Zetas RIGHT Again!
Well, Jim, the reason that [computer assisted] is in brackets is because
IT DID NOT CHANGE IN ZETATALK. Please check the Comet Visible page
noted, and you will see "naked eye" there. There was discussion on
sci.astro as to whether naked eye meant
1. without any scope at all
2. with a scope, but without much magnification
3. with a scope that magnifies extensively
4. with a scope that can screen out x light and filter for z light, etc.
In that it appears that "naked eye" could be taken to mean someone
gazing at the sky with the bare eyeball alone, I CLARIFIED. Your eye,
with the equipment available to you, can "see" it. That's what the
10/29/01 clarification meant.
In Article <3BEDF805.D434C2E8@home.com> Jim wrote:
> Nancy has been posting this quote since 1995:
> The naked eye will begin to register increased brightness
> approximately 1 year 7 months before the cataclysms, or late
> in the year 2001.
> ZetaTalkā¢ in Comet Visible
> http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p29.htm
> However since it is now 1 year and 7 months before her
> date of her imaginary planet and she still insists nothing
> but an observatory can see it she has changed the passage
> to:
> The [computer assisted] eye will begin to register
> increased brightness approximately 1 year 7 months
> before the cataclysms, or late in the year 2001.
> ZetaTalkā¢ in Comet Visible
> http://www.zetatalk.com/usenet/use90280.htm
> as posted on sci.astro on 10/29/01.