Democrat Demise
What is the nexus among the group of Democrats and their
supporters that received a faux mail bomb between October 22 and
24? The Soros residence received the first and it was exploded
in the yard. Then Obama and the Clintons each received a
package, which was of course processed by the Secret Service.
Thus we have billionaire supporters – Soros and Steyer. Obama’s
Administration – CIA Brennan, DNI Clapper, AG Holder, and VP
Biden. Clinton’s Campaign – DNC Wasserman-Schultz as the return
address. Senators - NJ Booker, CA Harris, CA Waters. And
Hollywood supporter – de Niro.

Finger pointing immediately began, with the Democrats pointing
to an angry Trump supporter and the Republicans declaring a
False Flag and pointing to calls for violence by prominent
Democrats. The ISIS logo and misspellings were taken to be an
attempt to deflect suspicion from the real perpetrator. Per the
Zetas, it is none of the above, but someone above this gaggle.
Who might that be? The New World Order crowd wants Trump
deposed, but the way the Democrats are going about it will not
succeed. Per the Zetas, this was a warning to the bumbling
Democrats from the New World Order.

- Bomb Disposal Officer: Today’s Pipe
Bombs – Appear to be “Hoax Devices”
October 24, 2018
- Several bombs were sent out to
Democrat leaders – none of which detonated. The Secret
Service announced that ;suspicious packages were sent to
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. George Soros, former AG
Eric Holder, Rep. Maxine Waters were also sent mail bombs.
The return address name on the suspicious packages sent to
Clinton, Obama, Holder and Maxine Waters belonged to Rep.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz. But now it appears this was all
a hoax! The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have
an alarm function.
- Mail Bomb sent to John Brennan
Allegedly had Fake ISIS Flag with Sex Toys, 'Get 'Er Done'
on It
October 24, 2018
- The one addressed to Brennan, now
a senior analyst with NBC News and MSNBC, arrived at CNN
instead. That bomb had a parody ISIS flag with silhouettes
of women and sex toys above the words “Get ‘Er Done”
- Suspicious Packages Addressed to
former Vice President Joe Biden, Robert De Niro
October 24, 2018
- Former Vice President Joe Biden
and actor Robert De Niro - both prominent critics of the
Trump administration -- were the targets of
suspicious packages, one day after several similar parcels
were sent to the homes and businesses of various
Democratic politicos.

ZetaTalk Insight
10/31/2018: The
onslaught of supposed pipe bombs mailed to Democrats on
October 24 is a hoax, as is known. It was at first presumed to
be an attack by an ultra-right maniac, but no harm came to the
Democrats receiving these packages. The story dominated the
news cycle for the entire day. It was then assumed that the
Democrats themselves sent these packages in order to garner
sympathy. But as the evidence quickly pointed to a hoax these
theories fell apart. Highly visible clues were designed to
mislead the public - ISIS lettering and misspelled names and
addresses on the packages – as though someone from the Middle
East might have sent the packages.
The Soros bomb exploded so
the authorities would take the others seriously. But they were
duds, filled with glass shards, with an electronic clock that
was incapable
of triggering a device. It had no alarm function. Since
it is apparent that the anticipated Blue Wave is going to be a
Red Wave, the Democrats are desperate. False accusations
against Kavanaugh, the Warren DNA blunder, and the Soros
funded Caravan marching to the Mexican border have not
succeeded in turning that tide. The Democrats have no message
to counter Trump’s booming economy and jobs reports.
Despite Democratic blunders,
they are not the perpetrators, though the agenda behind these
hoax mail bombs is intended to stop the Democrats from
blundering on. Hillary is even allowing hints of another run
in 2020, despite her failing health and lack of popularity.
Those who received packages have a common nexus in past
criminal conduct to protect and promote Hillary or, in the
case of Waters and Holder and De Niro, openly suggesting
violence against Republicans. The perpetrator was not hoping
to garner sympathy for the Democrats, but rather to remind the
public of their crimes.
An inherent message in the
bomb packages was to send a warning to the recipients. Stop
doing what you are doing to thwart the Trump administration,
as you are only turning people to vote for Trump. The
perpetrators want Democrats in charge, want them to win the
Mid-Terms, and want Trump blocked in the House and deposed in
2020. The New World Order crowd is desperate to block Trump
and his Junta. Private messages to the blundering Democrats
have not succeeded, and they are too well known to just be
gunned down, so the message is “Stop what you’re doing. We
know where you live!”

