Re: ZetaBabble [tm]
In Article <avdp3q$gv9$> Jim Scotti wrote:
>>> I've looked at the images that Mr. Havas claims
>>> shows planet X. What they are identifying is just noise.
>> That's what the huge SPLOTCH on the Dec 28th image is?
> Oh, you mean that splotch of noise that your minions
> pointed to that is far to faint to be the object you
> want it to be?
The splotch is not Planet X, it's several swirls of moons,
overlapping so they compound in density. But as with
Planet X, a smoldering brown dwarf that has a DIFFUSE
light, in the red spectrum notorious for spreading so that
little of the light arrives after a distance in the same
SPOT, as exemplified by by the TWO personas that
register as somthing recognizable, the Moon Swirls, which
reflect this same red light, are diffuse and register as
scattered light. How is it that M31, considered a HIGH
magnitude, is barely visible in the night sky because it is
DIFFUSE. It is allowed this, but Planet X and its Moon
Swirls are not, apparently.
> I WANT every reader to go out and look for themselves.
> The object should already be one of the brightest objects
> in the sky but it just isn't there, is it?
You want every reader to go out and look for the a
BRIGHT object, and be disappointed, and come to the
conclusion it is not there. This is clear. For them to go
out and look as amateurs are doing, ACCORDING TO
OUR DIRECTIONS, for a smoldering brown dwarf,
about 1/3 the size of Uranus on September 15th, exuding
light in the red spectrum, including infrared, so that
filtering must be done FOR red, which red light is
scattering due to the broad spectrum red light assumes.
It IS registering, and moving according to our coordinates,
given months before the date in most cases. Would you
tell them to go look for Uranus, with amateur scopes, as
it is reflecting MORE sunlight than Planet X and is
infinitely closer being within the known solar system
where Planet X is some 4 Sun-Pluto distances away, and is
per that distance multiples larger than Planet X? NO? But
you'd mislead them on THIS issue. Go look for one of
the brightest objects in the sky, says you. Can't see it,
blinding light that it is? Then it's not THERE, says you.
Yes, we can see you REALLY want the public to see
what you, presumably, and the Pope and NASA know
is there. Very fair of you, Jim. YOU know, presumably,
the POPE knows, NASA knows, but the readership
should be denied this information.
>> It is as a body 4 times the diameter of Earth and about half
>> way in from its dither point between its two foci, some 9
>> Sun-Pluto distances OUT.
> You're still clinging to orbits having two populated foci,
> aren't you?
Its OUR smoldering brown dwarf that you are pointing
folks to look at, NOT something your limited human
brain and knowledge can comprehend! If you're telling
people to go look at YOUR interpretation of what is
possible, then SAY so. Don't confuse our statements
with YOURS. To do so is misleading, and DELIBERATELY
so. Or are you simply mentally limited, unable to sort the
two out, having as we said an identity crisis? You
disagree with an associate, so you mix in YOUR
interpretations and concepts with what he said, and this
is how things are run at the University of Arizona? We
think not.
> 9 Sun-Pluto distance out, eh, and it's supposed to zip past
> us in about 4 months? By what sort of imaginery physics
> does your object move? It sure isn't any kind of physics
> I'm familiar with.
>> See: Distance, (
>> See: Speed, (
>> See: Size Guide, (
>> See: Sling Orbit, (
>> See: Predicted Appearance, (
>> See: Table of Distances, (
Tie somthing heavy at the end of a string. Swing that
object gently back and forth under your hand to get a pendulum
effect going. Hold your hand steady while you watch as the
object is on the FAR side, gravity pulling back on it, it returns
to the center but it's momentum takes it to the FAR side on
the opposite side. Or go to an amusement park and jump on a
few rides with the kiddies. After awhile, it will sink in. I realize
this is an astonishing concept to grasp, new and all, but give
yourself time.
> Jim Scotti
> Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
> University of Arizona
> Tucson, AZ 85721 USA