamed. No longer lying in the swamps, infecting lizards and
snakes which have little contact with humans as they are not
the food of choice. Now resident in other hosts, such as rats
and cockroaches, which mingle freely among humans. Its
original home was swamps, the last place humans live in when
they are given a choice.

The Black Death, which killed
millions in Europe in past centuries, also has emerged
periodically. Historically plague was carried by the fleas on
rats, which invade ships moving port to port. Pneumonic Plague
is the airborne version of plague, most dreaded as it spreads
person-to-person readily. This threatened to become a pandemic
in 2017 in Madagascar, when it was spreading to the east coast
of Africa across from Madagascar. The custom of digging up
corpses and dancing with the dead aided this spread.

There have been deliberate attempts by the Cabal to incite
pandemics. It is known that the CIA began the spread
of AIDS as an attack against homosexuals and others they
considered undesirables. The Cabal, for various nefarious
reasons, also tried at least twice to start a pandemic. In 2005
a live virus from a 1957 bird flu pandemic was released by the CDC to 4,000 labs around the
world. This was caught and recovered, but the FBI stated it was
“not an accident”. In 2009 an engineered
swine flu emerged in Mexico, designed, per the Zetas, to
help sales of Tamiflu for Bush administration cronies.

ZetaTalk Comment
4/16/2005: What
would allow Homeland Security to force the residents of cities
to remain in place, to Shelter in Place, selectively?
Infection, affecting those neighborhoods likely to riot and
not housing friends of Bush, could be quarantined. Notable in
the recent revelation that a proven deadly virus without
natural immunity in the worlds populace was released on
purpose to thousands of labs in dozens of countries worldwide,
via standard mail routes, is the lack of uproar about this
calamity, the lack of major media attention. Notable is the
fact that this release came from a US lab.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/25/2009: Who
benefits from this engineered outbreak, which will not become
a pandemic despite the hype. Note that where vaccines are not
available, two flu drugs - Tamiflu and Relenza, are reportedly
Now we have another scare from the central China city of Wuhan,
essentially a bad head cold with shades of potential pneumonia.
The Wuhan virus, dubbed 2019-nCoV, emerged from bats and snakes,
as both are consumed and bats are even considered a delicacy.
The Wuhan Coronavirus is akin to the SARS
scare in 1999, though SARS was considered more deadly than
the Wuhan Coronavirus. SARS also emerged from the bat
population. Is this an engineered outbreak? And if so, to what
end? The Zetas comment.

- Coronavirus Spreads across China as
Confirmed Cases Triple
January 20, 2020
- Chinese health authorities have
reported more than 200 cases of a pneumonia-like illness
that has spread to South Korea, Japan and Thailand. The
outbreak is believed to have started in the central
Chinese city of Wuhan, where a number of infected patients
were exposed to a large seafood and livestock wholesale
market. Coronaviruses most commonly infect mammals,
including pigs and cats, but can jump from animals to
humans. The newly discovered coronavirus so far is
significantly less deadly than SARS. However, it is in the
same class of pathogens, and this outbreak is clearly
- Videos Show Chinese People Eating
Bats as Experts Link Animal to Coronavirus Outbreak
January 23, 2020
- Two videos have emerged showing
Chinese people eating bats as experts say the coronavirus
currently sweeping the country may have spread to humans
from snakes or bats. Chinese people consume bats, and even
bat poop, because they believe it has medicinal properties
that can treat malaria, gonorrhea and eye diseases.
However, bat soup is known to be a popular dish in Wuhan,
where the coronavirus outbreak originated, and scientists
say that the virus shares a strain of virus found in bats.
According to China Science Bulletin, the new virus could
have been passed from bats to humans.