- Maxine Waters Encourages Supporters
to Harass Trump Administration Officials
June 25, 2018
- Rep. Maxine Waters called on her
supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the
Trump administration. The comments, which come after
several Trump administration officials have been recently
protested at restaurants, have raised fresh questions
about the state of American political discourse.
- Eric Holder: ‘When They go Low, we
Kick ’em’
October 11, 2018
- “When they go low, we kick ‘em,”
the 67-year-old former Obama Administration AG declared
during a campaign swing in McDonough Ga. “That’s what the
new Democratic Party is about.”
- Count on Hillary Clinton Running
again in 2020
October 20, 2018
- Trying to silence Clinton is a
lost cause and, even if it succeeded, wouldn’t cure what
ails Democrats. Implicit in the charge that Clinton is the
problem is the assumption that others are the solution.
It’s a fair point — until you try to name any Dem who has
a better shot at serving as the party’s leader, uniting it
around a message and potentially defeating Trump in 2020.
- Robert De Niro Bleeped at Tony Awards
for Trump F-bomb
June 11, 2018
- With a bleep on live television
and double fists raised in the air, Robert De Niro got the
theater crowd on its feet at the Tony Awards. De Niro, a
staunch Trump opponent, dropped a couple of F-bombs heard
clearly by the Radio City Music crowd.
- Former CIA director says Trump's
Press Conference with Putin was 'Nothing Short of
July 16, 2018
- Former CIA Director John Brennan
on Monday said President Donald Trump's behavior and
statements during a joint press conference with Russian
President Vladimir Putin was "nothing short of
The patsy for this operation was quickly caught by the
coordinated efforts of state and federal agencies. He certainly
fit the role, but as someone who worked and danced at strip
clubs, lifted weights and took steroids, was living in his van
and taking odd jobs, many doubted he was alone. Did he have
help? The whole bomb package operation hardly helped Trump
and the Republicans, and many suspect a
secret hand guiding Sayoc.

- 'Lost' White Supremacist MAGAbomber
thought USA 'was Going Down the Toilet'
October 26, 2018
- Cesar Altier Sayoc, 56, was taken
into custody in Plantation, Florida. He is an avid Trump
fan with an interest in bodybuilding who says he is a
member of the Seminole tribe. His lawyer said tonight he
is 'lost and sick individual’ who isolated himself from
his family but eventually 'found a father' in President
Trump. He identified as a 'white supremacist' and an
Anti-Semitic. In the 1990s, Sayoc traveled the country and
worked as a male stripper after failing to become a pro
On October 13 a group of Hondurans was quickly assembled to
make the trek to the US border, ostensibly seeking asylum. Most
interviewed frankly admitted they were looking for a better
life, jobs, and asylum was not the issue at all. What became an
invading horde intended to swarm and overwhelm the US border
rose to 5,000 people passing through Guatemala, and after
overwhelming the Mexican border guards there it grew to 7,000 or
even a reported 14,000.

