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The ZetaTalk Newsletter
Issue 965, Sunday, March 9, 2025
Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.
New ZetaTalk Earth Changes Announcements Signs of the Times

Electronic Screech

What is electronic screech? This is a Zeta term referencing the increased flow of electrons in rock due to the rock being compressed so that any air pockets are reduced. It then becomes just rock and water which supports an increased flow of electrons. The Zetas have explained that this is a signal that domestic and wild critters use to alert them to a pending earthquake, and thus they flee the area.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/29/2014: We have often mentioned that the electronic screech prior to earthquakes is due to air pockets within the rock being compressed so water can touch all sides, allowing electrons to flow.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/10/2015: We have consistently warned that electro-magnetic pulse, the arcing from the electronic screech in compressed rock to the charged tail of Planet X, will be on the increase.

The human animal also gets these instinctive messages but appears to ignore them. But upon close examination social disruption does precede large earthquakes, as noted by this intuitive researcher. The Fight or Flight mechanism during threatening times diverted to social disruption.

Is there a hidden relationship between political instability and the subsequent occurrence of megathrust earthquakes? A striking pattern emerges when examining regions devastated by major earthquakes: pre-existing social turmoil often precedes the disaster. Political instability, economic struggles, social divisions, and weak governance appear as recurring themes in the years leading up to these catastrophic events. Across these diverse locations and time periods, several recurring similarities in social problems emerge in the 5 years period leading up to these major earthquakes.
The 10 Deadliest Earthquakes in History and the Social Issues That Preceded Them
Shaanxi Earthquake, China (1556) – 830,000 deaths Tangshan Earthquake, China (1976) – 242,769 deaths Antioch Earthquake, Turkey, (525 AD) – 250,000 deaths Ganja Earthquake, Azerbaijan, (1139) – 77,000 deaths Haiti Earthquake, Haiti, (2010) – 230,000 deaths Indian Ocean Earthquake, Sumatra, Indonesia, (2004) – 227,898 deaths Aleppo Earthquake, Syria, (1138) – 230,000 deaths Ancash Earthquake, Peru, (1970) – 66,000 deaths Pakistan-Kashmir Earthquake, Pakistan, (2005) – 86,000 deaths Messina Earthquake, Italy, (1908) – 100,000 deaths.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/19/2025: Prior to earthquakes, domestic and wild animals alike flee, as has often been noted. From the elephants in Aceh running for the hills ahead of the tsunami and the Peking Ducks in China long known to be predictors of coming quakes, critters flee. Why should the human animals be different? The reaction to the electronic screech in the rock is instinctive but man, who insists that logic should guide all his steps, resists. Thus the fight or flight reaction turns into the social unrest which often precedes large earthquakes.

Electronic screech can be tracked online via the NOAA GeoElectric website. Due to the tugging of the SE Portion during the New Madrid Fault Line adjustment, the solid rock of the Appalachian Mountains always shows stress.

But on February 23 there was more drama on the Mainland Portion in the SW United States. A sudden flash, accompanied by radar circles over the same region. Is there a relationship? The Zetas explain.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/24/2025: On February 23 both Radar Circles and a comprehensive GeoElectric Flash occurred over the entire SW portion of the N American Continent. We have explained that the Electromagnetic particle family is beyond merely the electrons and magnetons assumed by man but runs into the hundreds. Thus for the New Madrid stress on the Mainland of the SW to be affected on Radar and the Electron Screech from the rock should not be surprising. The nexus in time is unmistakable.

Why now? We have long predicted that as the New Madrid Fault Line unzips through the Gulf and up the Mississippi that the Mainland will be freed to drop to the SW. This is essentially a stretch zone Plate Movement so is a silent process but will trigger a San Andreas slip-slide and a jamming of the Hoover Dam. This will soon prove to be another example of Zetas RIGHT Again!

Pompeii Redux

Edgar Cayce predicted that the next passage of Nibiru would be preceded by volcanic eruptions in the Mediterranean. Has this begun?

Earthquake Swarm at Italian Supervolcano Raises Concerns
February 19, 2025
A powerful earthquake swarm has struck the region of Campi Flegrei, near the town of Pozzuoli, registering more than 500 tremors in just a few days.
Phlegraean Fields
The area of the caldera consists of 24 craters and volcanic edifices. Most of them lie under the Gulf of Naples. There are effusive gaseous manifestations in the Solfatara crater, which was believed in ancient Rome to be the home of Vulcan, the god of fire.
Vesuvius's Big Daddy: The Supervolcano that Threatens all Life in Europe
January 3, 2011
Two thousand years ago Mount Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii. Today, a larger, far more deadly supervolcano lurks on the other side of Naples. If it erupts, Campi Flegrei could wipe out all life in Europe.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/20/2025: In 2010 we hinted that something was in store for Italy during the 8 of 10 phase, but declined to be specific until 2019. If the 7 of 10 phase encompasses the Plate Movements that are a Scripted Drama, happening predictably due to their shape and location and history, the 8 of 10 Plate Movements occur because the plates have become disconnected from each other and are free to move. Thus the Continental Drift we have predicted for the bulbous tops of S America and Africa, which will fall to the West and East as the Atlantic expands.

