Planet X: OFFSET from Global Coordinates
I wanted to get into this discussion with Jim Scotti but he didn’t bite.
> Have YOU, Jim Scotti, noticed near objects in the red
> spectrum apparing to be in different places, depending
> upon what the red light must pass by, or the location
> of the viewer on the surface of the Earth, or whether
> the red object is to be viewed at either horizon or
> overhead, etc?
(Posting at
So I’ll go to the dance anyway. Pierre posted, on his web site, where
Planet X was sighted on Jan 5th and 19th, as well as where the Zeta
Global Coordinates were around those dates
> I have added the comparison between observed and
> announced positions of Nibiru (for 01/05 and 01/19):
And I added those Global Coordinates to a copy of that image.
(Page at
and added arrows showing DIRECTION from the Global Coordinates to where
found. You can see a difference between France and South-East US
(assumed to be Open Minded’s location). Way back in March when I tried
to get Jim Scotti involved in this discussion, the Zetas were telling me
that lattitude (north/sourth from Equator), as well as angle (horizon vs
overhead) were significant factors in the red light bending. From
existing ZetaTalk:
We give coordinates that will best allow man to locate
this red planet, as depending on:
- the viewers location on Earth, as to latitude, as distance
from the equator affects the thickness of the atmosphere
pooled at the equator and also is affected by factors in
the solar system to the north or south, which can differ.
- the time of night when they are seeking a peek or to
take an image, thus affecting the amount of atmosphere
red light must pass through as it will be either traveling
through more atmosphere if at an angle or less if
- competition from other light sources, so that the normal
requirement to seek to view on a dark, clear night and
eliminate light scatter from cloud cover or pollution or
nearby city lights applies in viewing Planet X to a
greater degree, as red light can more easily be bend and
become something other to the eye or camera than what
it would be if registered as coming from the source.
ZetaTalk™, Red Light