- Photos of the Central American
Immigrant Caravan
October 22, 2018
- On October 13, a group of
hundreds of people gathered together to flee their
impoverished home country of Honduras in a caravan headed
toward the United States, seeking a better life for
themselves and their families. That caravan quickly
swelled to approximately 7,000 Central American immigrants
as it passed north through Guatemala.
- 5000 Honduran Migrants March to US as
Donald Trump Vows to Halt Them
October 24, 2018
- Mexican authorities had managed
to block the “caravan” of migrants on a border bridge
between Mexico and Guatemala, but many later forged the
river below using makeshift rafts - regrouping early
Sunday to march north.
Was the Caravan deliberately arranged to assist the Democrats
during the Mid-Term elections? The timing is perfect, as they
would arrive just at or during the Mid-Term election day. Trump
would be shown as cruel and the Democrats as caring and kind. On
the other hand, perhaps the citizens of the US do not wish to be
invaded by a horde that will likely demand benefits and bring
crime and drugs. But there is no doubt that the migrants
were paid to go on the road.

- Soros? Video Purportedly Shows People
Being Paid To Join Honduran Caravan
October 22, 2018
- It probably wouldn’t take much
money to tempt them. The average monthly income in
Honduras is about $230 U.S., and that’s if a person
actually has a job in its shattered economy.
- Honduran ex-Lawmaker who Helped
Arrange Massive Migrant Caravan to US is Detained
October 16, 2018
- A former Honduran lawmaker
traveling with a caravan of migrants heading toward the
U.S.-Mexico border was detained by authorities in
Guatemala. Ex-legislator Bartolo Fuentes, who is said to
have organized the march, was detained by Guatemalan
authorities after failing to register with migration
officials upon entering the country.
- We want America’ Migrant Caravan
Refuse offers of Housing and Jobs in Mexico
October 27, 2018
- Authorities south of the US
border have stepped in to offer aid in the form of food,
shelter, medical care, as well as education and jobs to
those in need. But the thousands of Central American
migrants have reportedly refused all offers of help –
saying they want to get to the United States. Mexico’s
President Enrique Pena Nieto made the generous offer on
Friday, telling the caravan migrants they could apply for
refugee status in his country provided they agreed to stay
in the two southern states. However, a show of hands vote
held in the town of Arriaga saw hordes turn down any help,
with the majority insisting their final destination had to
be the US.
Guatemala attempted to stop the caravan by arresting the
coordinator, Bartolo Fuentes, and Mexico attempted to hold back
the horde at their southern border and during their trek. But
the horde would not be stopped. The assumption was that Catch
and Release was their ticket, but Trump had a few trump cards to
play. The US military will be at the border, and Executive
Orders could change the rules and result in a quick return to
Honduras. The stage has been set for drama!