The Africa Roll is now fully in process with the Mediterranean pulling open at the NE corner of Africa, accompanied by almost daily quake swarms in Greece and the Balkans. This is in conjunction with the Prophecy of the Popes, wherein Francis is predicted to be the last Pope. What awaits for Italy and the Vatican? We have predicted almost total destruction for Italy during the Pole Shift, but as with Yellowstone it is the Super Volcano history at Campi Flegrei that terrifies and worries Italians. Due to baffling rocks layers Yellowstone will ooze rather than explode but Flegrei is in a stretch zone so will erupt but neither will become a Super Volcano.

Per Saint Malachy in his Prophecy of the Popes, Pope Francis is the last pope prior to Judgement Day and the destruction of Rome. This certainly seems to fit with the 2026-2027 projected date of Nibiru’s Passage and Pope Francis struggling with pneumonia and now a Pompeii redux threatening.

Pope Francis in Critical Condition with Pneumonia and Kidney Issues
February 23, 2025
Pope Francis remains in critical condition as he receives treatment for double pneumonia and a mild renal insufficiency. The pope had difficulty breathing for several days before he was admitted on Feb. 14 at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital. Doctors later diagnosed him with pneumonia in both lungs, referred to as “double pneumonia.”
Prophecy of the Popes
The prophecy concludes with a pope identified as "Peter the Roman", whose pontificate will allegedly precede the destruction of the city of Rome. Benedict XVI (2005–13) would correspond to the second to last of the papal descriptions. The longest and final verse predicts the Apocalypse: In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.
Saint Malachy
Saint Malachy was an Irish saint and Archbishop of Armagh, to whom were attributed several miracles and an alleged vision of 112 Popes. A "Prophecy of the Popes" is attributed to St. Malachy, which is claimed to predict that there would be only 112 more popes before the Last Judgment.

Putin’s Advisor

The Zetas have confirmed that Putin has an alien buddy who advises him. Due perhaps to the nuclear threat the US and Russia pose to the world, these two countries have had a similar history. How do they compare? Aliens visiting the Earth are divided into Service-to-Other (empathetic) and Service-to-Self (control oriented). Both groups have sought to influence the US and Russia. The predominant ratio between the spiritual orientations is 95% in the Service-to-Other and 5% in the Service-to-Self.  This is true of the Universe in general, and true here on Earth.

The US is in the news over the Roswell incident, and Brazil had a similar incident, but what about the rest of the world? Russia has also claimed crashed ships and alien bodies.

ZetaTalk Roswell 7/15/1995: Roswell is all the rage here in the United States. It is the flagbearer in the parade of those who march to learn the truth. The facts are well known, and the facts that are known relate almost completely to the truth. This is a true story.

ZetaTalk Brazil Roswell 7/15/1996:As in Roswell, several aliens in the Service-to-Other determined to sacrifice themselves and undergo terror and injury, pain and death, in order to achieve this end. As with Roswell, their ship was deliberately crashed, but unlike Roswell where all were supposed to die in the crash, most of the occupants were to live, and live in a pitiable situation. This they did, and their angst was not acting, as they were injured and terrified. Per plan, they met with talkative and impressionable children, who told their story to everyone they could, as expected.

ZetaTalk Shaitan Mazar 11/10/2012: With an abundance of official documentation, this UFO incident can hardly be dubbed a hoax. The visitors use manipulation of gravity and magnetism to hover, as we have stated, and thus crashed the housing was cracked and control over the flood of sub atomic gravitons and magnetons and electrons was lost. This control was lost even before the crash, as noted by the Russian MIGs who were chasing the ship. Their electrical equipment became overwhelmed and shut down. In that the Element of Doubt prevailed in this instance, the Service-to-Self aliens responsible for this mess were required to quickly clean it up, so no trace now exists.

To match the US claim of a Majestic 12 group that chats with aliens, Putin has a personal buddy that he chats with too. The old MJ12 went into transition to prevent Bush family mischief, but a new MJ12 emerged. The majority of aliens visiting mankind are not hominoids, and communicate telepathically.

ZetaTalk MJ12 11/15/1996: President John F. Kennedy was killed under orders of MJ12 as he was threatening to tell the American public the truth about Roswell. The CIA wanted the knowledge they hoped to get from the Service-to-Self aliens who were playing them along, and they wanted this knowledge for themselves and themselves only. Thus, they used their influence with MJ12, which in those days was considerable, to press for JFK's assassination, which they were allowed to implement when the order was finally given.

ZetaTalk MJ12 Suicide 1/15/2001: Because of the distress the governing boards of MJ12 felt over what they were certain were plans to misuse the Zeta travel service, they disbanded themselves. This happened in December, after the election, and they allowed a two week closedown.

ZetaTalk Putin 12/14/2013: Q: Did Putin meet with a live alien as claimed? A: Absolutely, and it wasn’t a Zeta either. It wasn’t even a hominoid. He’s had many conversations with this entity.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/21/2025: We have stated that the Earth is being visited by over 1,000 different alien life forms grouped into approximately 40 different working groups. Most participate in contact with the human population of Earth, but where the physical appearance of the visitor would be a shock and thus interfere with the message, a screen memory is superimposed. We, the Zetas, predominate in the US and Skinny Bob is indeed a Zeta, as Nancy’s drawings attest. Putin’s personal advisor is not a hominoid, but is intensely loving and as the influence of Russia on the world shows, very wise.