Planet X vs Sun: Solar Disinformation PLAN
The issue of the Sun causing our current global symptoms, used as an
excuse right up until the pole shift on or about May 15, 2003, has been
around since 1998 by NASA, when it was clearly announced that there was
an INTENTION to use the Sun as an excuse, that this solar cycle was
expected to be worse than usual. Mitch of Earth Changes TV has used
this as his reason for being for the last several years, thus no doubt
the Internet rumors. This was addresssed recently during the Live
ZetaTalk IRC Sessions, on May 18, 2002, where the Zetas pointed out that
this is not an after-the-fact explanation but a PLAN, without evidence,
made years before the disinformation was mustered forth. Since the PLAN
had no evidence to support it, it reveals that it is a disinformation
plan, solely.
"We're more vulnerable (to such electrical cataclysms)
than we used to be because of the increasing
interconnection of society," warns solar physicist Don
J. Michels of the Naval Research Laboratory in
Washington, D.C. ... But the breakdown has already
started: "In the last two years, you can easily see an
increase in solar activity. The (solar) magnetic field
lines are breaking apart," says Steve Hill, a researcher
at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,
Md. NASA and the Defense Department are scrambling
to launch satellites that can give advance warning of
incoming solar storms. The military is especially
concerned because of the possible failure of
reconnaissance satellites ... At the American
Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco this
month, NASA, the National Science Foundation, the
Boulder, Colo.-based Space Science Institute and
others distributed a slick, colorful brochure that
begins: "The Forecast? Look for Storms, Gale-Force
Winds, and Plasma Blobs." ( "Plasma" refers to clouds
of electrons and ionized particles.)
Coming Solar Storms Could Wreak Holy Havoc on Earth
San Francisco Examiner, December 27, 1998
What is termed sunspots have long been recognized
to have an effect on life on Earth - static on the radio,
disrupted satellite transmissions, and some weather
anomalies caused by what we would call tornado
activity in the upper atmosphere due to rapid heating
of the air there - but few of their effects are known. ...
Thus, the Sun's core swirls, and when lighter elements
rush toward the surface their motion is not impeded by
the gaseous surface and overshooting occurs - a solar
flare. Solar flares affect the activity of fish and kelp
in the sea, in that water bends and deflects some
energy rays and thus concentrates them. Just as humans
find themselves more restless during a full moon, life
in the sea is a bit more restless during solar flares -
energized. Solar flares do not affect the core of the
Earth, nor are they causing increased earthquake
activity. This explanation by the establishment for
increased activity in the Earth's core is to avoid
mentioning the approach of [Planet X], and is easily
rebutted. Have sunspots resulted in earthquakes in
the past?
ZetaTalkā¢, Solar Flares
written June, 1996
(NancyL) 1. Here is a news article on satellites and
solar winds, if you could explain what the zetas think
of it that.
(NancyL) ZT: Lately, in early 2002, there has been
noticable satellite trouble. As we mentioned over a year
ago, problems with the SOHO and other satellites were
due NOT to the Sun, but to the approaching Planet X.
Then the problem seemed to go away, but this was, as
we mentioned some months ago, due to the US
government and others lofting additional satellites to
cover such outages. They did not report this, and the
public is in general unaware of just how MANY
satellites are aloft. For instance, by using China and
other launch sites, remote and inaccessible to the news
reporters, the public becomes unaware of how many
satellites the intelligence community has aloft. So
what is then causing the new outages? Is this
interference from the Sun, as reported? We have
predicted that satellite problems will be so common
by mid-2002 that phone conversations will on occasion
drop, and e-mail be delayed to the point of being
returned to sender on occasion. Regardless of how
many satellites are lofted, ALL will on occasion
sputter, and this will be noticeable by mid-2002. This
is caused by the same disturbances in the equilibrium
of the solar system that is causing magnetic diffusion
in your Earth's core, and heating and swirling of the
core. Mankind does not understand or comprehend
the multitude of sub-atomic particles that exist, and
flow in patterns and have balance in the solar system.
Distrupted equilibrium means so much MORE than
merely gravity and magnetism. Thus, the STORY
LINE will be the Sun, having a Mega-Cycle, as was
floated out some years ago by NASA lackies. How
did they KNOW this would be, per their story, a
Mega-Cycle? No data is proferred to the public, and
the current satellite problems will be proferred
instead as PROOF. But go back to when the story
was first floated. How did they know, supposedly,
THEN that this would be a Mega-Cycle. This is
how the public can determine that this IS, indeed, a
cover for the approaching Planet X.
(NancyL) End ZT Followup?
Chat Log, May 18, 2002