- Asia steps up Defenses as China
confirms Sixth Coronavirus Death
January 21, 2020
- From Australia to Thailand and as
far as Nepal, nations stepped up fever checks of
passengers at airports to detect the Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-like coronavirus, which first
emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. This is the
peak travel season in China. The government has always
boasted that during the Lunar New Year you see two to
three billion trips being made across the country and
Wuhan is not a small city; it's about 11 million people
who will be travelling not only in China, but overseas.
It's a major transport hub.
- What is Coronavirus and should
Americans be Worried? What to Known about the Outbreak in
January 21, 2020
- The disease is drawing intense
attention due to its similarities with Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome, which killed more than 600 people
across mainland China and Hong Kong along with more than
100 other people around the world in 2002-2003.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause
illness ranging from the common cold to more severe
diseases such as pneumonia to Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome, known as MERS, and Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome, or SARS. Common signs of infection include
respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath
and breathing difficulties.
ZetaTalk Opinion
1/31/2020: Has
this newest coronavirus emerging from a central China market
in Wuhan been weaponized? Hardly. Though this has been the
case in the past, under the Cabal which tried to release the
1957 Bird Flu virus to this end in 2005, and to release an
engineered Swine Flu virus from Mexico in 2009. It is standard
fare for new viruses to emerge from domestic animals such as
birds and pigs, and jump to the human population. China
recently slaughtered 55% of its pigs
in an effort to control African Swine Fever and chicken
flocks are regularly exterminated to control bird flu.
Nature contains epidemics in
both man and animal by allowing the weak to die and the strong
to develop immunity, passed on in the DNA from mother to
child. But as with the SARS epidemic these outbreaks of a
mutant virus are exacerbated by mankind’s love affair with the
airplane. To contain this new virus, all travel by air in Asia
should be stopped, immediately. But the airline industry would
not tolerate having their profits reduced in this manner, so
until a new vaccine is available and widely used, or until
those most vulnerable to a bad head cold and pneumonia are
eliminated, more deaths will be reported.
Russia’s Reorg
On January 15 Putin announced that the Russian government was
going to be reorganized, the Constitution changed and put out
for a vote by the Russian people, and meanwhile the entire
Russian cabinet will resign. Coming out of this, the Duma is
expected to have a more active role. The unspoken inference is
that the Deep State of Russia will be exposed and reduced.
Fulford’s sources in the FSB, the Russian equivalent of the CIA,
report that the Russian Central Bank was one target. Russia
issued its own credit card, the MIR, in
2017 to defend against western banks. Russia is also a key
member of BRICS, a non-western
banking network.

- Rothschilds Kicked Out of Russia and
Japan as World Revolution Unfolds
January 20, 2020
- Basically, David Rothschild was
kicked out and the Russian central bank was nationalized,
which is why half the government was fired, FSB sources
tell us. The FSB sources also report that when Elvira
Nabiullina, the head of the Russian central bank, was
fired last week, all cellphones of central bank employees
were confiscated and a huge stash of documents was seized.
- Politics of Russia
- According to the Constitution of
Russia, the President of Russia is head of state, and of a
multi-party system with executive power exercised by the
government, headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed
by the President with the parliament's approval.
Legislative power is vested in the two houses of the
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. State power is
divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial
branches. Russia's president determines the basic
direction of Russia's domestic and foreign policy and
represents the Russian state within the country and in
foreign affairs. The president is empowered to appoint the
prime minister to chair the Government (called the cabinet
or the council of ministers in other countries), with the
consent of the State Duma.

- Russian Government Resigns after
President Putin’s State-of-the-Nation Address Proposes
Changes to the Constitution
January 15, 2020
- Russian Prime Minister Dmitry
Medvedev has announced that the entire government is
resigning in a surprise statement released shortly after
President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual
state-of-the-nation address. Medvedev explained that the
cabinet is resigning in accordance with Article 117 of the
Russian Constitution, which states that the government can
offer its resignation to the president, who can either
accept or reject it. The State Duma – the lower house of
parliament – will be granted the power to appoint the
prime minister and the rest of the cabinet, as opposed to
just approving their candidacies as is currently the case
- Russian Prime Minister and Government
Resign after Putin Speech
January 16, 2020
- Russian Prime Minister Dmitry
Medvedev said that his government was resigning to give
President Vladimir Putin room to carry out the changes he
wants to make to the constitution.
- Russian Government Resigns as Putin
Seeks Constitutional Shake-Up
January 15, 2020
- Putin said Russia should remain a
strong presidential republic, with the president remaining
in charge of setting the parliament's priorities, the
Russian army and law enforcement. But he stressed the need
for public discussion and called for a nationwide vote on
the changes.