- Mattis Approves Request for more
Troops to Southern Border, amid Migrant Caravan’s March
October 26, 2018
- Officials are looking at sending
800 troops, but one official called that estimate “the
floor” – saying it could increase as military planners
work through the request from DHS to help the Border
- White House weighs Executive Actions
to Block Migrant Caravan at the Border
October 25, 2018
- The statute states that the
president can suspend entry of foreigners deemed
“detrimental to the interests of the United States.” The
Supreme Court ultimately upheld the third version of the
travel ban in June. In a 5-4 decision, the justices ruled
the president has vast powers in the realm of national
security. The broader regulation would give Trump the
power to issue a proclamation to block certain groups of
migrants from seeking asylum.
- Now Mexicans are Being Mean to the
October 25, 2018
- An estimated 500 people have
voluntarily accepted bus trips back to their home
countries, and 1,700 have dropped out to apply for asylum
in Mexico. Mexican police pulling over a vehicle carrying
hitchhikers from the caravan and ordering everyone who
wasn't a Mexican citizen to get off of the truck. Forcing
the migrants to walk under the scorching midday heat may
eventually take a toll on their health and compel more of
them to take free buses back to Honduras. The Mexican
federal government has flatly refused to provide any aide
to the migrants: not a single meal, a bathroom or a bottle
of water. It has reserved those only for migrants who turn
themselves in at immigration offices to apply for visas or
be deported.
Those struggling to survive in
the sinking and crumbling Caribbean islands and Central American
lands should look in two directions, per the Zetas. Colombia is
high land and a route to high land along the Andes. Peru is
already accepting immigrants from Venezuela and Haiti. And
Mexico will also do extremely well during and after the Pole
Shift. The US, on the other hand, must deal with migrating its
own population on the East Coast and Mississippi Valley to the
West. It must look to its own.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2001: Colombia
will stand as the high ground that frantic survivors in
Central America will scramble toward during the shift. As
Panama is the point where water today flows between the
Pacific and the Caribbean, this is bridge to safety that will
wash out early during the hour of the shift. However, any
survivors clinging to floating material will wash up on
Columbia's shores, wanting rescue to be fed and housed.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2001: Much
of Mexico will remain intact after the pole shift, but those
portions close to Central America will experience the same
destruction from fault line crossing and plate crumbling that
Central America and the Caribeaan will experience. Stay
inland, central to Mexico as a country, for best results. The
inland desert or semi-desert regions of Mexico, which suffer
from a lack of water when westerly winds dump their moisture
when first coming inland, will find their climate changing.
They will flourish in vegetation in the Aftertime, due to a
changed climate, which will remain temperate and fairly close
to the equator. With oceans to the new south and north, they
will find rains plentiful, and these former deserts will
Mars Plume
NASA has stated unequivocally that Mars did not have water. Did
not have an atmosphere. Was devoid of life, thus. Finally in
2008, when forced by clear evidence that Mars at one time had surface water, NASA admitted that in
the past, this was likely the case. By 2012 the Rover images
showed a mouse on the run, and the hawks the Annunaki had brought to
Mars to hunt them. A goat or sheep head
was in evidence, and an Annunaki
child’s toy was lying in the dust.

But NASA was adamant. Mars did not have atmosphere! And surface
water was a thing of the past. But lo, in 2018 from a dormant
volcano, a plume of water vapor emerged, a thousand miles long.
There were two options for NASA – either it was a dormant
volcano erupting, or it was water vapor! In their answers, they
even say the word “atmosphere”. I thought Mars didn’t have an
atmosphere. Are they going to admit they have been lying all
these years?

- A Volcanic Eruption on Mars? Nope
October 26, 2018
- It’s just a cloud. A very long
cloud. A photograph from a spacecraft orbiting Mars shows
a long, white wisp, close to a thousand miles long,
spilling out of a giant volcano. Could the volcano,
thought to be dormant for some 50 million years, be about
to blow? Planetary scientists confidently say no.
- Massive Cloud Forming Over One of
Mars' Biggest Volcanoes Is Icy Water Vapor, Not Eruption
October 27, 2018
- When wind hitting a massive
structure such as a mountain—Arsia Mons in this case—is
forced upwards, cooling and expanding due to lower
atmospheric pressure. As a result, water vapor contained
within can condense and freeze into clouds. Scientists
detected similar clouds in 2009, 2012, and 2015, all
during the Martian winter season—which is also occurring
right now, accompanied by recent dust storms that could
have made the clouds more visible. (Those dust storms
throw tiny grains far up into the atmosphere, providing an
ideal anchor for freezing ice.)
- Volcanology of Mars
- Scientists have known since the
Mariner 9 mission in 1972 that volcanic features cover
large portions of the Martian surface. These features
include extensive lava flows, vast lava plains, and the
largest known volcanoes in the Solar System.
ZetaTalk Comment
10/31/2018: Having
denied that Mars had any water, NASA is now being forced to
admit that water vapor is rising in a massive stream from a
dormant volcano on Mars. Pray tell, where did that water vapor
come from? Of course it is rising from the underground
chambers that holds most of Mars water, having been poured
down into those chambers by the Annunaki when they washed
their gold ore with this flow. Unless frozen solid, water will
vaporize and find an outlet, which is what occurred recently.
Were it not for the dust storms, the NASA lie would still be
in vogue.