ZetaTalk Opinion
1/31/2020: At
the heart of this recent maneuver by Putin to reorganize the
government of Russia is the need to block Russia’s Deep State,
which will try to take advantage of the coming Earth changes
caused by Nibiru. A Deep State exists in all countries,
rivaling any dictator’s strength, and often frankly running
the country. Draining the swamp is often so difficult as to be
impossible, such that leaders in the swamp cannot be removed
or fired, or are protected by other members of the Deep State.
In the US, for instance, civil servants cannot be simply
dismissed, and can only be dismissed for cause or as a result
of a budgetary cutback.
In Russia, Putin and Medvedev
share power, with Putin as the President handling foreign
affairs and Medvedev driving the cabinet. The Duma, the lower
body of Russia’s legislature, has little power, but must
approve the Prime Minister. In the US the President has the
power to appoint and dismiss the cabinet and key executive
jobs, but these must be approved by the Senate. Regardless of
the structure, all countries struggle with a Deep State, which
is often composed of sleeper cells that do not reveal their
agenda until threatened or called to action.
Putin is aware of Deep State
pockets in Russia, which have persisted despite careful
selection of Cabinet heads. Does one dismiss hundreds of
government workers, replacing them by others, and expect a
good outcome? Experience and competence are lost, while new
swamp creatures are installed. Putin wants to give the Duma
more power, so they become in essence a police force. At the
same time, while the Russian public is approving a new
constitutional structure, the Cabinet heads have been
weakened. The Duma may be contentious, but Deep State agendas
well known and easily identified.
Lomonosov Returns
Explosions on the edge of the upper atmosphere appeared on
images taken by the Russian Lomonosov
satellite in March, 2019. Alberto had captured these explosions
in his photos just the month before, in February. The Zetas
explained that this was due to the petrol in Nibiru’s tail, and
predicted that they would be on the increase.

ZetaTalk Insight 2/28/2019: The
Lomonosov explosions are bright light because they touch the
Earth's atmosphere where there is sufficient oxygen to burn
the gaseous fuel. But further out in space, this fuel is but a
potential, a charged clump of the petrol chemicals that are
carried in the tail from having been gathered in the Asteroid
Belt. These Lomonosov explosions appear as glowing orbs in
Alberto's photos because he is filtering for light in the red
spectrum. Where not yet set ablaze, they appear as dark
chunks. Just as bolides are increasing, solid debris in the
tail of Nibiru screaming to Earth, these Lomonosov explosions
will increase, puzzling mankind.
Now they have returned! Per a Fox News article, on January 14 a
Ring doorbell video captured explosions in the Ohio sky, seen by
many. Simultaneously, almost 600 customers lost electricity in
the area. These explosions were close to the ground. This
matches the timing of photos taken by amateur astronomers,
posted on the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to such photos and to the ZetaTalk
Followers facebook. The Lomonosov balls of petrol
exploding on the edge of the atmosphere are now also descending
closer to the ground!

- Red-Orange Flash Reported in Skies
above Clermont County: ‘I thought it was an Explosion’
January 14, 2020
- The colors in the sky are red and
orange with a little pink and purple too. Clermont County
Emergency Management had no explanation but did hear from
plenty of people reporting the flash. Bethel Police had
the same response. According to Duke Energy 584 customers
lost power for two minutes. We also asked an astronomer if
this could be a meteor. He says no because a meteor would
flash above the clouds rather than below. As for
lightning, the nearest strike was hundreds of miles away.

- ZetaTalk Followers
- Manuel Rodriguez from IOWA posted
this picture January 14th 2020 "Less than an hour before
sunset. I had to check and recheck the lens and filter to
make sure there was no debris on them. Quite shockingly
what appears to be a swarm of meteors or debris from the
tail appearing in front of PX. The red line is a chemtrail
nearing the horizon. A series of shots follow with
lighting enhancements. This is a first.” Could these be
more Lomonosov Explosions?
- ZetaTalk Followers
- "January 18th 2020 shortly past
noon, lightly chemtrailed skies, zoomed out focal plane
ISO 1600 and Ta-Dah !!!" Manuel Rodriguez, IDAHO USA
ZetaTalk Comment
2/28/2020: The
petrol in the tail of Nibiru has manifested as neon clouds or,
as in the case of the neon
swirl in Norway, as a bright swirl twisting to the
ground. The moons in the tail of Nibiru are in a gravity
dance, and thus cling to Nibiru, being at a distance no
farther than 5 million miles from Nibiru. Debris tends to be
thicker and heavier near Nibiru or the moons, and thin toward
the end of the tail. Petrol bubbles are not controlled by
gravity, and just as oil floats on water and just as methane
gas rises high in the atmosphere, will seek to stay high in
the Earth’s atmosphere.
What then causes the neon clouds to descend, and what caused
the lower atmosphere explosions seen in Clermont County? The
petrol bubbles are chasing ahead of the rest of the tail
trash, in essence trying to stay ABOVE the density of the
trash. They would prefer to stay above Earth’s atmosphere, but
during a heavy tail swipe, are caught between these two
forces, and take the less dense route. More petrol bubble
explosions can be anticipated, which will be excused as a type
of lightning strike, accompanied by electrical disturbance.
3 Strikes Out
Baseball has a rule – 3 strikes and you’re out. In trying to
get President Trump removed from office, the Hillary hugging
Democrats have struck out 3 times. First, they failed to get the
Russian Dossier claims to stick,
after Mueller spent 40 million and 2 years investigating the
matter. Meanwhile, they ignored the elephant in the room, that
Hillary had paid 9 million dollars to propagate a fake claim
against Candidate Trump.

Then there was all the mischief within Loretta Lynch’s DOJ and
Comey’s FBI to wiretap Trump Towers and surveil Candidate
Trump’s campaign staff. In this, the FISA Court was abused, the
judges not told the full story. This is illegal. IG
Horowitz released the results of his investigation last
December, showing numerous errors in the FISA applications for
warrants to spy on Candidate Trump. The results of AG Durham’s
investigation in January concluded that FISA warrants had been
issued without “probable cause”.
- James Rosen: Digesting the Horowitz
Report, Anticipating the Durham Report
December 15, 2019
- The FBI lapses included failures
to identify to the FISA court judges evidence in hand that
tended to clear Carter Page of suspicion and repeated
failures to tell them about the past unreliability of and
democratic party funding for, a "confidential human
source" named Christopher Steele. He's the former British
spy and FBI informant whose dossier on then candidate
Trump, filled with salacious and unverified allegations,
was relied upon by the FBI to justify the wiretapping of
Carter Page.
- DOJ finds two Carter Page FISA orders
'Not Valid'
January 23, 2020
- The Justice Department concluded
there was insufficient evidence to authorize the extended
electronic surveillance of former Trump campaign aide
Carter Page.

The Third Strike is the impeachment trial mess. Trump used
himself as a lure to pull the Democrats supporting Biden
into house hearings, thus exposing the Biden family Ukraine
activities. They failed miserably, as all actions by President
Trump were legal. Meanwhile, if Hillary was excused during the
Mueller investigations, the Biden family was excused during the
impeachment investigations by the House.
